This is the preliminary (or launch) version of the 2025-2026 VCU Bulletin. Courses that expose students to cutting-edge content and transformative learning may be added and notification of additional program approvals may be received prior to finalization. General education program content is also subject to change. The final edition and full PDF version will include these updates and will be available in August prior to the beginning of the fall semester.

Graduate students in good academic standing, according to the academic rules and regulations articulated in the Graduate Bulletin and by individual graduate programs, may request to withdraw from a graduate program at any time. Students should notify their graduate program directors as soon as possible of the intent to withdraw from the program. The program director will then notify the Graduate School via the special action form procedure. The effective term of withdrawal is recorded as the end of the last term of active registration.

Withdrawal from a program does not constitute a withdrawal from course work. Students who wish to also withdraw from classes should do so according to the procedures on the Course drop vs. withdrawal page of the universitywide academic regulations.

Students who are not in good academic standing should be reviewed for possible dismissal from their academic programs as prescribed elsewhere in this section (see Dismissal from a graduate program and appeal process).

Revised 5/8/2012
University Graduate Council