Repeated courses

Because some programs do not allow students to repeat courses, any student planning to do so must first consult their graduate program director. The credits attempted and the grade points earned for all attempts are included in computing the cumulative GPA, unless the program participates in the historical repeat policy. If programs choose to use the historical repeat policy, this should be made evident to all students, and applied for all eligible courses without bias.

Historical repeat policy

With the necessary program approval, a graduate student can apply the historical repeat policy for a didactic course in which a grade of C, D or F is earned on the first attempt for a maximum of two graduate courses during the degree. The credits attempted and the grade points earned for all excluded historical repeats are not included in computing the cumulative and program GPA. A course can be taken as a historical repeat only once (if available) and the passing grade may be counted only once as credits presented toward all GPA calculations. Grades for all attempted courses remain on the student’s permanent record. Students may not invoke the historical repeat policy for courses using the pass/fail (P/F), satisfactory/unsatisfactory/fail (S/U/F) or incomplete/fail (FI) grading system. Additionally, this policy cannot be used for courses in which an honor code violation grade has been assigned.

A repeated course using the historical repeat policy must be completed within the approved period provided by the program and prior to graduation. The student should complete the graduate historical repeat course option form upon completion of the repeated course and prior to graduation. The program GPA will be adjusted at the end of the semester when the historical repeat form is processed. The form is available online at the Office of the University Registrar Forms.

Students should contact their graduate program directors for confirmation of program participation in the historical repeat grade policy prior to registration. If receiving federal aid, students should also contact their financial counselors for more information about aid during satisfactory academic progress recovery.

Revised 3/23/23
University Graduate Council