This is the preliminary (or launch) version of the 2025-2026 VCU Bulletin. Courses that expose students to cutting-edge content and transformative learning may be added and notification of additional program approvals may be received prior to finalization. General education program content is also subject to change. The final edition and full PDF version will include these updates and will be available in August prior to the beginning of the fall semester.
IDES 103. Introductory Studio Course. 2 Hours.
Continuous course; 1 lecture and 2 laboratory hours. 2-2 credits. This course is an introduction to the complex and multifaceted field of interior design as an applied art and as a business for non-interior design majors. Basic design elements, principles and practices, historical and related architectural background material will be reviewed.
IDES 104. Introductory Studio Course. 2 Hours.
Continuous course; 1 lecture and 2 laboratory hours. 2-2 credits. This course is an introduction to the complex and multifaceted field of interior design as an applied art and as a business for non-interior design majors. Basic design elements, principles and practices, historical and related architectural background material will be reviewed.
IDES 201. Introductory Interior Design Studio I. 4 Hours.
Semester course; 2 lecture and 6 studio hours. 4 credits. Prerequisites: ARTF 131, ARTF 132, ARTF 133 and ARTF 134. Concurrent prerequisites: IDES 211 and IDES 231. Enrollment is restricted to interior design majors or other School of the Arts majors by approval. Introduction to identification and applications of fundamental interior design issues through applied projects. Emphasis includes developing design ideas, understanding design philosophies, design principles and elements, human factors, defining and solving problems creatively, analyzing spatial and functional requirements, applying design processes, creating an aesthetic space, and preparing a presentation as related to interior design.
IDES 202. Introductory Interior Design Studio II. 4 Hours.
Semester course; 2 lecture and 6 studio hours. 4 credits. Prerequisite: IDES 201. Concurrent prerequisites: IDES 212 and 311. Enrollment is restricted to interior design majors or other School of the Arts majors by approval. Expands upon the interior design issues introduced in IDES 201 through their application in small scale interiors projects of increasing size and complexity. Emphasizes the further development of methods and processes for design development, understanding of basic design principles and elements, and ways of analyzing design requirements through written, oral, graphic and three-dimensional documentation.
IDES 211. Interior Graphics I. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 1 lecture and 6 studio hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. Concurrent prerequisites: IDES 201 and 231. Enrollment is restricted to interior design majors or other majors by approval. Introduction to manual graphic communication techniques in interior design including drafting, sketching, rendering, perspective drawing, presentation formats and model-making for professional graphic presentations.
IDES 212. Interior Graphics II. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 1 lecture and 6 studio hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. Prerequisite: IDES 211. Concurrent prerequisites: IDES 202 and IDES 311. Enrollment is restricted to interior design majors or other School of the Arts majors by approval. Laptop computer required. Introduction to digital graphic communication language and techniques in interior design drafting, rendering, perspective drawing, presentation formats and 3-D visualization for professional graphic presentations.
IDES 231. Fundamentals of Interior Design. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Prerequisites: ARTF 131, ARTF 132, ARTF 133 and ARTF 134. Concurrent prerequisites: IDES 201 and IDES 211. Introduction to the theories, methods and processes of interior design. Facilitates the transition of skills and knowledge from the Art Foundation Program to specific interior design applications and focuses on analysis and evaluation of interior environments as a support and supplement to the studio experience.
IDES 241. Physical and Social Behavior. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Prerequisite: IDES 231. Theories of behavioral and social aspects of interior design. Study of how people interpret, evaluate and act in the built environment. Social, cultural and economic factors are included.
IDES 251. Historic Environments: Ancient Through 19th Century. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. Prerequisites: ARTH 103 and ARTH 104. Study of the major paradigms, theories and styles of the built environment (interior design, furniture and architecture) from antiquity to the late-19th century. Contemporary analysis of cultural conditions and the manner in which designers and architects respond to those conditions.
IDES 252. Historic Environments: 20th-21st Centuries. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. Prerequisites: ARTH 103 and ARTH 104. Study of the major paradigms, theories and styles of architecture, interior environments and furniture from the beginnings of modernism to the present day. Contemporary analysis of cultural conditions and the manner in which designers and architects respond to those conditions.
IDES 261. What is Good Design? A Survey of 20th- and 21st-century Design. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. This course poses the question, “What is good design?” Students will consider the ways that designers have responded to major shifts in technology, politics and the environment from the early 20th century to today. The purpose of this course is to promote a greater awareness of the larger cultural context within which value and meaning are discovered in design, as well as provide a competent knowledge of the architecture, interiors, furnishings, decorative arts, graphic design, fashion and industrial design of the past and present.
IDES 291. Topics in Interior Design. 1-3 Hours.
Semester course; 1-3 lecture hours. 1-3 credits. May be repeated with different topics for a maximum of three credits. A focus on topics related to interior design such as sustainability, acoustics, lighting, design thinking. See Schedule of Classes for specific topics to be offered.
IDES 301. Interior Design Studio I. 4 Hours.
Semester course; 2 lecture and 6 studio hours. 4 credits. Prerequisites: IDES 202; UNIV 200 or HONR 200. Concurrent prerequisites: IDES 312 and IDES 321. Discussion and application of design philosophies, theories and creative design strategies at the intermediate level. Emphasis includes: research, survey and analysis, design processes, spatial and functional analysis, design elements and principles, human factors, creative problem-solving, code requirements, selection of interior components, and preparation of a presentation.
IDES 302. Interior Design Studio II. 4 Hours.
Semester course; 2 lecture and 6 studio hours. 4 credits. Prerequisite: IDES 301. Continued discussion and application of design philosophies, theories and creative design strategies at the intermediate level and the study of construction documents on the computer as related to the design of interior environments and applied to a studio project. Emphasis includes research, survey and analysis, design processes, spatial and functional analysis, code requirements, and selection of interior components.
IDES 311. Advanced Interior Graphics I. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 1 lecture and 6 studio hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. Prerequisites: IDES 211. Concurrent prerequisites: IDES 202 and IDES 212. Enrollment is restricted to interior design majors. Laptop computer required. Advanced manual and digital graphic communication techniques in interior design including drafting, sketching, rendering, perspective drawing, presentation formats and model-making for professional graphic presentations.
IDES 312. Advanced Interior Graphics II. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 1 lecture and 6 studio hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. Prerequisite: IDES 212. Enrollment is restricted to interior design majors. Laptop computer required. Advanced digital graphic communication techniques in interior design including drafting, rendering, perspective drawing, presentation formats and 3-D imaging for professional graphic presentations.
IDES 321. Interior Materials and Textiles. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Enrollment is restricted to interior design majors. Investigation, selection and practical application of materials and textiles in interior environments.
IDES 322. Color in Interior Environments. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Prerequisites: all Art Foundation Program studio courses and IDES 231 or comparable experience by approval. Interior design and School of the Arts majors only. Advanced study of color and its impact on interior spaces; theory and practical applications.
IDES 323. Light and Color in Interior Environments. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. Prerequisite: IDES 202. Enrollment is restricted to interior design majors and other School of the Arts majors by approval. The study of illumination and color and their impact on people in interior spaces; theory and practical applications.
IDES 324. Furniture Design. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 1 lecture and 6 studio hours. 3 credits. Prerequisite: successful completion of the interior design sophomore portfolio review or permission of instructor. Interior design, crafts, sculpture and theater design majors only. Advanced study of furniture design and custom millwork as related to the design of interior environments. Original student designs are developed through the study of structure and materials.
IDES 330. The Business of Design. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. This course introduces basic global economics and general design business concepts such as the free enterprise system, legal forms of business and financial considerations. It also surveys business and management practices such as planning, decision-making, communication, global ethics, marketing, human resources, finance and entrepreneurial skills needed to open a design business. Crosslisted as: FASH 330/GDES 330.
IDES 370. Design History: 20th and 21st Centuries. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Prerequisites: ARTF 105-106. Study of the major theories and styles on communication arts, fashion and interior environments of the 20th and 21st centuries. Contemporary analysis of cultural conditions and the manner in which designers respond to those conditions. Crosslisted as: FASH 370/GDES 370.
IDES 391. Topics in Interior Design. 1-4 Hours.
Semester course; 1-4 studio or lecture hours. 1-4 credits. May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor. A study of a topical issue in interior design. See the Schedule of Classes for specific topics to be offered each semester.
IDES 400. Senior Interior Design Studio I. 4 Hours.
Semester course; 2 lecture and 6 studio hours. 4 credits. Prerequisite: IDES 302, IDES 321, IDES 323 and IDES 422. Enrollment is restricted to interior design majors. Continued discussion and application of design philosophies, theories and creative design strategies at the advanced level. Emphasis includes design elements and principles, human factors, creative problem-solving, preparation of a presentation and opportunities for submitting to design competitions.
IDES 401. Senior Interior Design Studio II. 4 Hours.
Semester course; 2 lecture and 6 studio hours. 4 credits. Prerequisites: IDES 441; and IDES 400, or IDES 405 and IDES 406. Enrollment is restricted to interior design majors. Department-approved senior interior design project. Advanced design experience of student's choice of an interior environment of complex scope and scale to meet the needs of specific clients and prepare students for the practice of the profession. The project addresses issues of design of the 21st century and integrates all aspects of the curriculum.
IDES 405. Middle of Broad: Interdisciplinary Community-engaged Design Studio. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 6 studio hours. 3 credits. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits. Prerequisites: ARTF 131, ARTF 132, ARTF 133 and ARTF 134. Students will work in an interdisciplinary design environment on community-based design projects. The course is a designated service-learning course. Crosslisted as: FASH 405.
IDES 406. Middle of Broad: Interior Design. 1 Hour.
Semester course; 1.5 studio hours. 1 credit. Prerequisite: IDES 302. Corequisite: IDES 405. Enrollment is restricted to interior design majors. Students will work in an intensive interdisciplinary design environment on community-based design projects and initiatives.
IDES 421. Construction Documents. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 1 lecture and 6 studio hours. 3 credits. Prerequisites: IDES 302, IDES 321, IDES 323 and IDES 422. Enrollment is restricted to interior design majors. Study of construction documents as related to the design of interior environments.
IDES 422. Building Systems. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Prerequisite: IDES 301. Enrollment is restricted to interior design majors. Contemporary theories and techniques in the design of buildings as related to interior design, small structural considerations, HVAC, acoustics, plumbing and the attributes of materials.
IDES 431. Interior Design Business Practices. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Prerequisite: IDES 202. Enrollment is restricted to interior design majors. Advanced study of the interior design profession as related to professional and business practices including: responsibilities, services, ethics, business and project management, and marketing.
IDES 441. Senior Design Seminar I. 2 Hours.
Semester course; 2 lecture hours. 2 credits. Prerequisites: IDES 251, IDES 252 and IDES 302. Enrollment is restricted to interior design majors. Discussions of current design theories, issues and concerns of the built environment, future studies and the global community as applied to senior studio.
IDES 442. Senior Design Seminar II. 2 Hours.
Semester course; 2 lecture hours. 2 credits. Prerequisites: IDES 441; and IDES 400, or IDES 405 and IDES 406. Enrollment is restricted to interior design majors. Continued discussions of current design theories, issues and concerns about the built environment, future studies and the global community as applied to senior studio.
IDES 491. Topics in Interior Design. 1-4 Hours.
Semester course; 1-4 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 1-4 credits. May be repeated for a maximum of eight credits. Enrollment requires permission of the instructor. An in-depth study of a topical issue in interior design. See the Schedule of Classes for specific topics to be offered each semester.
IDES 492. Independent Study in Interior Design. 1-3 Hours.
Semester course; variable hours. 1-3 credits. May be repeated for maximum of six credits. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing as a major in interior design. Learning experiences should be designed with the supervising faculty member in the form of a contract between student and instructor. This course is limited to those students who have demonstrated an exceptional level of ability and intense commitment to their discipline.
IDES 493. Interior Design Internship. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 credits. Prerequisite: IDES 431. Interior design majors only. Provides supervised practical work experiences that are coordinated with professional interior designers in the field. Formal arrangements must be made and approved by coordinator or department chair.
IDES 494. Interior Design Practicum. 0 Hours.
Semester course; 0 practicum hours. 0 credits. Prerequisite: IDES 431. Enrollment is restricted to interior design majors. Provides supervised practical work experiences that are coordinated with professionals in the interior design and/or related fields. Formal arrangements must be made and approved by the Department of Interior Design internship coordinator. The student must work a minimum of 120 hours during the semester. The on-site supervisor and student both complete evaluations of the learning experience at the internship's conclusion. Graded as pass/fail.
IDES 500. Art and Design Methods Workshop. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 1 lecture and 4 studio hours. 3 credits. May be repeated for a total of 12 credits. Open only to first-professional track graduate students in interior environments. Provides accelerated instruction in art and design methods for the student with no art background by fully immersing the student in a rigorous studio environment. Focuses on the development of 2-D and 3-D art and design skills including 2-D design methods, 3-D design methods, color theory, and drawing and presentation methods.
IDES 501. Introductory Graduate Design Studio I. 6 Hours.
Semester course; 2 lecture and 8 studio hours. 6 credits. Corequisite: IDES 511. Open to professional entry-level track graduate students in interior environments only. Provides accelerated studio and graphics instruction for designing interior environments for the entering professional entry-level track student that does not have previous experience in interior design. Introduces theories, methods and processes of interior design, facilitates specific interior design applications and focuses on analysis and evaluation of interior environments. Course work is highly sequenced and accelerates in complexity as the semester progresses and combines the development of technical skills with conceptual thinking and design development processes. Course emphasizes interior design development through studio projects and the development of the skills and practices of interior design.
IDES 502. Introductory Graduate Design Studio II. 6 Hours.
Semester course; 2 lecture and 8 studio hours. 6 credits. Corequisite: IDES 512. Open to professional entry-level track graduate students in interior environments only. Provides accelerated studio and graphics instruction for designing interior environments for the entering professional entry-level track student that does not have previous experience in interior design. Introduces theories, methods and processes of interior design, facilitates specific interior design applications and focuses on analysis and evaluation of interior environments. Course work is highly sequenced and accelerates in complexity as the semester progresses and combines the development of technical skills with conceptual thinking and design development processes. Course emphasizes interior design development through studio projects and the development of the skills and practices of interior design.
IDES 511. Introductory Graduate Graphics I. 3 Hours.
Semester courses; 1 lecture and 4 studio hours. 3 credits. Corequisite: IDES 501 for IDES 511, IDES 502 for 512. Open to professional entry-level track graduate students in interior environments only. Provides accelerated manual and computer graphics instruction for designing interior environments for the entering professional entry-level track student who does not have previous experience in interior design graphics. Course work is highly sequenced and accelerates in complexity as the semester progresses.
IDES 512. Introductory Graduate Graphics II. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 1 lecture and 4 studio hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. Corequisite: IDES 502. Enrollment is restricted to students in the M.F.A. in Design with a concentration in interior environments - professional entry-level option. Provides accelerated manual and computer graphics instruction for designing interior environments for the entering professional entry-level track student who does not have previous experience in interior design graphics. Course work is highly sequenced and accelerates in complexity as the semester progresses.
IDES 521. Advanced Material Studies for Interior Environments. 2 Hours.
Semester course; 2 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 2 credits. Enrollment is restricted to students in the M.F.A. in Design with a concentration in interior environments - professional entry-level option. Investigation, selection and practical application of materials and textiles in interior environments.
IDES 522. Environmental Factors for Interior Environments. 2 Hours.
Semester course; 2 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 2 credits. Enrollment is restricted to students in the M.F.A. in Design with a concentration in interior environments - professional entry-level option. Contemporary theories and techniques in the design of buildings as related to interior design, small structural considerations, HVAC, acoustics, plumbing and the attributes of building materials.
IDES 591. Topics in Interior Design. 1-3 Hours.
Semester course; 1-3 lecture hours. 1-3 credits. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits. Enrollment requires consent of the instructor. Explores selected topics of current and relevant interest in interior design. Topics will vary each semester and focus on the needs of the student.
IDES 601. Graduate Interior Environments Studio. 6 Hours.
Semester course; 12 studio hours. 6 credits. May be repeated twice. Open to graduate students in interior environments; graduate students from other School of the Arts graduate programs may enroll with the consent of the instructor. Prerequisites: IDES 501, 502, 511, 512 for professional entry-level students; none for post-professional students. Provides advanced studio for designing in specialized areas of interior environments. Topics will vary each semester.
IDES 611. Advanced Graphics for Interior Environments I. 2 Hours.
Semester course; 4 studio hours. 2 credits. Open only to first-professional track graduate students in interior environments. Provides advanced graphics instruction for designing interior environments for the first-professional track student. Course work is highly sequenced and accelerates in complexity as the semester progresses and focuses on the development of technical drawing, rendering and presentation skills for the interior designer.
IDES 612. Advanced Graphics for Interior Environments II. 2 Hours.
Semester course; 4 studio hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 2 credits. Enrollment is restricted to students in the M.F.A. in Design with a concentration in interior environments - professional entry-level option. Provides advanced graphics instruction for designing interior environments for the entry-level student using the computer. Course work is highly sequenced and accelerates in complexity as the semester progresses and focuses on the development of computer-based skills and programs such as AutoCAD, 3-D Viz and Form Z.
IDES 623. Advanced Design Studies. 3,6 Hours.
Semester course; 3 or 6 lecture/seminar hours. 3 or 6 credits. May be repeated. Prerequisites: IDES 501, 502, 511, 512 for professional entry-level students; none for post-professional students. Interior design majors only. Supervised investigation and presentation of selected problems and issues in interior design.
IDES 624. Advanced Furniture Design. 2 Hours.
Semester course; 4 studio hours. 2 credits. For first-professional track students only. Advanced study of furniture design and custom millwork as related to the design of interior environments. Original student designs are developed through the study of structure and materials.
IDES 626. Advanced Light and Color for Interior Environments. 2 Hours.
Semester course; 2 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 2 credits. Enrollment is restricted to students in the M.F.A. in Design with a concentration in interior environments - professional entry-level option. The study of illumination and its impact on people in interior spaces; theory and practical applications.
IDES 631. Ethics and Business Procedures for Interior Environments. 2 Hours.
Semester course; 2 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 2 credits. Enrollment is restricted to students in the M.F.A. in Design with a concentration in interior environments - professional entry-level option. Advanced study of the interior design profession as related to professional and business practices including: responsibilities, services, ethics, business and project management, and marketing.
IDES 635. Teaching Practicum in Interior Environments. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 1 lecture and 6 laboratory hours. 3 credits. Prerequisite: Completion of one graduate studio. Familiarizes students with different types of teaching methods and practices in interior design curriculums. Observation, instruction and practice in the design, organization, and conduct of courses in interior design. Explores multiple teaching strategies, student development, learning styles and evaluation techniques.
IDES 651. History and Theory of Interior Environments I. 2 Hours.
Semester course; 2 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 2 credits.Enrollment is restricted to students in the M.F.A. in Design with a concentration in interior environments - professional entry-level option. Study of the major paradigms, theories and styles of the built environment (interior design, furniture and architecture) from antiquity to the late-19th century.
IDES 652. History and Theory of Interior Environments II. 2 Hours.
Semester course; 2 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 2 credits. Study of the major paradigms, theories and styles of architecture, interior environments and furniture from the beginnings of modernism to the present day.
IDES 690. Graduate Seminar in Interior Environments. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. A detailed selected investigation of theoretical, historical, aesthetic and social areas of concern to the interior designer. Scholarly research, critical analysis and discussion are expected. The course requires investigative work using resources such as library and archive materials, journals, Internet sources, surveys, oral histories, interviews, case study design, and field documentation and evaluation.
IDES 692. Independent Study in Interior Environments. 1-6 Hours.
Semester course; 1-6 lecture hours. 1-6 credits. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits. Interior environments majors only. Prerequisite: approval from department chair. An in-depth study of a selected interior design topic.
IDES 693. Interior Design Internship. 2-6 Hours.
Semester course; 4-12 studio hours. 2-6 credits (taken in increments of 4 studio hours per 2 credits). Enrollment is restricted to students in the M.F.A. in Design with a concentration in interior environments and requires permission of the instructor. Provides supervised practical work experiences that are coordinated with professional interior designers under the guidance of interior design faculty. Formal arrangements must be made. Graded as Pass/Fail.
IDES 694. Graduate Interior Design Practicum. 0 Hours.
Semester course; 0 practicum hours. 0 credits. Prerequisite: IDES 631. Enrollment is restricted to students in the M.F.A. in Design with a concentration in interior environments Provides supervised practical work experiences that are coordinated with professionals in the interior design and/or related fields. Formal arrangements must be made and approved by the Department of Interior Design internship coordinator. The student must work a minimum of 180 hours during the semester. The on-site supervisor and student both complete evaluations of the learning experience at the internship's conclusion.
IDES 699. Creative Project - Thesis. 1-6 Hours.
Semester course; 2, 6 or 12 studio hours. 1, 3 or 6 credits. May be repeated. Prerequisite: Approval of Departmental Review Committee. The project must test an original design theory synthesized through the development of a design process, investigative research and an individual project of complex scale and scope.
IDES 800. Research Methods. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Prerequisites: graduate status and permission of chair. Explores the foundation and procedures of architectural and design research. Evidence-based design, alternate research methodologies and their philosophical and epistemological limitations.
IDES 801. Theories of Art and Design. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Prerequisites: graduate status and permission of chair. Development of art, architectural and design theories from antiquity to present. Emphasis is on the writings of contemporary leading theorists and historians. Students will apply these theories to contemporary current solutions as related to the creation of a healing environment; or students may explore the history of medicine or healing as expressed in the fine and applied arts.
IDES 811. Interdisciplinary Health Care Design Workshop I. 3 Hours.
One-week workshop. 3 credits. Prerequisites: graduate status and permission of chair. Contemporary issues in health care professions, health care design and environmental stewardship. Course consists of a one-week workshop that offers lectures from leading experts on a selected issue and an interdisciplinary design problem. Students receive reading assignments to be completed prior to the workshop. After the workshop, during exam week, students meet to present their solution to the design problem to the class and invited guest critics. Students also complete an original research paper on the design problem.
IDES 812. Interdisciplinary Health Care Design Workshop II. 3 Hours.
One-week workshop. 3 credits. Prerequisites: IDES 811, graduate status and permission of chair. Contemporary issues in health care professions, health care design and environmental stewardship. Course consists of a one-week workshop that offers lectures from leading experts on a selected issue and an interdisciplinary design problem. Students receive reading assignments to be completed prior to the workshop. After the workshop, during exam week, students meet to present their solution to the design problem to the class and invited guest critics. Students also complete an original research paper on the design problem.
IDES 820. Selected Topics in Health Care Design I. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Prerequisites: graduate status and permission of chair. Selected topics in health, health care design and health care administration.
IDES 821. Selected Topics in Health Care Design II. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Prerequisites: IDES 820 and graduate status. Continued exploration of selected topics in health, health care design and health care administration.
IDES 899. Dissertation. 3-12 Hours.
Variable hours. 3-12 credits. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: ABD status. Research and work leading to the completion of the dissertation thesis or dissertation project. Graded S/U/F.