This is the preliminary (or launch) version of the 2025-2026 VCU Bulletin. Courses that expose students to cutting-edge content and transformative learning may be added and notification of additional program approvals may be received prior to finalization. General education program content is also subject to change. The final edition and full PDF version will include these updates and will be available in August prior to the beginning of the fall semester.

SCPT 209. Introduction to Sculpture. 3 Hours.

Semester courses; 2 lecture and 3 studio hours. 3, 3 credits. Open to non-art majors only. The course will offer an opportunity for students to work with some of the ideas and materials of sculpture through slides, lecture and studio involvement.

SCPT 211. Materials and Techniques. 4 Hours.

Semester course; 2 lecture and 6 studio hours. 4 credits. Prerequisites: ARTF 131, ARTF 132, ARTF 133 and ARTF 134. Enrollment is restricted to students in the departments of Sculptu Education, Craft and Material Studies or Painting and Printmaking. The primary goal of this course is to survey the terrain of inherited materials, processes and techniques of the discipline. The student is introduced to historical tools and materials, with attention given to deep engagement.

SCPT 212. Basic Sculpture II. 4 Hours.

Semester course; 2 lecture and 6 studio hours. 4 credits. Prerequisite: SCPT 211. The primary goal of this course is the effective expression of ideas. The student uses advanced techniques that build upon the basic skills taught in Basic Sculpture I with attention given to problem-solving.

SCPT 215. Sophomore Seminar. 3 Hours.

Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Prerequisites: ARTF 131, ARTF 132, ARTF 133 and ARTF 134. Corequisite: SCPT 211. Enrollment is restricted sculpture majors. This course familiarizes students with contemporary artworks, as well as modern and postmodern concepts. Emphasis is placed on articulating and expanding upon individual interests in relation to studio practices.

SCPT 290. Concepts and Issues. 2 Hours.

Semester course; 2 lecture hours. 2 credits. Prerequisite: completion of Art Foundation. A lecture course that familiarizes students with contemporary artworks, as well as modern and postmodern concepts. This class presents contemporary issues in art through the presentation of media and visiting speakers. Visits to outside events and lectures will be required.

SCPT 301. Speculative Futures. 4 Hours.

Semester course; 6 studio hours. 4 credits. Prerequisite: SCPT 211. The course is intended to support research and experimentation in the making of sculptural work. The primary goal is the development of new materials and processes for students to bring to their studio practice. Students will develop advanced techniques that build upon research in materials and techniques with attention given to problem-solving and experimentation in non-traditional materials.

SCPT 311. Process and Practice. 4 Hours.

Semester course; 2 lecture and 6 studio hours. 4 credits. Prerequisite: SCPT 301. Enrollment is restricted to majors or minor in the Department of Sculpture and Extended Media. This course develops the student’s studio practice through a deep dive into creative processes and research methods for sustained independent investigation using a variety of materials.

SCPT 321. Figure Modeling. 3 Hours.

Semester course; 2 lecture and 3 studio hours. 3 credits. Prerequisite: completion of Art Foundation. This course provides instruction in fundamental figure modeling skills working with clay and from live models.

SCPT 322. Flexible Molds. 3 Hours.

Semester course; 2 lecture and 3 studio hours. 3 credits. Prerequisite: completion of Art Foundation. This course provides instruction on a variety of moldmaking techniques, including plaster and flexible moldmaking materials.

SCPT 323. Foundry. 4 Hours.

Semester course; 2 lecture and 6 studio hours. 4 credits. Prerequisite: SCPT 322. This course provides instruction in bronze and aluminum metal casting using the lost wax process, ceramic shell.

SCPT 330. Digital Fabrication. 4 Hours.

Semester course; 6 studio hours. 4 credits. Prerequisite: SCPT 211. The studio course focuses on computer modeling, 3D scanning and several forms of digital fabrication.

SCPT 331. Plastics. 2 Hours.

Semester course; 6 studio hours. 2 credits. Prerequisite: SCPT 211. A seven-week course that prioritizes the re-use of plastic waste to create new materials. Students will work with specialized plastic shredding and sheet forming equipment to create endlessly recyclable materials for sculptural creation.

SCPT 332. Homes. 2 Hours.

Semester course; 6 studio hours. 2 credits. Prerequisite: SCPT 211. A seven-week course that is designed to cover the skills and techniques required to build a housing structure. This includes basic building, framing, introduction to wiring, plumbing and maintenance.

SCPT 333. Metals. 2 Hours.

Semester course; 6 studio hours. 2 credits. Prerequisite: SCPT 211. A seven-week course that introduces students to working with metals. Techniques covered may include welding, cold connection, milling and others.

SCPT 334. Wood. 2 Hours.

Semester course; 6 studio hours. 2 credits. Prerequisite: SCPT 211. A seven-week course that introduces students to advanced techniques for working with wood. Techniques covered may include shaping, construction, milling and surface finishing.

SCPT 335. Found Objects. 2 Hours.

Semester course; 6 studio hours. 2 credits. Prerequisite: SCPT 211. A seven-week course that prioritizes capitalizing on the innate qualities of found objects. Work made will consider how existing materials and objects can be manipulated to create new narratives.

SCPT 336. Extended Media. 2 Hours.

Semester course; 6 studio hours. 2 credits. Prerequisite: SCPT 211. A seven-week course introduces students to the use of performance, sound and/or video to expand and extend their studio work.

SCPT 337. Ceramics for Sculpture. 2 Hours.

Semester course; 6 studio hours. 2 credits. Prerequisite: SCPT 211. A seven-week course that introduces students to basic techniques for working with clay; techniques covered will include hand-building, glazing and firing.

SCPT 338. Documenting Your Work. 2 Hours.

Semester course; 3 studio hours. 2 credits. Prerequisite: SCPT 211. This course will provide professional lighting, shooting and strategies for the student to capture the nature of their work, from micro to macro.

SCPT 339. Bodies. 2 Hours.

Semester course; 6 studio hours. 2 credits. Prerequisite: SCPT 211. A seven-week course that explores a number of topics in sculpture which may include performance, prosthetics, the figure and other embodied practices.

SCPT 340. Liquidity. 2 Hours.

Semester course; 6 studio hours. 2 credits. Prerequisite: SCPT 211. A seven-week course that allows for the exploration of numerous fluid processes which may include fluid dynamics, casting, plastics and mold-making.

SCPT 341. Surfaces. 2 Hours.

Semester course; 6 studio hours. 2 credits. Prerequisite: SCPT 211. A seven-week course that explores the application of final layers. Processes covered include color, surface finish, texture and other exterior issues.

SCPT 342. Heat. 2 Hours.

Semester course; 6 studio hours. 2 credits. Prerequisite: SCPT 211. A seven-week course that allows students to explore topics where the application of heat allows for transformation of materials. Some topics include foundry, melting and cooking.

SCPT 343. Vibes. 2 Hours.

Semester course; 6 studio hours. 2 credits. Prerequisite: SCPT 211. A seven-week course that introduces students to using sound, electricity and vibration in their studio projects. Topics may cover various software used for sound and learning to wire devices and spaces for sound or vibration.

SCPT 411. Advanced Practice in Sculpture. 4 Hours.

Semester course; 2 lecture and 6 studio hours. 4 credits. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits. Prerequisite: SCPT 311. Students work on advanced studio projects with critical feedback to develop a personal studio vocabulary of form. Faculty may introduce themes based on their expertise in the field.

SCPT 415. Senior Seminar. 3 Hours.

Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Prerequisite: SCPT 311. Enrollment is restricted to majors in the Department of Sculpture and Extended Media. This capstone course prepares students to navigate the profession. A focus on portfolio development, writing proposals and working with a mentor is completed in a problem-based simulation.

SCPT 417. Seminar in Contemporary Sculpture. 4 Hours.

Semester course; 4 lecture hours. 4 credits. Prerequisite: SCPT 301. A forum for consideration and discussion of recent developments.

SCPT 480. Critical Issues. 4 Hours.

Semester course; 3 lecture and 2 studio hours. 4 credits. Prerequisites: ARTF 131, 132, 133 and 134. Enrollment is restricted to students with junior or senior standing in the School of the Arts. This advanced course comprises two parts. The first examines diverse critical and aesthetic issues through the study of a select group of highly innovative international artists. In the second part, students will participate in studio visits. Crosslisted as: PAPR 480.

SCPT 491. Topics in Sculpture. 1-4 Hours.

Semester course; 1-4 credits. May be repeated for a maximum of 16 credits. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. A seminar or workshop on a selected issue or topic in the field of sculpture. See the Schedule of Classes for specific topics to be offered each semester.

SCPT 492. Independent Study in Sculpture. 1-4 Hours.

Semester course; variable hours. 1-4 credits. May be repeated for a maximum total of 8 credits. Prerequisites: senior standing as a major in sculpture and approval of department chair and instructor. Individual instruction and supervision of a special project. Learning experiences should be designed with the supervising faculty member in the form of a contract between student and instructor. This course is limited to those students who have demonstrated an exceptional level of ability and intense commitment to their discipline.

SCPT 493. Sculpture Internship. 1-6 Hours.

Semester course; 40 contact hours per credit. 1-6 credits. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits. Prerequisite: SCPT 311 or SCPT 312. Open to junior- and senior-level sculpture majors only. A practicum in which students work with professionals in the field.

SCPT 510. Issues in Contemporary Visual Art. 3 Hours.

Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students in the M.F.A. in Fine Arts concentrations. This course involves in-depth research and analyses of some of the aesthetic, philosophical and political issues preoccupying contemporary artists today. See the Schedule of Classes for specific topics to be offered each semester.

SCPT 530. Digital Fabrication. 3 Hours.

Semester course; 4.5 studio hours. 3 credits. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students in the M.F.A. in Fine Arts concentrations. A studio course that focuses on computer modeling, 3D scanning and several forms of digital fabrication.

SCPT 600. Graduate Studio. 6 Hours.

Semester course; 9 studio hours. 6 credits. May be repeated for a total of 24 credits. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students in the M.F.A. in Fine Arts sculpture concentration. Primary emphasis is placed on individual creative projects and on discussion of individual creative projects with regular exposure to the critical attention of other graduate students in the department, under the direction of the teaching faculty. Special emphasis is given to the development of personal expression through individual research and criticism.

SCPT 610. Professional Practices. 3 Hours.

Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students in the M.F.A. in Fine Arts sculpture concentration. Seminar for the purpose of examining the range of professional practices in the field of contemporary art. Students will learn skills that apply to various parts of the field. The course will also address major debates within the field.

SCPT 681. Candidacy Research. 1,3 Hour.

Semester course; 1.5 or 4.5 studio hours. 1 or 3 credits. Must be repeated for a total of six credits. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students in the M.F.A. in Fine Arts sculpture concentration. This course comprises the process of producing work to achieve candidacy, a crucial qualifying step in which a student’s academic achievements are reviewed and the student’s readiness to proceed to the final research phase of the degree program is determined.

SCPT 682. Thesis. 1,3 Hour.

Semester course; 1.5 or 4.5 studio hours. 1 or 3 credits. Must be repeated for a total of six credits. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students in the M.F.A. in Fine Arts sculpture concentration. This course comprises the process of producing work for and exhibiting it in the thesis exhibition; a written thesis; and an oral presentation by second-year M.F.A. students, a crucial qualifying step for students to complete the program. Graded as Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory.

SCPT 690. Graduate Seminar. 3 Hours.

Semester course; 3 seminar hours. 3 credits. Must be repeated for a total of 12 credits. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students in the M.F.A. in Fine Arts sculpture concentration. Weekly seminar for the purpose of examining contemporary issues within the field of fine art, broadening critical discourse and considering artists’ work within the context of a creative practice.

SCPT 691. Special Topics Studio. 3 Hours.

Semester course; 4.5 studio hours. 3 credits. May be repeated for a maximum of nine credits. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students in the M.F.A. in Fine Arts sculpture concentration. A studio course that focuses on specific issues, theories or historical events in relationship to students’ research and studio practice.

SCPT 692. Independent Studio. 3 Hours.

Semester course; 4.5 studio hours. 3 credits. May be repeated for a maximum of nine credits. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students in the M.F.A. in Fine Arts concentrations. An independent studio course that allows students to develop specific skills or explore techniques. Approval of supervising faculty member and department chair necessary prior to registration.

SCPT 693. Directed Research. 1-3 Hours.

Semester course; 1-3 research hours. 1-3 credits. May be repeated for a maximum of nine credits. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students in the M.F.A. in Fine Arts concentrations. Approval of supervising faculty member and department chair necessary prior to registration. Learning experiences will be designed with the supervising faculty member in the form of a contract between student and instructor.