This is the preliminary (or launch) version of the 2025-2026 VCU Bulletin. Courses that expose students to cutting-edge content and transformative learning may be added and notification of additional program approvals may be received prior to finalization. General education program content is also subject to change. The final edition and full PDF version will include these updates and will be available in August prior to the beginning of the fall semester.
SEDP 200. Characteristics of Individuals With Disabilities. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. This course focuses on characteristics and identification of individuals with learning disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorders, intellectual disabilities, developmental delay, the less severe autism spectrum disorders, traumatic brain injury, deaf-blindness, visual impairment and other health impairments, and knowledge of characteristics throughout the lifespan, as well as providing information on effects of educational, psychosocial and behavioral interventions that serve as adaptations to the general curriculum. The possibilities of co-morbid or multiple conditions, coupled with cross-categorical instructional settings, warrant a class that examines all eligibility categories of students served under the special education, general curriculum.
SEDP 201. Foundations of Teaching Special Education. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. This course provides students with the foundations of curriculum and instructional planning for special education. Students will gain the skills to understand and implement learning principles and teaching pedagogy to deliver instruction to students with disabilities in varied educational settings and in a way that reflects culturally responsive curriculum and pedagogy. Students will develop a framework of evidence-based instructional strategies aimed at aligning learning goals, objectives, instructional materials, activities and assessment for children in grades K-12.
SEDP 202. Preparing Diverse Learners From Multicultural and Global Perspectives. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online and hybrid). 3 credits. This course is designed to enhance cultural competence of students through exploration of diversities from multicultural aspects and global perspectives. Students enrolled in the course will have multiple opportunities to increase their cultural awareness individually, reciprocally and socially. Throughout the course, students will explore diverse cultures and contexts within and outside of the U.S. Students will learn to view the relationship between the U.S. and the rest of the world as a dynamic and reciprocal interconnected unit instead of separate units. Topical areas centering on the main theme of multicultural and global perspectives include race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, linguistic, gender, abilities, urban youth and sexual orientation differences. Key concepts include cultural beliefs, values, equity, diversity and inclusion. Personal and theoretical constructs of these key concepts are explored. Through lectures, readings, group projects, community activities, videos and class discussions, students will identify factors that have an impact on diverse learners and explore innovative approaches leading to the success of all learners. Graded as pass/fail.
SEDP 203. Special Education and Disability Law. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. This course provides an overview of historical and current federal and state litigation and legislation related to children and students with disabilities (e.g., Rehabilitation Act of 1973: Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act). Students will gain understanding of the key provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act. This course will include discussion of advocacy and ethical obligations of professionals working with individuals with disabilities.
SEDP 204. Trends in Special Education. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. This course provides an understanding of the historical, philosophical and sociological foundations of public education in the United States, as well as standards for Virginia education and teaching professionals and ethical and accepted professional standards. The course will cover general knowledge of the foundations of educating students with disabilities, including a general overview of legislation and case law pertaining to special education; characteristics of individuals with and without exceptionalities, including growth and development from birth through adolescence; medical aspects of disabilities; family systems and culture; collaboration; integration/inclusion; transition; and classroom adaptations for educating students with disabilities in the least restrictive environments.
SEDP 216. Family-Professional Partnerships. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. This course is designed to increase the knowledge, skills and dispositions that are important for collaborating and communicating effectively with families of children with disabilities from birth through age 22. During this course, students will explore the dimensions of family-centered services and person-centered planning, as well as the familial, ecological and cultural factors affecting children with disabilities and their caregivers. Students will learn about theory, general principles and procedures for fostering collaborative partnerships among families, professionals and other stakeholders that lead to outcomes of individual and mutual empowerment. This course will also emphasize understanding the role and responsibilities of community agencies and providers, as well as how understanding the role of members of the collaborative team can impact families.
SEDP 250. Special Education Elementary Supervision. 2 Hours.
Semester course; 1 lecture and 1 field experience hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 2 credits. Corequisite: SEDP 379. Enrollment is restricted to students enrolled in the B.S.Ed. in Special Education and Teaching program. The purpose of this field experience is to provide teacher candidates with practical experiences working with students with disabilities in elementary classroom settings. Assignments will emphasize principles of effective assessment in practice.
SEDP 282. Multicultural Perspectives and Disability. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. This course is designed to enhance cultural competence in diverse community agencies, classrooms and schools. Discussions center around the impact of race, ethnicity, dis/ability, socioeconomic status, linguistic abilities, gender and sexual orientation on access to services and systems. Students will explore the impact of systemic “isms” on narratives about and interaction with children and youth with disabilities, particularly those from minoritized backgrounds. Students will reflect on how attitudes and biases impact their interactions with individuals with disabilities and from cultural identities different from their own.
SEDP 311. Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. This course explores the literature, research, issues and trends that are relevant to children and youth with high-incidence disabilities as they transition throughout their educational experience and prepare for life after high school. Candidates will learn how to work with students and families to promote successful transitions, including considerations of post-secondary training, employment and independent living. Course content includes issues related to long-term planning, transition assessments, career development, life skills, community experiences and resources, self-advocacy and self-determination, guardianship, and legal considerations.
SEDP 315. Classroom Management and Behavior Support for Students With Disabilities. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. This course will provide an in-depth analysis of theoretical models, research and strategies for supporting positive behavior of students with disabilities. The course focuses on development, implementation and evaluation of behavior management programs, functional assessment, positive behavioral supports and related classroom strategies. Students will also learn about school crisis management and safety plans, restorative justice, and individualized behavioral interventions. This course emphasizes an approach to behavior support that is culturally responsive and asset-based for students from diverse backgrounds and with intersectional identities. Students will reflect on their own identities, biases and assumptions, as well as their personal role in mitigating behavior problems.
SEDP 320. Development and Implementation of Positive Behavior Support Plans. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. This course is designed to provide pre-service teachers with the opportunity to acquire advanced skills for effective planning, implementing and evaluating behavior strategies and supports. It will also present strategies available for management, communication and discipline at the introductory level. Students will examine a cross section of theories, models and legal and ethical variables relevant to orchestrating learning across school settings where individuals with disabilities are receiving instructional, social, behavioral and transition life-skill services. The use of positive behavioral interventions and functional behavior analysis will be discussed and students will demonstrate appropriate skills using these strategies. Students will also learn the process used to develop and monitor behavior support plans.
SEDP 330. Survey of Special Education. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Presents an overview of the historical basis and regulatory requirements related to special education, including the individual education program as a legal document and the rights and responsibilities of parents, teachers and schools. The characteristics of learners with disabilities and their educational and medical implications are also examined, as well as the cultural, familial and ethical issues involved.
SEDP 350. Special Education Middle School Supervision. 2 Hours.
Semester course; 1 lecture and 1 field experience hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 2 credits. Prerequisite: SEDP 250. Corequisite: SEDP 460. Enrollment is restricted to students in the B.S.Ed. in Special Education and Teaching program who have been admitted to teacher preparation. The purpose of this field experience is to provide teacher candidates with practical experiences working with students with disabilities in a middle school classroom. Assignments will emphasize practical applications of evidence-based literacy assessment and instruction.
SEDP 360. Disability Representation in Media. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. This course focuses on how disability and disabled individuals are represented in media of various genres, including literature, comic books, film, music and art. Students will learn the effects of positive and negative representations of disability in media, with an emphasis on popular media.
SEDP 378. Teaching Math to Students With Disabilities. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. The course focuses on effective mathematics instruction for students with disabilities. Students will gain familiarity with the Virginia Mathematics Standards of Learning and learn principles related to selection of appropriate mathematics curricula and instructional methodologies. Concepts include development of number sense, principles of equitable mathematics instruction, Universal Design for Learning in mathematics, evidence-based practices and strategies for making general education mathematics classrooms and curricula accessible for students with disabilities.
SEDP 379. Assessment in Special Education. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. This course covers all aspects of assessment for students with disabilities. Students will learn about the foundations of strong, effective assessment, including instrument selection and measurement terminology. They will learn how assessment relates to eligibility and provision of special education services, explore factors that can influence assessment results and interpretations, and gain practice administering and interpreting commonly-used assessments.
SEDP 380. Teaching Reading to Students With Disabilities. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. This course is designed to provide a foundation of literacy instruction for students with disabilities. Students will learn about theories of literacy and literacy development, the components of literacy, and evidence-based instructional practices, with a focus on the foundations of reading. Students will gain familiarity with the Virginia Standards of Learning for Reading and Writing and practice strategies for making general curriculum literacy instruction accessible for students with disabilities, including students with dyslexia.
SEDP 389. Developing Individualized Education Programs. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. Prerequisites: SEDP 203 and SEDP 379. This course is designed to provide educational personnel with knowledge of the legal regulatory requirements for Individualized Education Program development, including timelines and team member responsibilities. Students will gain skills for collaborating with students, families and other professionals in creating culturally responsive IEPs that are truly individualized and meet all legal requirements. They will learn to lead IEP teams in making evidence-based decisions about student progress, accommodations, placement, teaching methods and transition. Students will also complete hands-on IEP writing experiences that will address academic and functional needs of students with disabilities. They will also learn best practices in case management, including implementing and monitoring IEPs throughout the school year. Students will reflect on ethical decision-making with regard to balancing students’ needs and regulatory compliance.
SEDP 401. Assessment in Diverse Settings. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Prerequisite: TEDU 413 or SEDP 201. Enrollment is restricted to students enrolled in a B.S.Ed. program. This course explores all aspects of assessment that a teacher encounters in preK-12 educational settings. The course will cover current assessment theories, approaches and instruments used to measure the performance of the children and students representing the diverse learners in today’s classrooms -- including students with and without disabilities, English language learners and students representing a range of cultural backgrounds. Assessments at all stages of instruction (before, during and after), including formal and informal assessments and their applications in an inclusive educational setting, will be addressed. Particular attention is paid to the ways in which teachers can gather and use assessments to make data-informed decisions for effective instruction and intervention leading to optimal child development and student achievement. Specifically, the course will explore the relationships among content standards, instruction and assessment as well as ways to use a variety of assessments to monitor student progress. The course emphasizes making valid inferences from assessments in a variety of formats; understanding the legal and policy context of assessment; and the implications for appropriate grading practices and decision-making. Course content and assignments will promote critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. Crosslisted as: EDUS 401.
SEDP 402. Exceptionality and Technology: Augmentative and Alternative Communication and Assistive Technology. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. This course will provide students with foundational ideas and concepts regarding the selection and use of assistive technology and augmentative and alternative communication for infants, toddlers, children and young adults with disabilities. Students will recognize and plan for the uses of technology that will aid children and young adults to access and navigate their environment. This course emphasizes the selection and use of AT and AAC in early intervention and general and special education settings for students across the continuum of disability.
SEDP 404. Methods in Teaching Science and Social Studies for Students With Disabilities. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. This course emphasizes understanding and application of strategies to create inclusive environments in science and social studies general education classes. Candidates will gain familiarity with current Virginia Standards of Learning in K-12 science and social studies as well as instructional guidelines from national science and social studies organizations. They will also learn how to apply principles of Universal Design for Learning, culturally sustaining practice, asset-based pedagogy and evidence-based practices for students with disabilities within the context of science and social studies curriculum and practice.
SEDP 405. Collaborative Practices to Support Inclusion for Children and Youth with Disabilities. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. This course is designed to help prospective educators, early interventionists and clinicians develop an understanding of collaborative and communication strategies, models and techniques to meet needs of children with disabilities. Skills in consultation, case management and collaboration, including coordination of service delivery with related services providers, administrators, parents, students and other professionals (e.g., paraprofessionals, community agencies) in collaborative work environments will be emphasized. Students will learn essential teamwork skills, reflect on the application of those skills and practice a variety of instructional and organizational techniques for adapting inclusive environments to address the needs of children with disabilities.
SEDP 410. Building a Community of Learners: Classroom Management. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. Prerequisite: EDUS 301, PSYC 301 or PSYC 304 with a minimum grade of C. The course is designed to encompass Pre-K through grade 12 classroom management theory and application, motivation theory and application, diversity, socio-emotional development, trauma-informed care, and restorative justice for regular education and special education students. Crosslisted as: TEDU 410.
SEDP 415. Action Research in Education and Special Education: Capstone Project. 6 Hours.
Semester course; 6 independent study hours. 6 credits. Enrollment is restricted to seniors with a minimum of 90 credits. The course will prepare students to be reflective practitioners by connecting theory, research and practice through practice-based field work and action research. The course will consist of components that promote a student's capacity for building practical skills and knowledge and ability to conduct applied research related to their future career goals in a disability-related field.
SEDP 420. Special Education Leadership for Inclusive Schools. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Enrollment is restricted to students with a minimum of 90 credits (senior standing). This course will introduce participants to issues involved in leadership for creating inclusive environments in schools. These systems are aimed to fully include students with disabilities and ensure positive outcomes for students both academically and in functional skills needed for participation in the education environment, community, employment and for post-secondary success. Students will be challenged with assessing their own leadership styles, professional and ethical standards, personal integrity, and how beliefs and values shape actions. Students will also explore strategies to promote the importance of inclusive education as well examine Virginia standards and CEC standards for inclusive schools. Students will have a chance to see the impact of teacher leadership on special education and understand how to promote self-advocacy in students.
SEDP 450. Special Education High School Supervision. 2 Hours.
Semester course; 1 lecture and 1 field experience hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 2 credits. Prerequisite: SEDP 350. Corequisite: SEDP 405. Enrollment is restricted to students enrolled in the B.S.Ed. in Special Education and Teaching program who have been admitted to teacher preparation. The purpose of this field experience is to provide teacher candidates with practical experiences within high school classroom settings that serve students with disabilities. Assignments and experiences will emphasize professional collaborations and communication.
SEDP 452. Supporting Multilingual Learners With Disabilities. 1 Hour.
Semester course; 1 lecture hour (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 1 credit. Corequisite: TEDU 452. This course focuses on instruction for multilingual learners who have disabilities. Teacher candidates will learn how these intersectional identities can impact students and will emphasize how to combine asset-based, culturally sustaining instruction for multilingual learners with evidence-based practice for children and youth with disabilities.
SEDP 460. Specialized Reading and Writing Interventions for Students With Disabilities. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. Prerequisite: SEDP 380. This course focuses on intensive, specially designed literacy instruction for students with disabilities, including progress monitoring and data-based decision-making. Students will learn about and practice skills related to literacy assessment, research-based reading curricula and evidence-based strategies for intensifying literacy instruction.
SEDP 461. Specialized Math Interventions for Students With High Incidence Disabilities. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. Prerequisite: SEDP 378. This course focuses on design and implementation of specially designed interventions for students with high incidence disabilities who may need additional instruction beyond their core mathematics class. Core concepts include principles of effective mathematics intervention, assessment, goal-setting, progress monitoring and data-based decision-making.
SEDP 492. Independent Study. 1-3 Hours.
Semester course; 1-3 lecture hours. 1-3 credits. Opportunities are provided for supervised independent study in selected areas. All work offered on an individual basis with the approval of instructor and department chair.
SEDP 495. Universal Design for Learning and Transition. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. The purpose of this course is to provide students with evidence of each of the components of universal design for learning within access to the general academic curriculum -- multiple means of representation, expression and engagement. Students will engage in an understanding of theories of learning and development, including cognitive and learning processes, social-emotional development, practices for culturally and linguistically diverse learnings, such as English learners, gifted and talented students and students with disabilities, in individual and universal contexts. Additional focus is placed on UDL components linked to effective transition planning embedded within academic instruction targeting successful transitions to postsecondary educational settings. Emphasis is placed on beginning research on the use of this approach and its promising practice for addressing academic and transition goals as well as increasing student motivation and self-determination.
SEDP 499. Student Teaching. 9 Hours.
Semester course; 2 lecture and 7 field experience hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 9 credits. Prerequisite: SEDP 450. The goal of this course is to provide special education student teachers a challenging, relevant and rewarding experience, which will allow them to acquire professional competence. Student teachers will apply knowledge gained through their course work, assume the various responsibilities of a classroom teacher, plan instruction and learning experiences that recognize students’ individual needs, organize and manage the classroom environment to maximize learning, use assessment data to guide instructional decisions, and practice being a critically reflective teacher.
SEDP 501. Characteristics of Individuals with Disabilities: ____. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. This course prepares candidates to understand how exceptionalities can interact with multiple domains of human development to influence an individual’s learning in home, school, community and throughout life. Candidates will gain an understanding of the characteristics between and among individuals with and without exceptionalities. Course content focuses on the identification and characteristics of individuals with exceptionalities as defined under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act. This course also provides information on educational, psychosocial and behavioral interventions that serve as adaptations to the general curriculum and/or home/social expectations. Candidates gain an understanding of the impact of related medical conditions and differentiated evidence-based interventions on the development and learning of young children and/or students with or at risk for disabilities. In addition, candidates gain understanding of child abuse recognition and prevention, with particular focus on issues and strategies unique to working with young children and students with disabilities. Throughout this course, candidates will consider beliefs, traditions and values across and within cultures that influence relationships among and between young children, students and their families. Further, this course will emphasize the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration for promoting the well-being of individuals with exceptionalities across a wide range of settings and collaborators. This course is offered in multiple sections to accommodate specific program requirements across the concentrations offered in the M.Ed. in Special Education. See the Schedule of Classes for specific sections to be offered each semester. The SEGE section of the course is specifically designed to meet the VDOE requirement 8VAC20-543-500: special education general curriculum K-12; the E
CSE section is specifically designed to meet the VDOE requirement 8VAC20-543-490: special education early childhood (birth through age 5); the ADCR section is specifically designed to meet the VDOE requirements for 8VAC20-543-460: special education adapted curriculum K-12.
SEDP 502. Supervision Seminar I. 1 Hour.
Semester course; 1 lecture hour. 1 credit. This course emphasizes effective techniques to use when working with special education and general education teachers, instructional assistants, parent and students with disabilities. Participants will examine the different roles of the special educator. Class members are encouraged to introduce topics for discussion based on their teaching experiences. Problem-solving strategies will be developed to address the issues raised during class. The course will provide the special educator with an understanding of the Individualized Education Program process from fostering consensus to developing the IEP. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the impact of the student’s disability in accessing the general curriculum. Developing a data-driven IEP based on standards will also be emphasized.
SEDP 503. Supervision Seminar II. 1 Hour.
Semester course; 1 lecture hour. 1 credit. This course emphasizes effective techniques to use when working with special education and general education teachers, instructional assistants, parent and students with disabilities. Participants will examine the different roles of the special educator. Class members are encouraged to introduce topics for discussion based on their teaching experiences. Problem-solving strategies will be developed to address the issues raised during class. The course will provide the special educator with an understanding of how to implement mandates in the classroom as related to the state assessment program. Participants will learn why there is an emphasis on the development of standards-based IEPs and how they are integrated in daily classroom instruction. Participants will also learn about the different SOL participation options and how to use criteria to determine the appropriate option.
SEDP 505. Theory and Practice of Educating Individuals with Special Needs. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Not for certification or endorsement in special education. In-depth study of past and current philosophies and approaches to serving students with special needs in educational settings. Attends to specific ways school services and classroom practices of general education teaching can assist in meeting these needs in today's schools through collaboration and inclusion.
SEDP 531. Educational Foundations for Collaboration and Universally Designed Learning. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. Focuses on providing candidates with the knowledge of the foundation for educating students with disabilities, as well as the principles and processes for collaboration and consultation with educational colleagues, community professionals and families. Covers the historical, philosophical and sociological foundations underlying the role, development and organization of public education in the U.S. Discussions and readings will focus on creating and maintaining inclusive schools, effective communication strategies for building successful collaborative teams and universally designed instructional strategies to use in co-taught classrooms.
SEDP 532. Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. This course presents an introduction to autism spectrum disorder. The course will include a discussion of the core behavioral and secondary characteristics and how they impact the individual across the lifespan, from infancy through adulthood. Family concerns and considerations will be discussed in the context of age, development and need for support. The course will also describe the qualities of intervention strategies and will outline ways to evaluate practices and make sound intervention decisions.
SEDP 533. Assessment of Individuals with Disabilities: ____. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. This course is designed to provide knowledge and practical applications of screening and assessment of young children and students at risk for and with disabilities/delays. Teacher candidates will be prepared to make professional decisions regarding the screening, assessment and ongoing evaluation of young children and students with disabilities. Teacher candidates will gain knowledge of measurement principles and practices to administer assessments and interpret results. This course will emphasize examination of both formal and informal assessments and their use in data-driven decision-making related to educational placement, intervention planning and IEP/IFSP development. This course is offered in multiple sections to accommodate specific program requirements across the concentrations offered in the M.Ed. in Special Education. See the Schedule of Classes for specific sections to be offered each semester. The SEGE section of the course is specifically designed to meet the VDOE requirement 8VAC20-543-500: special education general curriculum K-12; the ECSE section is specifically designed to meet the VDOE requirement 8VAC20-543-490: special education early childhood (birth through age 5); the ADCR section is specifically designed to meet the VDOE requirements for 8VAC20-543-460: special education adapted curriculum K-12.
SEDP 600. Language/Communication Intervention for Young Children and Individuals With Severe Disabilities. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. Enrollment requires permission of the instructor. An intensive study of the developmental sequence of language/communication acquisition and intervention strategies for individuals with severe language delays or deficits, severe intellectual disabilities and/or other severe multiple disabilities.
SEDP 601. Instructional Methods and Programming for Individuals with Disabilities: ____. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. This course provides the knowledge, skills and methods necessary to plan and deliver effective instruction to individuals with disabilities. Course content is focused on how to collaborate with families and other professionals to deliver instruction that improves the outcomes of young children and students. Teacher candidates will develop skills to plan and deliver instruction in a variety of educational settings and learning environments. This course builds teacher candidates’ cultural competence and emphasizes the use of recommended practices and evidence-based interventions to support the social, emotional and/or academic growth of individuals with disabilities. This course is offered in multiple sections to accommodate specific program requirements across the concentrations offered in the M.Ed. in Special Education. See the Schedule of Classes for specific sections to be offered each semester. The SEGE section of the course is specifically designed to meet the VDOE requirement 8VAC20-543-500: special education general curriculum K-12; the ECSE section is specifically designed to meet the VDOE requirement 8VAC20-543-490: special education early childhood (birth through age 5); the ADCR section is specifically designed to meet the VDOE requirements for 8VAC20-543-460: special education adapted curriculum K-12.
SEDP 602. Methods II: Teaching Students in Special Education - General Education. 2 Hours.
Semester course; 2 lecture hours. 2 credits. Delivered as online, face-to-face or hybrid course. Prerequisites: SEDP 601 and acceptance for teacher preparation if in the M.Ed. program. Provides a study of instructional strategies and organization of activities with focus on elementary and secondary students with high incidence disabilities (in grades K-12) including curriculum, media, materials and physical environment. Candidates will use the foundation from Methods I as a context for developing skills necessary to provide the most effective classroom instruction for secondary students. A continued focus will be on assessing and monitoring student performance, adapting instructional interventions based upon students' response to intervention, and selecting evidence-based practices that have the greatest likelihood of success.
SEDP 603. Theories, Assessment and Practices in Literacy Development for Individuals with Exceptionalities: ____. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. This course is designed to prepare teacher candidates to instruct and support individuals with exceptionalities in developing necessary skills for lifelong literacy. Teacher candidates will understand literacy development, including emergent literacy skills, and the impact of disabilities and delays on learning and progress in this domain. This course will emphasize assessment as the basis for designing instruction and interventions. A variety of strategies, methods and supports will be discussed, analyzed and applied to address a variety of reading, language and/or communication needs. This course is offered in multiple sections to accommodate specific program requirements across the concentrations offered in the M.Ed. in Special Education. See the Schedule of Classes for specific sections to be offered each semester. The SEGE section of the course is specifically designed to meet the VDOE requirement 8VAC20-543-500: special education general curriculum K-12; the ECSE section is specifically designed to meet the VDOE requirement 8VAC20-543-490: special education early childhood (birth through age 5); the ADCR section is specifically designed to meet the VDOE requirements for 8VAC20-543-460: special education adapted curriculum K-12.
SEDP 604. Characteristics of Students With Severe Disabilities. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Enrollment restricted to students who have been admitted to the Virginia Consortium for Teacher Preparation in Special Education Adapted Curriculum. Examines nature and causes of disabling or special health conditions. Covers screening and evaluation techniques, characteristics and educational implications.
SEDP 607. Math Methods and Online Education. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. Students will be introduced to current theory and best practices of mathematical instruction from K-12. They will be able to relate their learned knowledge of number and number sense; computation and estimation; measurement and geometry; probability and statistics; and patterns, functions and algebra to their instruction. Students will identify the risk factors associated with mathematics disabilities and learn intervention strategies to address the needs of students with disabilities.
SEDP 610. Teaching Strategies for Students with Severe Disabilities. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. This course is designed to provide instruction in teaching methods for individuals with severe behavior, learning or emotional disabilities. Emphasis will be placed on instructional program development, task analysis and methods of precision teaching.
SEDP 611. Secondary Education and Transition Planning. 2 Hours.
Semester course; 2 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 2 credits. Explores the literature, research, issues and trends that are relevant to high school-aged students with high incidence disabilities as they prepare for their transition to life after high school. Focus is on providing candidates with the ability to prepare their students and work with their families to promote successful student transitions throughout the educational experience including postsecondary training, employment and independent living that addresses an understanding of long-term planning, career development, life skills, community experiences and resources, self-advocacy and self-determination, guardianship, and legal considerations. The full range of functioning is addressed in the areas of education, employment, social/emotional functioning, personal and daily living issues.
SEDP 612. Assessment and Curriculum for Students with Severe Disabilities. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Addresses functional assessment strategies, IEP development, and curriculum organization and implementation for students with severe disabilities. Emphasizes educating learners in the least restrictive environment using a transdisciplinary team approach.
SEDP 616. Introduction to Disability Studies, Community Services and Business Networks. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Examines disability history, theory and current thinking in the field of disability studies. Changes in philosophy, legislation and policy over the past four decades will be examined to trace the paradigm shift that led to our current conceptualization of disability. Students will investigate the community services and resources available to support adults with disabilities, as well as new trends in business partnerships and employment service models that promote the economic self-sufficiency of adults with disabilities.
SEDP 619. Multicultural Perspectives in Education. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Designed to enhance cultural competence in diverse classrooms and schools. Major considerations include race, ethnicity, linguistic, gender, abilities and sexual orientation differences. Key concepts include structural, curricular and instructional facets of working successfully in diverse educational settings. Personal and theoretical constructs of race, ethnicity, culture, disability and other related concepts are explored. This course is delivered online.
SEDP 621. Applied Behavior Analysis: Principals, Procedures and Philosophy. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Designed to provide an overview of the basic principles and procedures of applied behavior analysis. Factors and principles that contribute to improved performance as well as development of interfering behaviors are identified. Further procedures that can be used to minimize interfering behavior, improve performance, teach new behaviors and increase the probability of behaviors occurring under appropriate circumstances are described.
SEDP 622. Ethics and Professional Conduct for Behavior Analysts. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Pre- or corequisite: SEDP 621. Provides an overview of the professional conduct standards consistent with the practices of applied behavior analysis and outlines how to provide ethical and responsible behavioral programming. The Virginia Behavior Analyst Licensure law, the Behavior Analyst Certification Board's Guidelines for Responsible Conduct and Disciplinary Standards, as well as the Association for Positive Behavior Supports Standards of Practice are reviewed and used to guide course content. A focus is placed on developing and implementing ethical behavioral programming that promotes the improvement as well as the dignity of the person receiving intervention. Ethical conduct as it relates to colleagues, the field of ABA and society also is discussed.
SEDP 623. Applied Behavior Analysis: Empirical Bases. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Pre- or corequisite: SEDP 621. Provides information on the basic content of applied behavior analysis and how to implement the core principles in real-life situations. Participants will be instructed on how to implement behavioral procedures and develop behavioral programs for individuals who may need to increase positive skills or reduce interfering behavior. Participants also will be instructed on single-subject design, the research methodology used in the field of ABA and its applications in real-life situations.
SEDP 624. Applied Behavior Analysis: Applications. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Pre- or corequisite: SEDP 621. Discusses the various applications of the field of applied behavior analysis and expands the capability to deal with more complex behavioral situations, enabling the ability to relate to more sophisticated professional issues and environments. Specifically, the course demonstrates how ABA is applied in real-world situations to make socially significant changes by minimizing interfering behavior, improving performance, teaching new behaviors and increasing the probability of behaviors occurring under appropriate circumstances. This course also provides a foundation for giving appropriate support to those implementing the behavior plan.
SEDP 625. Applied Behavior Analysis: Assessments and Interventions. 3 Hours.
Semester course. 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Pre- or corequisite: SEDP 621. Expands on basic content of applied behavior analysis and teaches how to implement behavioral procedures and develop behavioral programs for individuals with fundamental socially relevant behavioral needs. In this course, participants will learn how to implement behavioral assessments, select and develop intervention procedures, and compose instructions for implementation.
SEDP 626. Applied Behavior Analysis: Verbal Behavior. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Pre- or corequisite: SEDP 621. Further expands the participant's capability to use applied behavior analysis in complex behavioral situations and enables students to apply principles to sophisticated issues through analysis of language development. The course will provide information on verbal behavior and basic verbal operants and how to develop intervention procedures to teach diverse learners.
SEDP 630. Trends in Special Education. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. Includes an overview of legislation and case law pertaining to special education, characteristics of individuals with and without exceptionalities including growth and development from birth though adolescence, mainstreaming, integration/inclusion, transition, and classroom adaptations for educating students with disabilities in least restrictive environments. Candidates will become familiar with the general characteristics of children with and without exceptionalities relative to age, varying levels of severity and developmental differences manifested in cognitive, linguistic, physical, psychomotor, social or emotional functioning.
SEDP 631. Behavior Support of Individuals with Disabilities: ____. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. This course will provide an in-depth analysis of theoretical models, research and strategies for supporting positive behaviors of young children and students with exceptionalities. Emphasis is on developing, implementing and/or structuring environments and interventions to encourage adaptive behaviors and the social/emotional development of individuals with exceptionalities, and directly teach them to adapt to the expectations of differing environments. Course content focuses on conducting formal and informal assessments of behavior and environments to individualize and implement strategies to support the growth and development of individuals with exceptionalities. This course will help develop a candidate’s ability to examine the behaviors of students with special needs in a variety of settings, including an understanding and application of behavior management techniques and individualized behavioral interventions. Techniques and approaches taught will promote skills that are consistent with developmental milestones and/or standards and rules of a variety of educational environments, and will be diverse based upon developmental, cognitive, behavioral, social and ecological theory and best practice. Candidates will learn to integrate results of assessments to develop long- and shorter-term goals and objectives and integrate these into individualized service and behavior change plans. Focus will also be on how to consult and collaborate with colleagues and families to implement individualized plans across a variety of environments. Candidates will learn to evaluate young children’s and/or students’ behavior and environments, as well as reflect on their own role in contributing to and mitigating challenging behaviors. Candidates will also learn strategies to prevent and/or intervene safely with children who exhibit challenging behavior, as well as to facilitate positive behavior. A
s part of the course requirements, candidates will also complete approved modules in child abuse and neglect recognition and intervention if not already completed. This course is offered in multiple sections to accommodate specific program requirements across the concentrations offered in the M.Ed. in Special Education. See the Schedule of Classes for specific sections to be offered each semester. The SEGE section of the course is specifically designed to meet the VDOE requirement 8VAC20-543-500: special education general curriculum K-12; the ECSE section is specifically designed to meet the VDOE requirement 8VAC20-543-490: special education early childhood (birth through age 5); the ADCR section is specifically designed to meet the VDOE requirements for 8VAC20-543-460: special education adapted curriculum K-12.
SEDP 632. Transition Strategies for Students with Disabilities. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. Designed to provide knowledge of the special educator's role in preparing students with disabilities for post-secondary educational and vocational environments. Emphasis is placed on designing and modifying high school curricula involving students and their families in transition planning and helping students acquire the services needed to be successful in adult life.
SEDP 634. Assessment, Curriculum and Teaching Methods for Autism Spectrum Disorder. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Prerequisite: SEDP 532. Students will review assessment techniques and curriculum design, as well as the major methodologies to teach individuals with autism spectrum disorder from early intervention through transition to adult services in inclusive and specialized educational settings. This course will focus on scientifically based interventions that address the communication development and academic needs of the individual with autism spectrum disorder. Participants will be required to demonstrate knowledge of course goals by integrating content with students with autism spectrum disorder.
SEDP 635. Supporting Behavior and Social Skills for Autism Spectrum Disorder. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Prerequisite: SEDP 532. Students will review major methodologies needed to create a positive social and emotional learning environment for individuals with autism spectrum disorder from early intervention through transition to adult services in inclusive and specialized educational settings. This course will address the individual’s social, behavioral and sensory needs by focusing on the emerging best-practice interventions needed to teach social understanding and shape appropriate social behavior, build play and leisure skills, teach anger and stress management, procure sensory motor modulation, conduct functional behavior assessments, and provide positive behavior support. Participants will be required to demonstrate knowledge of course goals through integration with students with autism spectrum disorder.
SEDP 638. Instructional Design and Field Experience for Autism Spectrum Disorder. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Prerequisites: SEDP 532, 634 and 635. Students will focus on the integration of theoretical and practical concepts related to supporting individuals with autism spectrum disorder from early intervention through transition to adult services in educational settings. It provides the opportunity to apply knowledge of assessment, curriculum design, teaching methodologies and environmental and technological supports while working collaboratively with caregivers and educational teams to develop individualized programming. This course has a 20-hour field-based experience that is to take place in an educational setting. The field-based experience will be coordinated with the course instructor.
SEDP 641. Independent Study. 1-3 Hours.
Semester course; variable hours. 1-3 credits. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. An individual study of a specialized issue or problem in education.
SEDP 651. Topics in Education. 1-3 Hours.
Semester course; 1-3 credits. May be repeated for 9 credits. Check with department for specific prerequisites. A course for the examination of specialized issues, topics, readings or problems in education.
SEDP 655. Practicum A: Special Education in an Elementary Education Environment. 1 Hour.
Semester course; 1 practicum hour. 1 credit. Special education candidates will participate in 30 hours of supervised practicum activities within the public schools at the elementary level. The goal of this course is to provide special education candidates with real-world experience developing, implementing and monitoring progress of special education students within the general education environment. As part of the course, candidates will develop and implement an inclusive Universal Design for Learning unit plan within the academic (reading or mathematics) curriculum. The unit will include ties to the Virginia Standards of Learning, plan for collaboration with general education teachers, five traditional lesson plans, an online lesson, a unit assessment and Individual Education Program using collaboration with parents, general education teachers and the student. Additionally, the special education candidates will reflect on the effectiveness of the unit plan for students with special needs or other at-risk students. This course includes site-based requirements.
SEDP 656. Practicum B: Special Education in a Secondary Education Environment. 1 Hour.
Semester course; 1 practicum hour. 1 credit. Special education candidates will participate in 30 hours of supervised practicum activities within the public schools at the secondary level. The goal of this course is to provide special education candidates with real-world experience developing, implementing and monitoring progress of special education students within the general education environment. As part of the course, special education candidates will develop and implement an inclusive Universal Design for Learning unit plan within the academic (reading or mathematics) curriculum. The unit will include ties to the Virginia Standards of Learning, plan for collaboration with general education teachers, five traditional lesson plans, an online lesson, a unit assessment and an Individual Education Program using collaboration with parents, general education teachers and the student. Additionally, the special education candidate will reflect on the effectiveness of the unit plan for students with special needs or other at-risk students. This course includes site-based requirements.
SEDP 658. Individualized Supports and Specialized Care of Students With Significant Disabilities. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. Provides an understanding of the unique physical, sensory, communication, and health and medical needs of students with significant disabilities; how these needs impact the educational program; how special education and related services are delivered; and how to design academic, functional and behavioral instruction and adaptations to meet those needs.
SEDP 700. Externship: ____. 1-6 Hours.
Semester course; 1-6 field experience hours. 1-6 credits. The externship experience for M.Ed. candidates requires the study and integration of theory with practice in a clinical setting supervised by an approved professional and university faculty member. This externship includes planned site visits by the university faculty member (at least four of the visits will be observations of the student in a teaching situation). During the semester-long externship, students are in classrooms with a set amount of hours spent supervised by a fully licensed, experienced teacher in direct teaching activities. M.Ed. candidates already teaching on a provisional license can do those field experience hours in their own classrooms, supported by a mentor special educator and the university faculty member. The supervision provided emphasizes effective techniques to use when working with special education and general education teachers, instructional assistants, parents and students with disabilities. This course is offered in multiple sections to accommodate specific program requirements across the concentrations offered in the M.Ed. in Special Education. See the Schedule of Classes for specific sections to be offered each semester. The SEGE section of the course is specifically designed to meet the VDOE requirement 8VAC20-543-500: special education general curriculum K-12; the ADCR section is specifically designed to meet the VDOE requirements for 8VAC20-543-460: special education adapted curriculum K-12. This course includes site-based requirements.
SEDP 705. Seminar on Disability Policy. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Discussion and examination of key federal and state issues that affect disability policy and program management. Includes an in-depth examination of IDEA, ADA and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
SEDP 706. Personnel Development in Special Education. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Prepares individuals to effectively design, provide and evaluate personnel development programs that prepare professionals to maximize the developmental, educational, emotional and employment outcomes of individuals with disabilities.
SEDP 707. Critical Issues in Special Education. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Discussion and examination of controversial and/or critical issues in special education, as well as current IDEA definitions, referral and assessment methods and instructional models.
SEDP 708. Grant Writing in Special Education and Other Social Sciences. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Examines conceptual, empirical and practical issues in the preparation of grant proposals and in the conduct of interdisciplinary research in the social sciences that focuses on education and related issues in youth development, with a specific emphasis on youth with disabilities. Students will develop practical skills in establishing interdisciplinary research teams; interdisciplinary research design and grant proposal development; matching research questions to funding agencies and their priorities; working with community agencies and relevant stakeholders to secure their involvement in the research process; writing research or training grant proposals.
SEDP 709. Literature Reviews in Special Education and Other Social Sciences. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Provides in-depth, advanced instruction in the conducting of systematic literature reviews; instruction in how to create and refine a research question; instruction in defining and refining search terms; instruction in critically analyzing identified literature; and instruction in the writing and structure of a literature review.
SEDP 711. Doctoral Seminar in Single Subject Design. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. This course is intended to provide an overview of strategies for designing and conducting single subject studies that are relevant to education, special education, psychology and other related fields of inquiry. Its purpose is to provide doctoral students or advanced graduate students who are interested in applied research designs with an opportunity to acquire competencies related to planning, implementing and analyzing such research. The content of the course will focus on applications and interpretations of single-case research designs and the analysis of human behavior in educational and community settings. This course is designed as an initial course in single research design.
SEDP 771. Research Internship. 1-3 Hours.
Semester course; 1-3 research hours. 1-3 credits. May be repeated for a total of 3 credits. Enrollment requires prior approval of adviser. The research internship is designed to provide doctoral students with an opportunity to demonstrate competence at designing and conducting a pilot research study and disseminating research findings. Graded as S/U/F.
SEDP 772. Teaching Internship. 1-3 Hours.
Semester course; 1-3 internship hours. 1-3 credits. Enrollment requires prior approval of adviser. The teaching internship is designed to provide doctoral students with an opportunity to demonstrate competence in the activities related to the preparation of teachers of students with disabilities at the university level. Graded as S/U/F.
SEDP 773. Service/Policy Internship. 1-2 Hours.
Semester course; 1-2 hours of internship. 1-2 credits. Enrollment requires prior approval of adviser. The service competency is met through an internship that is designed to give doctoral candidates an intensive experience in which they can become actively involved in professional service to the field of special education and, in particular, in the development and implementation of local, state or national policy. Graded as S/U/F.
SEDP 798. Thesis. 1-9 Hours.
Semester course; 1-9 research hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 1-9 credits. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits. Enrollment is restricted to students enrolled in the M.Ed. in Special Education program who have completed all other M.Ed. in Special Education course work. A research study of a topic or problem approved by the student's supervisory committee and completed in accordance with acceptable standards for thesis writing. Graded as Pass/Fail.
SEDP 890. Dissertation Prospectus Preparation. 1 Hour.
Semester course; 1 lecture hour. 1 credit. Prerequisite: SEDP 709 Students will receive guidance in the preparation of their dissertation prospectus, describing their plan for conducting an original research study as the final requirement for their Ph.D. in Special Education and Disability Policy. Graded S/U/F.
SEDP 899. Dissertation. 1-9 Hours.
Semester course; variable hours. Variable credit. May be repeated. A minimum of 9 semester hours required. Prerequisite: Successful completion of comprehensive examinations and approval of student's doctoral prospectus. Dissertation work under direction of dissertation committee. Graded as S/U/F.