This is the preliminary (or launch) version of the 2025-2026 VCU Bulletin. Courses that expose students to cutting-edge content and transformative learning may be added and notification of additional program approvals may be received prior to finalization. General education program content is also subject to change. The final edition and full PDF version will include these updates and will be available in August prior to the beginning of the fall semester.
Milestone 1: Admission to major (undergraduate)/admission to graduate school (graduate)
Undergraduate admission to major: Undergraduate freshman and transfer admissions criteria are established and monitored by central undergraduate admissions.
Graduate admission to the Graduate School: Graduate admissions criteria are detailed in the Graduate Bulletin.
Milestone 2: Admission to teacher preparation
Minimum GPA:
Undergraduate: Completion of applicable pre-professional requirements (50 credits including various foundational courses) with a minimum VCU GPA of 2.8 (cumulative).
Extended Teacher Preparation Program (Master of Teaching secondary licensure areas): Completion of applicable pre-professional requirements (60 credits including various foundational courses) with a minimum undergraduate VCU GPA of 2.8 (cumulative).
EDUS 301 or equivalent must be completed and/or enrolled in by the candidate at the time of admission to teacher preparation.
Graduate: Completion of applicable pre-professional requirements with a minimum GPA of 2.8 (cumulative). However, note that for admission to graduate study at VCU, the Graduate School requires an undergraduate GPA of 3.0. or better.
For all programs (except Master of Education in Special Education), EDUS 301 or equivalent must be completed and/or enrolled in by the candidate at the time of admission to teacher preparation.
For the M.Ed. in Special Education, any SEDP foundation course must be completed and/or enrolled in by the candidate at the time of admission to teacher preparation.
Submission of self-reported dispositions form.
Submission of self-report of criminal background history.
An advisor or department chair acknowledgment of the application confirmed by the School of Education.
Milestone 3: Admission to practicum
Formal admission into teacher preparation (see milestone 2).
Submission of completed program-specific entry form for practicum experience.
A division criminal background is required for candidates in select school districts completing more than 40 hours of practicum. This requirement is not required for those candidates currently employed with a division partner.
Milestone 4: Admission to clinical experience (student teaching/internship/externship)
Submission of completed departmental application for a clinical experience by the established deadline.
Completion of required coursework, including mid-program assessments (i.e., mid-program dispositions, mid-program lesson plan), with a minimum cumulative VCU GPA of 3.0 and no grade lower than a C in education courses (CLED, ECSE, EDUS, HPED, SEDP, TEDU). Additionally, for the Bachelor of Science in Education in Early Childhood Education and Teaching and the Bachelor of Science in Education in Elementary Education and Teaching, no grade lower than a C in required math sequences.
B.S.Ed. in Early Childhood Education and Teaching math sequence
B.S.Ed. in Elementary Education and Teaching math sequence
Passing scores on the Praxis II: Content Knowledge exam (see Virginia Department of Education assessment requirements for VA licensure as outlined on the VDOE website)
This requirement at this milestone applies to the following licensure areas:
Early childhood education PreK-3
Elementary education PreK-6
Health and physical education PreK-12
History and social sciences
Science - biology
Science - chemistry
Science - earth science
Science - physics
Visual arts PreK-12/art education
The Praxis II: Content Knowledge exam does not apply to special education.
If undergraduate or graduate students do not pass the exam prior to student teaching, they have the opportunity to move into a non-licensure option.
Passing scores on the Praxis Teaching Reading: Elementary
This requirement at this milestone applies to the following licensure area:
Special education general curriculum K-12
If undergraduate or graduate students do not pass the exam prior to student teaching, they have the opportunity to move into a non-licensure option.
Completion of all additional required training (statutory requirements for initial licensure) as outlined on the VDOE website.
Successful demonstration of dispositional readiness evidenced by program-facilitated dispositional alerts and reviews.
Submission of descriptive statement on experiences related to children or teaching.
Submission of a criminal background review without a felony conviction within 90 days before placement start date.
Submission of tuberculosis test results.
Successful faculty review of early clinical experience performance.
Milestone 5: Exit from clinical experience and program completion
Completion of all degree requirements, including any prerequisite licensure content courses.
Passing scores on the Praxis II: Content Knowledge exam (see Virginia Department of Education assessment requirements for VA licensure as outlined on the VDOE website)
This requirement at this milestone applies to the following licensure areas:
Music education - instrumental PreK-12
Music education - vocal/choral PreK-12
The Praxis II: Content Knowledge exam does not apply to special education.
Passing scores on the Praxis Teaching Reading: Elementary
This requirement at this milestone applies to the following licensure areas:
Early childhood education PreK-3
Elementary education PreK-6
Students who do not pass this required exam by the end of their clinical experience will be advised to switch to the non-licensure option to support their graduation. These students may need to complete additional coursework to meet the requirements of the non-licensure option. They will be reported as non-completers to the VDOE and will not be eligible for licensure through VCU School of Education. Students may also cancel graduation and create a special action form to graduate in a semester not enrolled to allow additional time to retake the exam.
Submission of completed application for initial teacher licensure.
Completion of exit criteria, both university graduation and VDOE licensure requirements.