This is the preliminary (or launch) version of the 2025-2026 VCU Bulletin. Courses that expose students to cutting-edge content and transformative learning may be added and notification of additional program approvals may be received prior to finalization. General education program content is also subject to change. The final edition and full PDF version will include these updates and will be available in August prior to the beginning of the fall semester.

Through cooperative arrangements between VCU’s College of Engineering and other institutions, students may pursue a combined curriculum of undergraduate study from their home institution, leading to a Bachelor of Science in an engineering area from VCU in addition to a baccalaureate from their home institution. The objectives of the dual degree programs are to prepare diverse professionals in the values, knowledge and skills of both fields to provide an integrated base of competency to serve the Commonwealth of Virginia. Students who successfully complete the dual degree program will receive one of the following degree combinations:

  • Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (VUU) and Bachelor of Science in Chemical and Life Science Engineering with a concentration in chemical engineering (VCU)
  • Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (VSU) and Bachelor of Science in Chemical and Life Science Engineering with a concentration in chemical engineering (VCU)
  • Bachelor of Science in Physics (VUU) and Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (VCU)
  • Bachelor of Science in Physics (VUU) and Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (VCU)

Among the many benefits offered by participation in the dual degree program are the following:

  • Students will be able to receive two degrees concurrently in less time than it would take them to receive the same degrees sequentially.
  • By participating in two distinct programs, with full access to all services provided by each program, students benefit from complementary resources.
  • Through their simultaneous and active participation in two programs, students will be able to widen their professional and personal network.

General admission requirements

In order to be eligible for dual degree programs, students must be accepted and enrolled in the requisite program at their home institution and have completed less than 60 credit hours at that institution. Prior to the completion of 60 credit hours, the student must indicate their desire to participate in the VCU dual degree program to their home institution’s dual degree program liaison. For programs requiring concurrent enrollment, students must apply for pre-dual degree status in VCU’s College of Engineering as a nondegree-seeking student. Once students are enrolled in the required courses as a pre-dual degree status student, they must apply for admission through the VCU Office of Admissions for the dual degree program. An admission decision will be made by the VCU College of Engineering once grades for the introductory courses post.

VCU Program Residency Requirements

To fulfill the dual degree requirement for VCU, home institution students must earn at least 25% of the credits required for the VCU degree, including at least 30 of the last 45 credits, at VCU. A minimum of 45 upper level credits must also be earned.

Home Institution Program Residency Requirements

Dual degree students must meet all home institution degree and program residency requirements.

Failure to Complete

Students who fail to make satisfactory academic progress according to either institution’s standards will be reviewed for dismissal from the program.

Second Baccalaureate Degree

Students who have completed the Bachelor of Science degree in physics or chemistry are welcome to apply to the corresponding VCU College of Engineering program as a second baccalaureate student.