This is the preliminary (or launch) version of the 2025-2026 VCU Bulletin. Courses that expose students to cutting-edge content and transformative learning may be added and notification of additional program approvals may be received prior to finalization. General education program content is also subject to change. The final edition and full PDF version will include these updates and will be available in August prior to the beginning of the fall semester.

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Jill Blondin, Ph.D.
Associate vice provost for global initiatives

The Global Education Office supports VCU’s internationalization goals by taking a holistic and integrated approach to high-impact global programming; by growing international student enrollment; and by enhancing international partnerships and collaborations to increase opportunities for students, faculty and staff.

GEO is home to four units and programs that advance the internationalization of the university.

Units and programs

Global Learning

Global Learning provides services and programming to both the domestic and international (defined as those holding a U.S. visa) communities of the university, including students, scholars, faculty and staff. Global Learning focuses on two major areas: 1) place-based education abroad/away and 2) campus and community global learning.

Global Learning offers comprehensive services for place-based programs including education abroad and domestic study away aligned with VCU’s REAL (Relevant, Experiential and Applied Learning) graduation requirement. Global Learning develops and promotes affordable study abroad/away programs all across the globe.

Global Learning’s campus- and community-based global learning offers programs and services including specialized support and guidance for the university’s international students and scholars, support for all VCU employees who work with international students and scholars, and campus- and community-based programming for all students. 

For international students and scholars, Global Learning provides orientation programming and non-academic support (housing, insurance, etc), as well as cultural, academic and career advising that guides international students toward relevant campus resources. Additionally Global Learning sponsors student engagement programming and cultural exchanges, including Conversation Partners, Friendship Families, Global Café and Cultural Ambassadors. Global Learning’s campus- and community-based programming includes Peace Corps Prep, Cultural Conversations and the Phi Delta Honor Society.

English Language Program

The fully accredited intensive English program offers beginner to advanced levels of academic preparation. This large and growing program concentrates on academic preparation and study skills that equip students for success in their educational and career pursuits.

Global Partnerships and Outreach

Global Partnerships and Outreach supports expanding the university's global footprint through partnerships and recruitment. The unit facilitates international institutional agreements, supports global engagement by providing funding and other professional development opportunities, and leads international student recruitment efforts.

Immigration Services

GEO’s immigration services advises international students on immigration regulations, USCIS requirements, rules and procedures. The immigration advisers provide timely, accurate and considerate visa-related guidance and support to the international community.