912 West Grace Street
Box 843022
Richmond, Virginia 23284-3022
(804) 828-8947

The Office of Institutional Equity, Effectiveness and Success embeds diversity, equity and inclusion as a core component of VCU’s academic and practical foundations. IES provides policy and civil rights compliance tools to support equity across the university, facilitates inclusive training and education, mobilizes university-community partnerships for real-world experiences and disseminates impactful practices for our communities.


VCU America Reads

The America Reads initiative began as a challenge put forth by former President Bill Clinton to “ensure that every child can read independently by third grade.” Citizens from across the nation and all walks of life have answered the call to improve the literacy skills of struggling readers. VCU has responded to the challenge by setting aside college work-study funds for eligible students who want to make a difference in the life of a child.

The VCU America Reads program places college work-study students in local elementary schools to provide comprehensive reading support to students who are below grade level in reading.

Interested students can apply through the VCU work-study jobs portal on the Financial Aid website.