This is the preliminary (or launch) version of the 2025-2026 VCU Bulletin. Courses that expose students to cutting-edge content and transformative learning may be added and notification of additional program approvals may be received prior to finalization. General education program content is also subject to change. The final edition and full PDF version will include these updates and will be available in August prior to the beginning of the fall semester.

The School of Education has several offices that provide support services to students and faculty. These offices include the Office of Graduate Studies, Student Services Center, Office of Data Analytics, Office of Enrollment Management, and Information Technology Services.

Office of Graduate Studies

The Office of Graduate Studies assists all departments with admission, matriculation, graduation, and special actions and appeals for graduate students. The office also supports and guides students throughout their graduate program, fostering a learning community that enhances students’ professional development.

Student Services Center

The Student Services Center provides support for teacher education and counselor education students as they progress through their academic programs. Services include:

  • Advising for students in extended teacher preparation, post-baccalaureate, counselor education and special education programs prior to formal admission to graduate programs
  • Processing of applications for admission to teacher preparation programs
  • Processing of applications for clinical placements and coordinating for practica, student teaching, internships and externships in local school divisions and educational facilities
  • Processing applications for licensure in Virginia and other states
  • Providing general program and course information
  • Assigning faculty advisers
  • Entering, retrieving and managing data to document student progress through academic programs
  • Serving as a repository of information on comprehensive examinations, application and forms for academic transactions, admission to teacher preparation, clinical experiences, and licensure

Office of Data Analytics

The Office of Data Analytics facilitates complex and dynamic activities designed to provide decision-makers accurate, timely, actionable data and analytics to support decision-making in the VCU School of Education and the education programs hosted by its partners in the College of Humanities and Sciences, School of the Arts and School of Social Work.

Office of Enrollment Management

The Office of Enrollment Management supports all incoming prospective students and provides resources, support and engagement opportunities throughout the application process. This team works with external partners to support community-driven needs with a focus and passion for supporting licensure and non-licensure pathways to education careers.

Information Technology Services

The Information Technology Services center provides support and training for faculty, staff and students in the School of Education for various technology resources. The ITS houses both Mac and PC laptops, Chromebooks, netbooks, digital cameras, Promethean board accessories, mobile devices and more for use and checkout by faculty, staff and students. The office provides technical assistance to faculty and staff to assure that issues in using technology are quickly resolved. The center also coordinates two technology resources:  

  • Digital playgrounds (rooms 3107 and 3108)

Digital playgrounds provide space and equipment that facilitate many opportunities to learn about incorporating computer-assisted instruction in the classroom. The digital playground in Room 3107 is equipped with several computers connected for use of pay-4-print services for students. Both rooms are equipped with smartboards, Promethean boards, 3-D printers, 3-D scanners and more for students to “play” with to develop more effective instruction. Technology devices can be checked out from ITS for use in these areas.

  • Distance-learning technology

The ITS also supports three rooms in Oliver Hall with distance-learning technology and provides ongoing assistance to faculty, preservice teachers and staff in the School of Education.