This is the preliminary (or launch) version of the 2025-2026 VCU Bulletin. Courses that expose students to cutting-edge content and transformative learning may be added and notification of additional program approvals may be received prior to finalization. General education program content is also subject to change. The final edition and full PDF version will include these updates and will be available in August prior to the beginning of the fall semester.

Important information for all graduate students

On behalf of the graduate faculty, welcome to graduate study at Virginia Commonwealth University. At VCU students will find a comprehensive array of academic programs, outstanding faculty and a supportive environment conducive to graduate study and research. The university offers nationally and internationally acclaimed graduate and research programs that meet the many needs of Virginia, the United States and the world.

The University Graduate Council, chaired by the dean of the Graduate School, provides academic and administrative oversight and coordination of all graduate programs in accordance with the Graduate School’s mission: to provide leadership in all matters relating to graduate education at VCU in order to create a stimulating environment for teaching, learning, research, creative expression and public service. Academic departments and schools administer individual graduate degree programs with the assistance and support of the VCU Graduate School. In-depth descriptions of all graduate programs at VCU are provided in the individual school and program sections of this bulletin.

VCU Graduate Bulletin

The VCU Graduate Bulletin website documents the official admission and academic rules and regulations that govern graduate education for all graduate programs at the university. These policies are established by the graduate faculty of the university through their elected representatives to the University Graduate Council.

It is the responsibility of all graduate students, both on- and off-campus, to be familiar with the Graduate Bulletin as well as the academic regulations in individual school and department publications and on program websites; however, in all cases, the official policies and procedures of the University Graduate Council, as published on this Graduate Bulletin website and on the Graduate School website, take precedence over individual program policies and guidelines.

Bulletins and course descriptions for the current and past years are now archived in the VCU Scholars Compass hosted by the VCU Libraries.

Students who maintain continuous enrollment are subject to the curricular requirements of the bulletin in effect at the time of admission and to subsequent policy changes approved by the University Graduate Council for immediate implementation.

Students who do not maintain continuous enrollment must reapply for admission and will be subject to the requirements of the bulletin in effect at the time of readmission and to subsequent policy changes approved by the University Graduate Council for immediate implementation. (See policy on exceptions.)

Graduate students should contact the Graduate School at any time regarding questions relating to graduate study at VCU.

Revised 5/11/2010
University Graduate Council