This is the preliminary (or launch) version of the 2025-2026 VCU Bulletin. Courses that expose students to cutting-edge content and transformative learning may be added and notification of additional program approvals may be received prior to finalization. General education program content is also subject to change. The final edition and full PDF version will include these updates and will be available in August prior to the beginning of the fall semester.

The purpose of the B.S.Ed. in Special Education and Teaching degree is to prepare students to serve as initially licensed special education teachers in K-12 schools, as well as to serve as educators and leaders in schools and community-based settings. The program will focus on providing students with the tools they need to make a difference in the lives of children, youth and adults with disabilities. Students will garner the knowledge and skills to become licensed special education teachers who work with children with high incidence disabilities, including individuals with learning disabilities, emotional disturbance and mild to moderate intellectual disability. Students will be able to recognize a child’s educational and social problems, to formulate effective and personalized/individualized instruction, and to consult with parents, teachers and administrators to incorporate accommodations and transitions across the child’s educational program. Students also will be prepared to teach reading and language, mathematics, and other core content areas, as well as be able to apply classroom and behavior management and social skills to students with diverse abilities and backgrounds. Graduates will be prepared to work in public and private elementary, middle and high schools across Virginia, with particular focus in urban and high-need areas. Graduates will be capable of working with diverse learners and adapting instructional programs based on the needs of their students and clients. Successful completion of the program will result in licensure in special education/general education curriculum (K-12).

Student learning outcomes

  1. Learner and learning: Students will understand human development and learning theories appropriate to the age group they will teach and acquire an awareness of the diversity of the school-age populations’ cultural backgrounds, learning strengths and needs.
  2. Content: Students will demonstrate knowledge of the subjects they will teach as a special education teacher.
  3. Instructional practice: Students will demonstrate an ability to plan and implement effective teaching and measure student learning in ways that lead to sustained development and learning.
  4. Professional responsibility: Students will develop an understanding of purposes for education and a defensible philosophical approach toward teaching and demonstrate professional dispositions.

Special requirements

  • Students must have received a minimum grade of C in all required education courses (ECSE, EDUS, SEDP and TEDU). 
  • Students must have received a minimum grade of C in all prerequisite courses for all required upper-level education courses (ECSE, EDUS, SEDP and TEDU).  
  • Required education courses (ECSE, EDUS, SEDP and TEDU) in which students earn a grade of D or F must be repeated.
  • Students must achieve a 2.8 GPA to be admitted to Teacher Preparation and a 3.0 GPA to be admitted to Clinical Internship.

Degree requirements for Special Education and Teaching, Bachelor of Science in Education (B.S.Ed.)

Course Title Hours
General education
Select 30 credits of general education courses in consultation with an adviser.30
Major requirements
• Major core requirements
EDUS 202Diversity, Democracy and Ethics3
EDUS 301Human Development and Learning3
or PSYC 304 Life Span Developmental Psychology
SEDP 203Special Education and Disability Law3
SEDP 216Family-Professional Partnerships3
SEDP 282Multicultural Perspectives and Disability3
SEDP 330Survey of Special Education3
SEDP 402Exceptionality and Technology: Augmentative and Alternative Communication and Assistive Technology3
SEDP 405Collaborative Practices to Support Inclusion for Children and Youth with Disabilities3
• Additional major requirements
SEDP 201Foundations of Teaching Special Education3
SEDP 311Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities3
SEDP 315Classroom Management and Behavior Support for Students With Disabilities3
SEDP 378Teaching Math to Students With Disabilities3
SEDP 379Assessment in Special Education3
SEDP 380Teaching Reading to Students With Disabilities3
SEDP 389Developing Individualized Education Programs3
SEDP 404Methods in Teaching Science and Social Studies for Students With Disabilities3
SEDP 452Supporting Multilingual Learners With Disabilities1
SEDP 460Specialized Reading and Writing Interventions for Students With Disabilities3
SEDP 461Specialized Math Interventions for Students With High Incidence Disabilities3
TEDU 410Building a Community of Learners: Classroom Management3
TEDU 452Teaching Multilingual Learners2
• Field-based learning and student teaching requirements
SEDP 250Special Education Elementary Supervision2
SEDP 350Special Education Middle School Supervision2
SEDP 450Special Education High School Supervision2
SEDP 499Student Teaching9
Open electives
Select any course.15
Total Hours120

The minimum number of credit hours required for this degree is 120.

What follows is a sample plan that meets the prescribed requirements within a four-year course of study at VCU. Please contact your adviser before beginning course work toward a degree.

Freshman year
Fall semesterHours
EDUS 202 Diversity, Democracy and Ethics 3
UNIV 111 Play VideoPlay course video for Introduction to Focused Inquiry: Investigation and Communication Introduction to Focused Inquiry: Investigation and Communication (satisfies general education UNIV foundations) 3
General education course (select quantitative foundations) 3
General education course 3
 Term Hours: 12
Spring semester
EDUS 301
Human Development and Learning
or Life Span Developmental Psychology
SEDP 330 Survey of Special Education 3
UNIV 112 Play VideoPlay course video for Focused Inquiry II Focused Inquiry II (satisfies general education UNIV foundations) 3
General education course 3
General education course 3
 Term Hours: 15
Sophomore year
Fall semester
SEDP 216 Family-Professional Partnerships 3
SEDP 282 Multicultural Perspectives and Disability 3
UNIV 200 Advanced Focused Inquiry: Literacies, Research and Communication (satisfies general education UNIV foundations) 3
General education course 3
General education course 3
 Term Hours: 15
Spring semester
2.8 GPA required for admission to teacher preparation  
SEDP 201 Foundations of Teaching Special Education 3
SEDP 203 Special Education and Disability Law 3
General education course 3
Open elective 3
Open elective 3
 Term Hours: 15
Junior year
Fall semester
SEDP 250 Special Education Elementary Supervision 2
SEDP 378 Teaching Math to Students With Disabilities 3
SEDP 379 Assessment in Special Education 3
SEDP 380 Teaching Reading to Students With Disabilities 3
TEDU 410 Building a Community of Learners: Classroom Management 3
Open elective 3
 Term Hours: 17
Spring semester
3.0 GPA required for admission to clinical internship  
SEDP 315 Classroom Management and Behavior Support for Students With Disabilities 3
SEDP 350 Special Education Middle School Supervision 2
SEDP 402 Exceptionality and Technology: Augmentative and Alternative Communication and Assistive Technology 3
SEDP 460 Specialized Reading and Writing Interventions for Students With Disabilities 3
SEDP 461 Specialized Math Interventions for Students With High Incidence Disabilities 3
Open elective 3
 Term Hours: 17
Senior year
Fall semester
SEDP 311 Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities 3
SEDP 389 Developing Individualized Education Programs 3
SEDP 404 Methods in Teaching Science and Social Studies for Students With Disabilities 3
SEDP 405 Collaborative Practices to Support Inclusion for Children and Youth with Disabilities 3
SEDP 450 Special Education High School Supervision 2
Open elective 3
 Term Hours: 17
Spring semester
SEDP 452 Supporting Multilingual Learners With Disabilities 1
SEDP 499 Student Teaching 9
TEDU 452 Teaching Multilingual Learners 2
 Term Hours: 12
 Total Hours: 120

The minimum number of credit hours required for this degree is 120.