This is the preliminary (or launch) version of the 2025-2026 VCU Bulletin. Courses that expose students to cutting-edge content and transformative learning may be added and notification of additional program approvals may be received prior to finalization. General education program content is also subject to change. The final edition and full PDF version will include these updates and will be available in August prior to the beginning of the fall semester.

Academic regulations

In addition to the information below, the School of Nursing has additional requirements and all new and continuing students are responsible for compliance with all school policies listed in the School of Nursing student handbook, available on the school's canvas site.


The minimum passing grade in the general education courses is a C/satisfactory, except in anatomy, physiology or microbiology, which must be completed with a minimum grade of B. The minimum passing grade for nursing courses is a B/satisfactory. Any nursing student who receives less than a B/satisfactory in any course must repeat the course with a B/satisfactory or better. Courses at the next level in the nursing major without a clinical component may be taken before students officially progress to that level. Appeal of all progression issues is made to the undergraduate program director. 

If a student earns a grade of C or below in anatomy, physiology or microbiology, the course may be repeated once. If a student earns a grade of C/unsatisfactory or below in any other course, it may be repeated once. If the repeated course or another course is failed with a grade of C/unsatisfactory or below, or C or below in anatomy, physiology or microbiology, the student may not proceed in the nursing major and is dismissed from the School of Nursing.

A student may fail a clinical course prior to the completion of the course under certain circumstances. A student whose conduct is judged to be clinically unsafe may be dismissed at any time from a clinical unit. Unsafe clinical performance is defined as behavior that is actually or potentially injurious to patients or staff and is out of the range of ordinary student mistakes. Dismissal for the remainder of the course results in a failing grade for the course as does any failure to meet course objectives.

Completion of degree requirements – time limit

Once the student enrolls in the School of Nursing, the degree requirements must be completed within six calendar years. The credentials and programs of a candidate unable to meet this requirement may be evaluated by the undergraduate program committee upon request. Such a candidate may have to meet additional requirements established during the interval since matriculation.

Students in the B.S. program who are not in continuous enrollment (as defined by university policy) may have to meet additional program/course requirements. The undergraduate program committee will evaluate and determine the student’s program of study if readmitted to the program.

Preparatory study for nursing

University Academic Advising provides programs in preparation for admission into health sciences programs. For detailed information on the pre-health major in nursing, see the UAA section of this bulletin.