This is the preliminary (or launch) version of the 2025-2026 VCU Bulletin. Courses that expose students to cutting-edge content and transformative learning may be added and notification of additional program approvals may be received prior to finalization. General education program content is also subject to change. The final edition and full PDF version will include these updates and will be available in August prior to the beginning of the fall semester.

The minor in mixed and immersive reality studies provides an overview of the technology and culture of mixed, immersive, virtual and augmented realities. It is meant to be applicable — and accessible — to all majors at VCU. When combined with the appropriate major, the minor can be useful to students planning careers in any area concerned with immersive, virtually mediated society, culture and experience — from coding and technological innovation to policy, art and storytelling. The minor will introduce students to the subject through relevant course work in technological systems, design aesthetics, and humanities and social sciences.

The minor consists of 18 credit hours. Students must achieve an overall GPA of 2.0 in all courses counted toward the minor.

Course Title Hours
Required courses
IDST 160Introduction to Mixed and Immersive Reality Studies3
IDST 360Mixed and Immersive Reality Studies Synthesis3
Students must complete three credits in each of the categories below.9
Elective (Select from any category.)3
Total Hours18
Course Title Hours
Technological systems
CMSC 210Computers and Programming3
CMSC 235Computing and Data Ethics3
CMSC 255Object-oriented Programming4
CMSC 320Software Engineering and Web Development 3
CMSC 330Data Science Skills 3
CMSC 340Cybersecurity Skills 3
EGRE 245Engineering Programming4
EGRE 246Advanced Engineering Programming3
EGRE 254Digital Logic Design4
EGRE 347Applied Embedded Programming3
EGRE 364Microcomputer Systems4
EGRE 428Introduction to Integrated Systems Design2
INNO 250Introduction to Global Coding for Data3
INNO 252Introduction to Global Coding for Web3
Design aesthetics
ARTE 409Three-dimensional Art Experiences3
COAR 203Digital 3D Studio3
COAR 308Cut Scene3
COAR 4323D Image and Movement3
COAR 433Game Design, Theory and Practice3
COAR 436Visual Effects I3
COAR 437Visual Effects II3
CREA 202Creative Coding3
CREA 240Digital Storytelling3
CREA 330Interdisciplinary Web Design3
CREA 360User Experience Design I3
CREA 393Design Ops Internship1-6
CREA 460User Experience Design II3
KINE 347Sound Design4
KINE 3483D Computer Art4
KINE 354Creative Code and Electronics 4
KINE 458Virtual Interactive Worlds4
Humanities and social sciences
AFAM 318Politics of Race, Class and Gender3
ARTE 222Rethinking Popular, Visual and Media Culture3
GSWS 318Politics of Race, Class and Gender3
MASC 101Mass Communications3
NEXT 240Reading Technology, Media and Culture3
PHIL 202Ethics of Artificial Intelligence3
POLI 312Media and Politics3
POLI 318Politics of Race, Class and Gender3

IDST 160 should be completed at the beginning of the minor and IDST 360 at the end.

In some of the minor categories, a student may substitute an internship, co-op, undergraduate research, study abroad or vertically integrated project for the required three credits with the approval of the interdisciplinary studies program director. Additional special topics or new courses may be substituted if appropriate. Students should discuss such substitutions with the minor adviser prior to enrolling in the substitute course.

Some courses have restrictions and/or prerequisites. Students should work with their adviser to plan the best courses for them, including possible overrides.