This is the preliminary (or launch) version of the 2025-2026 VCU Bulletin. Courses that expose students to cutting-edge content and transformative learning may be added and notification of additional program approvals may be received prior to finalization. General education program content is also subject to change. The final edition and full PDF version will include these updates and will be available in August prior to the beginning of the fall semester.
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Aaron J. Hart, Ed.D.
Vice president for student affairs
The Division of Student Affairs comprises departments promoting the intellectual, cultural, personal, social, moral, financial, physical and psychological development of Virginia Commonwealth University students. The division provides administrative support for key policies of the university, including the VCU Honor System and the University Rules and Procedures. Visit the Division of Student Affairs online for updated information throughout the year. Follow us on Instagram @VCUDSA.
Departments, offices and programs
Dean of Student Advocacy
Staff members in the dean’s office help students and families chart a path toward success, overcome barriers and ensure support services are being utilized. Visit the DOSA website for additional information.
Family Programs
Family Programs provides resources and programs that support student success and an inclusive community for family engagement. Visit the VCU Families website for additional information.
Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life
The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life provides support and oversight to the fraternity and sorority community at VCU. Providing support through programs in the areas of leadership development, chapter and council operations, membership experience, and recruitment/intake support, the office seeks to create a thriving fraternity/sorority experience that enhances the VCU student experience. To learn more, visit the FSL website.
Office of Multicultural Student Affairs
OMSA features cultural programs, discussion groups, student organizations, scholarship opportunities and much more in an effort to strengthen the university’s sense of community through cultural appreciation. Visit the OMSA website for additional information.
Office of Student Advocacy
The Office of Student Advocacy, located in University Student Commons, suite 229, helps students find support and solutions for the challenges they encounter by assisting them with understanding and navigating university policies and procedures, making referrals to on- and off-campus resources, providing basic needs and emergency support, answering general questions and more. For more information or to make an appointment, visit the OSA website. Students may also reach out via email:
Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity
This office supports the educational mission of the university by educating students about appropriate behavior and fostering a community supporting academic success. Visit the SCAI website for more information.
Office of Student Leadership and Engaged Learning
The Office of Student Leadership and Engaged Learning empowers and supports students to become transformative and inclusive leaders through engagement in diverse experiential learning opportunities that foster their career readiness and sense of belonging in the VCU and Richmond communities. The programs supported by this unit include the Emerging Leaders Program, Peer Leadership Initiative and the VCU Transform Living-Learning Program. To learn more about this department, visit the OSLEL website. Students who complete the 2-year VCU Transform living-learning program will receive a Certificate of Completion in Leadership Studies and Experiential Learning.
Rams in Recovery
Rams in Recovery is VCU’s collegiate recovery program which works to ensure that students do not have to choose between their recovery and their education. They support students inside and outside the classroom, organize events and trips, offer recovery housing and more. Visit the Rams in Recovery website for more information.
Recreation and Well-Being (RecWell)
RecWell provides a broad range of programs and services that support student well-being, including group exercise, outdoor adventure, intramural sports, personal training and much more. Facilities are located on both the MCV and Monroe Park campuses. To participate in and learn more about those opportunities, visit the Rec Well website for additional information.
Residential Life and Housing
This unit provides safe, inclusive and well-maintained facilities where intentional communities are built to empower residents in their academic excellence, citizenship and personal growth. See the Residential Life and Housing website for more information.
Student Accessibility and Educational Opportunity
Student Accessibility and Educational Opportunity assists students with disabilities registered for classes on the Monroe Park Campus to identify and utilize reasonable accommodations, supports and services. Visit the SAEO website for more information.
Student Media Center
The Student Media Center is dedicated to the support and encouragement of responsible, independent student media to connect, explore and enrich the lives of the university’s many constituencies.
Technology Support Services
Technology Support Services provide technical support and services to the Division of Student Affairs staff through the DSA help desk and VCU students through the Resnet help desk. Students can use their eID to sign in to the LANDESK for technology support.
University Counseling Services
UCS creates an environment that fosters student growth, development and psychological well-being through direct clinical service, education and prevention. Visit the UCS website for more information.
University Student Health Services
USHS provides quality outpatient medical care and public health services, which also includes health education programming that empowers students to become full participants in their health care. Find more information on the USHS website.
University Student Commons
The facilities, services, and programs of University Student Commons bring together all members of the VCU community and contribute to intellectual, emotional and social growth through informal interaction. Visit the website for more information.
Student government associations
The VCU Student Government Association is an elected body of students who are organized into three branches — executive, legislative and judicial — with various committees. Nonelected, at-large members are encouraged to join most of these committees. All meetings of the senate are open to the public. Visit the SGA website for more information.
The Graduate Student Association serves as an advocate for graduate students at VCU. It sponsors events such as meet-and-greets, monthly socials and the annual Graduate Research Symposium that are designed to enhance academic skills, provide professional development opportunities and facilitate an active social environment. The GSA and the Graduate School work together to assist students with travel costs for academic conferences. The GSA places students on campuswide committees to ensure concerns of graduate students are heard. Visit the Graduate School website for more information.
University policies and procedures
A number of policies and regulations at VCU affect students, and many of these are printed in the general information chapters of this bulletin. Two policy documents are of particular interest to students.
- VCU Student Code of Conduct: outlines the responsibilities of student conduct from the time of application for admission through the actual awarding of their degree
- VCU Honor System: defines academic dishonesty and provides a procedure for judging alleged violators of academic integrity
Each student is responsible for being familiar with the provisions of all university policies and regulations. The policy documents described above are available in the VCU Policy Library, which is an excellent online resource.