This is the preliminary (or launch) version of the 2024-2025 VCU Bulletin. Courses that expose students to cutting-edge content and transformative learning may be added and notification of additional program approvals may be received prior to finalization. General education program content is also subject to change. The final edition and full PDF version will include these updates and will be available in August prior to the beginning of the fall semester.

The Bachelor of Arts in African American Studies is an interdisciplinary degree that provides students with knowledge of human cultures and intellectual and practical skills to engage complexity, diversity and change. The degree program fosters students’ personal and social responsibility and, through applied learning experiences, empowers students to negotiate and to solve the complex problems of the 21st century. African American studies majors often pursue graduate and professional degree programs in business, education, history, international relations, law, political science, psychology, public health and social work. Career opportunities with a B.A. only in African American Studies include employment in community health agencies, public and private schools and nonprofit organizations.

Student learning outcomes

Upon completing this program, students will know how to do the following:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the major concepts, perspectives and theories in Africana studies
  • Articulate the manner in which institutional structures and systemic practices shape and affect the experiences of Black people in the United States and abroad
  • Demonstrate knowledge of basic methodological approaches (both quantitative and qualitative) in Africana studies and the general role of methodology in building knowledge about the Black experience
  • Critically engage and propose integrity-based solutions to problems that impact persons of African descent and their communities

Special requirements

Majors in African American studies must meet the general education requirements of the College of Humanities and Sciences. The Bachelor of Arts in African American Studies requires the completion of 120 credits with at least 30 credits in African American Studies courses. Students must complete 24 major core credits. They are also required to establish an area of study by taking a minimum of two approved courses in a single cooperating department (listed below). Only courses in the selected cooperating department count toward the African American studies major GPA. Students may fulfill all or part of this requirement by taking African American studies course electives.

Degree requirements for African American Studies, Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Course Title Hours
General education
Select 30 credits of general education courses in consultation with an adviser.30
Major requirements
• Major core requirements
AFAM 201Theories and Foundations of Africana Studies3
AFAM 211Africana Social and Political Thought3
AFAM 310Black Health Matters: Social Determinants of Health in the African American Community3
AFAM 311African Diaspora Experiences3
AFAM 330Blackness and Media: Representations of Race, Gender and Culture3
AFAM 399Interdisciplinary Research Methods 13
AFAM 493Internship in Africana Studies3
AFAM 499Capstone Seminar in Africana Studies3
• Additional major requirements
Complete two courses from one cooperating department (select from list below)6
Ancillary requirements
AFAM 111 Play VideoPlay course video for Introduction to Africana StudiesIntroduction to Africana Studies (satisfies general education BOK for humanities/fine arts and/or AOI for global perspectives)3
HUMS 202Choices in a Consumer Society1
Experiential fine arts 21-3
Foreign language through the 102 level (by course or placement)0-6
Open electives
Select any course.50-58
Total Hours120

Any one of GSWS 393, POLI 320, PSYC 317, SOCY 320 or SLWK 380 may be substituted for this course if completed with a minimum grade of C.


Course offered by the School of the Arts

The minimum number of credit hours required for this degree is 120.

Cooperating departments and programs requirement

Complete two courses in one of the cooperating departments or programs listed below, including at least one Africana-focused course and at least one upper level course. Students may fulfill all or part of this requirement by taking African American studies course electives.

  • Anthropology
  • Dance
  • English
  • Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies
  • History
  • International Studies
  • Mass Communications
  • Music History
  • Political Science
  • Psychology
  • Religious Studies
  • Sociology
  • Theatre
  • Urban and Regional Studies

Refer to the list below for Africana-focused courses offered by or in conjunction with these cooperating departments.

Africana-focused courses from the Department of African American Studies and cooperating departments

Note: Students must complete two courses in one cooperating department or program, including at least one Africana-focused course (from lists below) and at least one upper-level course. Students may fulfill all or part of this requirement by taking African American studies course electives.

Course Title Hours
African American studies
AFAM/SOCY 104Sociology of Racism3
AFAM/HIST 105Survey of African History3
AFAM/HIST 106Survey of African History3
AFAM/ANTH/INTL 200Introduction to African Societies3
AFAM 291Topics in African American Studies3
AFAM/POLI 302Politics of the Civil Rights Movement3
AFAM/GSWS/SOCY 305Oppression, Resilience and the Black Family3
AFAM/RELS/INTL 307Black Religion3
AFAM/ANTH/INTL 309Gender and Global Health3
AFAM/POLI/GSWS 318Politics of Race, Class and Gender3
AFAM/PSYC 322Personality and Behavior of the African American3
AFAM 338Ferguson, USA: The Criminalization of Race in Historical Perspective3
AFAM/POLI 343Black Political Thought3
AFAM/POLI 345African-American Politics3
AFAM/POLI/INTL 356African Government and Politics3
AFAM/POLI/INTL 357Politics of Southern Africa3
AFAM/HIST 361Americans from Africa3
AFAM/HIST 362Americans from Africa3
AFAM/ENGL 363/INTL 366African Literature3
AFAM/ENGL 365/INTL 367Caribbean Literature3
AFAM/ENGL 379African-American Literature: Beginnings Through the Harlem Renaissance3
AFAM/HIST 387History of West Africa to 18003
AFAM/HIST 389Southern Africa Since 16003
AFAM 390/HIST 380/GSWS 390Forced and Coerced Labor in Africa and the Americas3
AFAM 391Topics in African American Studies3
AFAM 392/HIST 376Caribbean History to 18383
AFAM 393Akhenaten to Cleopatra3
AFAM/ANTH 416The Origin and Evolution of the Idea of Race3
AFAM 491Topics in African-American Studies3
Or a course approved by an African American studies adviser
ANTH/AFAM/INTL 200Introduction to African Societies3
ANTH/AFAM/GSWS 309Gender and Global Health3
ANTH 321Gender and Culture in Africa3
ANTH 388African Archaeology3
ANTH/AFAM 416The Origin and Evolution of the Idea of Race3
AFAM/ANTH/INTL 420Women of Africa3
Or a course approved by an African American studies adviser
AFAM/DANC 121Tap Technique I2
AFAM/DANC 122Tap Technique I2
AFAM/DANC 126African-Caribbean Dance I2
AFAM/DANC 127African-Caribbean Dance I2
AFAM/DANC 151Jazz Dance Technique I2
AFAM/DANC 152Jazz Dance Technique I2
DANC 255Hip Hop Dance2
DANC 256Hip Hop Dance2
DANC 291Topics in Dance1-4
DANC 413African American Presence in American Dance, Performance and Social Contexts3
Or a course approved by an African American studies adviser
ENGL 355/GSWS 359Black Women Writers3
ENGL 359Studies in African American Literature: ____3
ENGL/AFAM 363/INTL 366African Literature3
ENGL/AFAM 365/INTL 367Caribbean Literature3
ENGL/AFAM 379African-American Literature: Beginnings Through the Harlem Renaissance3
ENGL/AFAM 382African-American Literature: Realism to the Present3
ENGL 417Themes in African American Literature: ____3
Or a course approved by an African American studies adviser
Gender, sexuality and women's studies
AFAM/ANTH/INTL/GSWS 309Gender and Global Health3
GSWS/AFAM/SOCY 305Oppression, Resilience and the Black Family3
GSWS/AFAM/POLI 318Politics of Race, Class and Gender3
GSWS 359/ENGL 355Black Women Writers3
GSWS 383Beyoncé: Music, Race and Fame3
GSWS/AFAM 390/HIST 380Forced and Coerced Labor in Africa and the Americas3
GSWS/DANC 415Black Performance Theory3
GSWS 450Black Feminist Thought3
GSWS 460Gender, Sexuality and HIV In African Literature3
Or a course approved by an African American studies adviser
HIST/AFAM 105Survey of African History3
HIST/AFAM 106Survey of African History3
HIST 302Ancient Egypt3
HIST/AFAM 361Americans from Africa3
HIST/AFAM 362Americans from Africa3
HIST 376/AFAM 392Caribbean History to 18383
HIST 348The American Civil War and Reconstruction3
HIST 352The U.S. South to 18653
HIST 353The U.S. South Since 18653
HIST 356Virginia to 18653
HIST 357Virginia Since 18653
HIST 360The Civil Rights Movement3
HIST 367East Africa, 1895-Present3
HIST 368Colonialism in Africa3
HIST 377Caribbean History Since 18383
HIST 378Atlantic Slavery3
HIST 380/AFAM 390/GSWS 390Forced and Coerced Labor in Africa and the Americas3
HIST 381/AFAM 387History of West Africa to 18003
HIST 383/AFAM 389Southern Africa Since 16003
HIST 384Africa: Social, Cultural and Economic History3
HIST 410Studies in African History: ____3
HIST 411Studies in the African Diaspora: ____3
HIST 417Studies in African American History: ____3
Or a course approved by an African American studies adviser
International studies
INTL/AFAM/ANTH 200Introduction to African Societies3
INTL/SOCY 250Confronting Climate Crisis3
INTL/URSP 303World Regions3
INTL/AFAM/RELS 307Black Religion3
INTL/AFAM/URSP 333Geography of Africa3
INTL/AFAM/POLI 356African Government and Politics3
INTL/AFAM/POLI 357Politics of Southern Africa3
INTL 366/AFAM 363/ENGL 363African Literature3
INTL 367/AFAM 365/ENGL 365Caribbean Literature3
INTL 370/AFAM 350/MHIS 350Studies in the Music of the African Continent and Diaspora3
INTL/AFAM/ANTH 420Women of Africa3
INTL/AFAM/RELS 451Religion, Racism and Social Justice3
Or a course approved by an African American studies adviser
Mass communications
MASC 290Ethical Problems in Mass Media3
MASC 390Ethical Problems in Mass Media3
MASC 474Diversity in the Media3
Or a course approved by an African American studies adviser
Music and music history
AFAM/MHIS 350/INTL 370Studies in the Music of the African Continent and Diaspora3
APPM 360Large Jazz Ensemble 11
APPM 361Small Jazz Ensemble 11
MHIS 147Jazz Theory and Aural Skills 23
MHIS 291Topics in Music1-3
MHIS 311Jazz Arranging I 23
MHIS 312Jazz Arranging II 23
MHIS 324Jazz History 23
Political science
POLI/AFAM 302Politics of the Civil Rights Movement3
POLI/AFAM/GSWS 318Politics of Race, Class and Gender3
POLI/AFAM 343Black Political Thought3
POLI/AFAM 345African-American Politics3
POLI 346Black Political Activism3
POLI 347Black Queer Politics3
POLI/AFAM/INTL 356African Government and Politics3
POLI/AFAM/INTL 357Politics of Southern Africa3
Or a course approved by an African American studies adviser
PSYC/EDUS 305Educational Psychology3
PSYC/LFSC 307Community Solutions: Multiple Perspectives3
PSYC 321Social Psychology3
PSYC/AFAM 322Personality and Behavior of the African American3
PSYC/SOCY 341Group Dynamics3
AFAM 346Mental Health Across the African Diaspora3
Or a course approved by an African American studies adviser
Religious studies
RELS/AFAM 307Black Religion3
RELS 340/INTL 341Global Ethics and the World's Religions3
RELS 450/INTL 449Religion, Globalization and Social Justice3
RELS/AFAM/INTL 451Religion, Racism and Social Justice3
Or a course approved by an African American studies adviser
SOCY/AFAM 104Sociology of Racism3
SOCY/INTL 250Confronting Climate Crisis3
SOCY/AFAM/GSWS 305Oppression, Resilience and the Black Family3
SOCY 310Social Movements and Social Conflict3
SOCY 322Sociology of Race and Ethnicity3
SOCY 327Urban Sociology3
SOCY 350Environmental Sociology3
SOCY 355Comparative Social Justice: Forging Cultures of Resilience in South Africa and the U.S.3
SOCY 401Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities3
SOCY 420Environmental Racism3
Or a course approved by an African American studies adviser
AFAM/THEA 303Black Theatre3
THEA 375Black Performance Techniques3
Or a course approved in conjunction by advisers in Theatre and African American studies
Urban and regional studies
URSP 108Uncovering Richmond3
URSP 245Housing and Community Revitalization3
URSP 304Urban Social Systems3
URSP 315The Evolution of American Cities3
URSP 316Urban Life in Modern America3
URSP 331Geography of Latin America and the Caribbean3
URSP 333Geography of Africa3
URSP 435Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the City3
Or a course approved by an African American studies adviser

Accessible by audition


Restricted to music majors

What follows is a sample plan that meets the prescribed requirements within a four-year course of study at VCU. Please contact your adviser before beginning course work toward a degree.

Freshman year
Fall semesterHours
AFAM 111 Play VideoPlay course video for Introduction to Africana Studies Introduction to Africana Studies (satisfies general education BOK for humanities/fine arts and/or AOI for global perspectives) 3
UNIV 101 Introduction to the University 1
UNIV 111 Play VideoPlay course video for Focused Inquiry I Focused Inquiry I (satisfies general education UNIV foundations) 3
Experiential fine arts 1-3
General education course 3
General education course (select quantitative foundations) 3-4
 Term Hours: 14-17
Spring semester
HUMS 202 Choices in a Consumer Society 1
UNIV 112 Play VideoPlay course video for Focused Inquiry II Focused Inquiry II (satisfies general education UNIV foundations) 3
General education course 1 3
General education course 1 3
General education course 1 3
Open elective 3
 Term Hours: 16
Sophomore year
Fall semester
AFAM 201 Theories and Foundations of Africana Studies 3
UNIV 200 Advanced Focused Inquiry: Literacies, Research and Communication (satisfies general education UNIV foundations) 3
Foreign language 101 3
Open electives 6
 Term Hours: 15
Spring semester
AFAM 211 Africana Social and Political Thought 3
Approved cooperating department elective 3
Foreign language 102 3
General education course 1 3
Open elective 3
 Term Hours: 15
Junior year
Fall semester
AFAM 311 African Diaspora Experiences 3
AFAM 330 Blackness and Media: Representations of Race, Gender and Culture 3
Approved cooperating department elective 3
Open electives 6
 Term Hours: 15
Spring semester
AFAM 310 Black Health Matters: Social Determinants of Health in the African American Community 3
AFAM 399 Interdisciplinary Research Methods 2 3
Open electives 9
 Term Hours: 15
Senior year
Fall semester
AFAM 493 Internship in Africana Studies 3
Open electives 12
 Term Hours: 15
Spring semester
AFAM 499 Capstone Seminar in Africana Studies 3
Open electives 12
 Term Hours: 15
 Total Hours: 120-123

Students are required to complete courses in all three breadth of knowledge areas and in three of the four area of inquiry categories. Select general education courses in consultation with an adviser.


Any one of GSWS 393POLI 320PSYC 317SOCY 320 or SLWK 380 may be substituted for this course if completed with a minimum grade of C.

The minimum number of credit hours required for this degree is 120.