This is the preliminary (or launch) version of the 2025-2026 VCU Bulletin. Courses that expose students to cutting-edge content and transformative learning may be added and notification of additional program approvals may be received prior to finalization. General education program content is also subject to change. The final edition and full PDF version will include these updates and will be available in August prior to the beginning of the fall semester.

Student learning outcomes

Upon completing this program, students will know and know how to do the following:

  • Students will demonstrate strong critical thinking skills that connect theory to action.
  • Students will employ multiple theories informed by intersectionality.
  • Students will demonstrate critical engagement with multiple epistemologies and methods of research.
  • Students will articulate the ways diverse feminisms converge and diverge in the 21st century.
  • Students will articulate contexts for intellectual, academic and artistic activism.

Special requirements

A Bachelor of Arts in Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies requires a total of 120 credits with 30 credits in GSWS courses and at least 15 of those credits in upper-level courses. Students may choose a general interdisciplinary program or a health and science concentration.

All students must complete the requirements for the Bachelor of Arts in the College of Humanities and Sciences. All students also must complete core course requirements of GSWS 301GSWS 401 and GSWS 493 in addition to the ancillary requirement of GSWS 201.

The general interdisciplinary program requires that students take at least one course in each of the following thematic areas: race, racism and antiracism; art, media, culture and creative expression; methods of social transformation; and systems of power.  The remaining credits in the major are electives, but must be GSWS courses or courses crosslisted with GSWS. These electives may include GSWS 391, GSWS 491 and GSWS 492. Note, however, that an independent study is permitted only after the student has an agreement with a supervising faculty member and permission from the major’s adviser.

Degree requirements for Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies, Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Course Title Hours
General education
Select 30 credits of general education courses in consultation with an adviser.30
Major requirements
• Major core requirements
GSWS 301Feminist Theory3
GSWS 401Topical Senior Seminar3
GSWS 493Internship3
• Additional major requirements
GSWS art, media, culture and creative expression course (200- to 400-level)3
GSWS methods of social transformation course (200-to 400-level)3
GSWS race, racism and anti-racism course (200- to 400-level)3
GSWS systems of power course (200- to 400-level)3
• Major electives
GSWS electives (two of three courses must be upper-level)9
Ancillary requirements
GSWS 201Introduction to Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies (satisfies general education BOK for social/behavioral sciences and AOI for diversities in the human experience)3
HUMS 202Choices in a Consumer Society1
Experiential fine arts 11-3
Foreign language through the 102 level (by course or placement)0-6
Open electives
Select any course.50-58
Total Hours120

Courses offered by the School of the Arts

The minimum number of credit hours required for this degree is 120.

Perspective areas

Note: A course listed in two different areas may not be used to fulfill both area requirements for the major. Some courses may have prerequisites to meet before enrollment.

Course Title Hours
Race, racism and anti-racism
GSWS 291Topics in Women's Studies (if topics deal with race, racism and/or anti-racism)3
GSWS/AFAM/SOCY 305Oppression, Resilience and the Black Family3
GSWS 309Gender and Global Health3
GSWS/AFAM/POLI 318Politics of Race, Class and Gender3
GSWS/POLI 319Women and American Politics3
GSWS 356Open Minds3
GSWS 359/ENGL 355Black Women Writers3
GSWS 360Mujerista Ethics3
GSWS 361Decolonial Feminisms3
GSWS/POLI 366Women and Global Politics3
GSWS/RELS 371Women in Islam3
GSWS/CRJS 382Gender, Crime and Justice3
GSWS 383Beyoncé: Music, Race and Fame3
GSWS 384Queer Nightlife3
GSWS/AFAM/HIST 390Forced and Coerced Labor in Africa and the Americas3
GSWS 391Topics in Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies (if the topic deals with race, racism and/or anti-racism)3
GSWS/DANC 415Black Performance Theory3
GSWS 450Black Feminist Thought3
GSWS/ENGL 451Narratives of Asian American Sexualities3
GSWS 460Gender, Sexuality and HIV In African Literature3
GSWS 470Latine Feminisms3
GSWS 491Topics in Women's Studies (if the topic deals with race, racism and/or anti-racism)3
Art, media, culture and creative expression
GSWS/ENGL 236Women in Literature3
GSWS 291Topics in Women's Studies (if the course deals with art, media and creative expression)3
GSWS 340/HIST 331Gender and Sexuality in Europe Since 17003
GSWS 341/HIST 365Gender and Sexuality in America I3
GSWS 342/HIST 366Gender and Sexuality in America II3
GSWS/ENGL 352Feminist Literary Theory3
GSWS/ENGL 353Women's Writing3
GSWS/ENGL 354Queer Literature: ____3
GSWS 355Queer Cinema3
GSWS/ENGL 357Queer Comics3
GSWS 359/ENGL 355Black Women Writers3
GSWS 360Mujerista Ethics3
GSWS/RELS 371Women in Islam3
GSWS 3803
GSWS 383Beyoncé: Music, Race and Fame3
GSWS 384Queer Nightlife3
GSWS 391Topics in Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies (when the topic deals with art, media and creative expression)3
GSWS/DANC 415Black Performance Theory3
GSWS 450Black Feminist Thought3
GSWS/ENGL 451Narratives of Asian American Sexualities3
GSWS/ENGL/LING 452Language and Gender3
GSWS 457Women, Art and Society3
GSWS 460Gender, Sexuality and HIV In African Literature3
GSWS 461HIV, Memory and Queer Archives3
GSWS 470Latine Feminisms3
GSWS 491Topics in Women's Studies (when the topic relates to art, media, culture and creative expression)3
Methods of social transformation
GSWS 202Introduction to Trans Studies3
GSWS 205Introduction to LGBT+ and Queer Studies3
GSWS 291Topics in Women's Studies (when the topic is focused on methodology, research and/or activism)3
GSWS 302Trans Theory and Activism3
GSWS 356Open Minds3
GSWS 358Sex and Power3
GSWS 391Topics in Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies (when the topic is focused on methodology, research and/or activism)3
GSWS 393Feminist Research and Methods of Inquiry3
GSWS 404Activism Practicum Service-learning3
GSWS 405Activism Practicum in Feminist and Queer Organizing3
GSWS 450Black Feminist Thought3
GSWS 491Topics in Women's Studies (when the topic is focused on methodology, research and/or activism)3
GSWS 492Independent Study1-6
GSWS 493Internship1-3
Systems of power
GSWS 202Introduction to Trans Studies3
GSWS 205Introduction to LGBT+ and Queer Studies3
GSWS 291Topics in Women's Studies (when the topic relates to a critique of systems of power)3
GSWS/SOCY 304Sociology of Families3
GSWS/SOCY 305Oppression, Resilience and the Black Family3
GSWS 309Gender and Global Health3
GSWS/POLI 316Women and the Law3
GSWS/POLI 318Politics of Race, Class and Gender3
or AFAM 318 Politics of Race, Class and Gender
GSWS/POLI 319Women and American Politics3
GSWS/SOCY 333Gender in Society3
GSWS/SOCY 334Sociology of Women3
GSWS/PSYC 335Psychology of Women3
GSWS/SOCY 336Violence Against Women3
GSWS 356Open Minds3
GSWS/POLI 366Women and Global Politics3
GSWS 3803
GSWS/CRJS 382Gender, Crime and Justice3
GSWS 391Topics in Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies (when the topic relates to a critique of systems of power)3
GSWS 392Gender and Health Across the Life Span3
GSWS 409LGBTQ Health and Wellness3
GSWS/PSYC 414Psychology of Women's Health3
GSWS 491Topics in Women's Studies (when the topic relates to a critique of systems of power)3

What follows is a sample plan that meets the prescribed requirements within a four-year course of study at VCU. Please contact your adviser before beginning course work toward a degree.

Freshman year
Fall semesterHours
UNIV 101 Introduction to the University (or open elective) 1
UNIV 111 Play VideoPlay course video for Introduction to Focused Inquiry: Investigation and Communication Introduction to Focused Inquiry: Investigation and Communication (satisfies general education UNIV foundations) 3
General education course 3
General education course 3
General education course 3
General education course 3
 Term Hours: 16
Spring semester
GSWS 201 Introduction to Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies (satisfies general education BOK for social/behavioral sciences and AOI for diversities in the human experience) 3
HUMS 202 Choices in a Consumer Society 1
UNIV 112 Play VideoPlay course video for Focused Inquiry II Focused Inquiry II (satisfies general education UNIV foundations) 3
General education course 3
Open electives 5
 Term Hours: 15
Sophomore year
Fall semester
GSWS 301 Feminist Theory 3
UNIV 200 Advanced Focused Inquiry: Literacies, Research and Communication (satisfies general education UNIV foundations) 3
GSWS race, racism and anti-racism perspective (200-400 level) 3
Foreign language (101-level) 3
General education course 3
 Term Hours: 15
Spring semester
GSWS art, media, culture and creative expression perspective (200- to 400-level) 3
GSWS methods of social transformation perspective (200- to 400-level) 3
Experiential fine arts 1-3
Foreign language (102-level) 3
Open elective 3
 Term Hours: 13-15
Junior year
Fall semester
GSWS systems of power perspective (200- to 400-level) 3
GSWS elective (300- or 400-level) 3
Open electives 9
 Term Hours: 15
Spring semester
GSWS elective (300- to 400-level) 3
Open electives 12
 Term Hours: 15
Senior year
Fall semester
GSWS 401 Topical Senior Seminar 3
Open electives 12
 Term Hours: 15
Spring semester
GSWS 493 Internship 3
GSWS electives (upper-level) 3
Open electives 10
 Term Hours: 16
 Total Hours: 120-122

The minimum number of credit hours required for this degree is 120.