This is the preliminary (or launch) version of the 2025-2026 VCU Bulletin. Courses that expose students to cutting-edge content and transformative learning may be added and notification of additional program approvals may be received prior to finalization. General education program content is also subject to change. The final edition and full PDF version will include these updates and will be available in August prior to the beginning of the fall semester.

The pre-veterinary medicine minor provides foundational courses for students that are preparing to be competitive applicants for Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M.) programs after completing their bachelor’s degree at VCU. The pre-veterinary medicine minor can be completed as a part of any undergraduate degree. Completing this minor does not guarantee admission into any veterinary medicine program. This minor is structured to academically prepare students to apply for veterinary medicine school broadly. Clinical and non-clinical experiences are a requirement of application to most veterinary medicine programs. In addition to this minor, students should participate in clinical and non-clinical experiences to develop a competitive application for veterinary medicine programs. Visit the VCU Career Services - Pre-Professional Health Career Advising website for more information and to schedule an appointment with a pre-professional health and STEM career counselor.

Veterinary medicine programs across the U.S. have different prerequisites for admission. The list below shows courses that may be required by various veterinary medicine programs. It is always recommended that you visit each program’s webpage and/or attend an information session to obtain requirements for specific programs. Students are encouraged to meet with their academic adviser to integrate these courses into their academic plan. In addition, students are encouraged to discuss career plans with their pre-professional health academic minor adviser and career counselor for additional guidance.

For the pre-veterinary medicine minor, a minimum of nine credits in upper-level science (300-level or higher) courses must be taken at VCU. All upper-level science courses at a 300-level or higher listed in this minor are strongly recommended to be completed at VCU. It is encouraged to demonstrate future academic success in veterinary medicine programs through a rigorous course schedule. Veterinary medicine schools may prefer students complete these courses at a four-year institution in order to demonstrate future academic success in veterinary medicine school course work. 

Declaring the pre-veterinary medicine minor

To declare the pre-veterinary medicine minor:

  • Students must complete a minimum of 12 credit hours at VCU to be eligible to declare the minor 

  • Students must obtain a minimum cumulative VCU GPA of 3.0

  • Students must complete BIOL 151 and BIOZ 151 with minimum grades of C

Maintaining the pre-veterinary medicine minor (progression policy)

  • Students must maintain a minimum 3.0 VCU cumulative GPA.

    • If a student's VCU cumulative GPA drops below 3.0, they will be placed on probation in the minor and allowed one semester to raise their cumulative GPA to 3.0 — provided it is mathematically possible to do so. If it is not mathematically possible to do so, or if the student fails to raise their minimum cumulative GPA to 3.0 during their probationary semester, they will be removed from the pre-veterinary medicine minor and can re-declare the minor once eligible. Students are strongly encouraged to meet with their minor adviser to discuss their academic plans/progress.

  • Students cannot exceed more than three attempts of any course within the minor including withdrawals and historical repeat attempts. If a student exceeds three attempts for any course within the minor, they will not be eligible to maintain and graduate with the minor.

Required courses

Course Title Hours
BIOL 151
BIOZ 151
Introduction to Biological Sciences I
and Introduction to Biological Science Laboratory I
BIOL 152
BIOZ 152
Introduction to Biological Sciences II
and Introduction to Biological Science Laboratory II
CHEM 101
CHEZ 101
General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry Laboratory I
CHEM 102
CHEZ 102
General Chemistry II
and General Chemistry Laboratory II
CHEM 301
CHEZ 301
Organic Chemistry
and Organic Chemistry Laboratory I
CHEM 302
CHEZ 302
Organic Chemistry
and Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
CHEM 403Biochemistry I3
MATH 151Precalculus Mathematics 13-4
or MATH 200 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I
or STAT 210 Basic Practice of Statistics
PHYS 201General Physics I 24-5
or PHYS 207 University Physics I
PHYS 202General Physics II 34-5
or PHYS 208 University Physics II
Total Hours40-43

A minimum of six credits in mathematics is required for the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine. STAT 208 or STAT 212 can be used to fulfill this requirement for students who complete one of these courses prior to declaring the minor or are required to complete either course for their major


MATH 200 is a prerequisite for PHYS 207.


MATH 201 is a prerequisite for PHYS 208.

Additional recommended courses and information

Veterinary medicine programs across the U.S. have different prerequisites for admission. Students should discuss career plans with a pre-professional health career counselor for additional guidance. If the 300-level science course requirements have been completed, students are encouraged to continue taking upper-level science courses to demonstrate academic rigor and success. The list below shows courses required by various veterinary medicine programs beyond the courses listed above for the pre-veterinary medicine minor. Completing courses from the list below will not contribute to the pre-veterinary medicine minor requirements.

Course Title Hours
BIOL 300Cellular and Molecular Biology3
BIOL 303Microbiology3
BIOL 310Genetics3
BIOL 402Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy5
BIOL 411Physiology3
UNIV 191Student Success Special Topics1-3