This is the preliminary (or launch) version of the 2025-2026 VCU Bulletin. Courses that expose students to cutting-edge content and transformative learning may be added and notification of additional program approvals may be received prior to finalization. General education program content is also subject to change. The final edition and full PDF version will include these updates and will be available in August prior to the beginning of the fall semester.

This bioinformatics program consists of a core curriculum that provides immersion in the field of bioinformatics as well as foundational courses in biology, chemistry, computer science and statistics. The bachelor’s program in bioinformatics requires breadth of training via the VCU ConnectED general education requirements, a bioinformatics core with ancillary scientific course work and focused training in the areas of biological/genomic sciences, computational sciences or quantitative/statistical sciences through the concentration-specific courses.

Students wishing to pursue the bioinformatics major must apply for admission into the program. High school seniors as well as students transferring to VCU should follow the regular VCU admissions process and deadlines, being sure to indicate clearly in their application that they wish to apply to the bioinformatics program. Continuing VCU students wishing to apply to the program may contact the bioinformatics academic adviser at (804) 828-0825.

Transfer students and continuing VCU students with at least 15 college credits should present a suggested college GPA of 3.0 including relevant course work in science, math or computer science.

Learning outcomes

Upon completing this program, students will know and know how to do the following:

  • Present scientific results, both orally and in writing, in a way that makes clear to an appropriate target audience the distinction between what is known (and how) and what is merely suspected between an observation and a conclusion in a way that tells a compelling story
  • Will have demonstrated fundamental knowledge of the basic concepts of biology (particularly molecular biology), the physical sciences, mathematics, statistics and computational science and the ability to apply that knowledge within the context of bioinformatics
  • Will have demonstrated an ability to identify and analyze bioinformatics problems and strategies to solve said problems
  • Will possess an appropriate level of technical knowledge and ability necessary to address a scientific problem by exploiting biological software and datasets and creating simple bioinformatics tools
  • Will have demonstrated an ability to identify and access relevant scientific literature and draw from it in a meaningful and critical manner

Special requirements

A minimum grade of C in the following courses is required for enrollment in all courses for which they are prerequisites and to successfully complete the B.S. in Bioinformatics with a concentration in computational sciences:

Course Title Hours
BIOL 151Introduction to Biological Sciences I3
BIOL 152Introduction to Biological Sciences II3
BIOL 300Cellular and Molecular Biology3
BNFO 101Introduction to Scientific Computing1
BNFO 201Computing Skills and Concepts for Bioinformatics3
BNFO 251Phage Discovery I2
BNFO 252Phage Discovery II2
BNFO 301Introduction to Bioinformatics3
BNFO 411Ethical Issues in Life Sciences 2
BNFO 420Applications in Bioinformatics3
CHEM 101General Chemistry I3
CHEZ 101General Chemistry Laboratory I1
CMSC 255Object-oriented Programming4
CMSC 256Introduction to Data Structures4
CMSC 302Introduction to Discrete Structures3
MATH 200Calculus with Analytic Geometry I4

Degree requirements for Bioinformatics, Bachelor of Science (B.S.) with a concentration in computational sciences

Course Title Hours
General education
Select 30 credits of general education courses in consultation with an adviser. 130
Major requirements
• Major core requirements
BIOL 152Introduction to Biological Sciences II3
BIOL 300Cellular and Molecular Biology3
BIOL 310Genetics3
BNFO 101Introduction to Scientific Computing1
BNFO 201Computing Skills and Concepts for Bioinformatics3
BNFO 251Phage Discovery I2
BNFO 252Phage Discovery II2
BNFO 301Introduction to Bioinformatics3
BNFO 411Ethical Issues in Life Sciences 2
BNFO 420Applications in Bioinformatics3
CHEM 102General Chemistry II3
CHEZ 101General Chemistry Laboratory I1
CHEZ 102General Chemistry Laboratory II1
CMSC 255Object-oriented Programming4
STAT 321Introduction to Statistical Computing for Data Science3
• Concentration requirements
CMSC 256Introduction to Data Structures4
CMSC 302Introduction to Discrete Structures3
CMSC 355Fundamentals of Software Engineering3
CMSC 401Algorithm Analysis with Advanced Data Structures3
Select concentration electives from list below.11
Ancillary requirements 1
BIOL 151Introduction to Biological Sciences I (satisfies general education BOK for natural sciences and AOI for scientific and logical reasoning)3
CHEM 101General Chemistry I (satisfies general education AOI for scientific and logical reasoning)3
MATH 200Calculus with Analytic Geometry I4
PHYS 207University Physics I (either course satisfies general education AOI for scientific and logical reasoning) 14-5
or PHYS 201 General Physics I
STAT 212Concepts of Statistics (satisfies general education quantitative foundations)3
Open electives
Select any course.23-24
Total Hours120

The ancillary courses fulfill 12 of the required 30 credits of general education, including fulfillment of the quantitative foundations requirement, the natural sciences breadth of knowledge requirement and the maximum allowable nine credits of scientific and logical reasoning area of inquiry.

The minimum number of credit hours required for this degree is 120.

Concentration electives

Course Title Hours
BIOL 318Evolution3
BNFO 391Special Topics in Bioinformatics (variable) 1,21-4
BNFO 393Special Topics in Bioinformatics (variable) 1,21-4
BNFO 491Special Topics in Bioinformatics (variable) 1,21-4
BNFO 492Independent Study (variable) 11-4
BNFO 493Special Topics in Bioinformatics (variable) 1,21-4
BNFO 496Undergraduate Teaching Assistantship in Bioinformatics (variable) 11-2
BNFO 497Research and Thesis (variable) 11-4
BNFO/BIOL 540Fundamentals of Molecular Genetics3
BNFO/BIOL 541Laboratory in Molecular Genetics2
BNFO 591Special Topics in Bioinformatics (variable) 1,21-4
BNFO 593Special Topics in Bioinformatics (variable) 1,21-4
CHEM 301Organic Chemistry3
CMSC 408Databases3
CMSC 411Computer Graphics3
CMSC 435Introduction to Data Science3
CMSC 436Artificial Intelligence3
CMSC 437Introduction to Natural Language Processing3
STAT 314Applications of Statistics4
STAT 421Statistical Computing for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence3

May be taken only with adviser’s permission


No more than 8 combined credits of BNFO 391, BNFO 393, BNFO 491, BNFO 493, BNFO 591, and BNFO 593 may apply toward concentration elective requirements.


What follows is a sample plan that meets the prescribed requirements within a four-year course of study at VCU. Please contact your adviser before beginning course work toward a degree.

Recommended course sequence/plan of study

Freshman year
Fall semesterHours
BIOL 151 Introduction to Biological Sciences I (satisfies general education BOK for natural sciences and AOI for scientific and logical reasoning) 3
BNFO 251 Phage Discovery I 2
CHEM 101 General Chemistry I (satisfies general education AOI for scientific and logical reasoning) 3
CHEZ 101 General Chemistry Laboratory I (satisfies general education AOI for scientific and logical reasoning) 1
UNIV 111 Play VideoPlay course video for Introduction to Focused Inquiry: Investigation and Communication Introduction to Focused Inquiry: Investigation and Communication (satisfies general education UNIV foundations) 3
General education course 3
 Term Hours: 15
Spring semester
BIOL 152 Introduction to Biological Sciences II 3
BNFO 101 Introduction to Scientific Computing 1
BNFO 252 Phage Discovery II 2
CHEM 102 General Chemistry II 3
UNIV 112 Play VideoPlay course video for Focused Inquiry II Focused Inquiry II (satisfies general education UNIV foundations) 3
General education course 3
 Term Hours: 15
Sophomore year
Fall semester
BIOL 300 Cellular and Molecular Biology 3
BNFO 201 Computing Skills and Concepts for Bioinformatics 3
CHEZ 102 General Chemistry Laboratory II 1
STAT 212 Concepts of Statistics (satisfies general education quantitative foundations) 3
UNIV 200 Advanced Focused Inquiry: Literacies, Research and Communication (satisfies general education UNIV foundations) 3
General education course 3
 Term Hours: 16
Spring semester
BNFO 301 Introduction to Bioinformatics 3
CMSC 255 Object-oriented Programming 4
MATH 200 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I 4
Open electives 3
 Term Hours: 14
Junior year
Fall semester
BIOL 310 Genetics 3
BNFO 411 Ethical Issues in Life Sciences 2
CMSC 256 Introduction to Data Structures 4
CMSC 302 Introduction to Discrete Structures 3
Concentration elective 3
 Term Hours: 15
Spring semester
CMSC 355 Fundamentals of Software Engineering 3
PHYS 207 University Physics I (satisfies general education AOI for scientific and logical reasoning) 5
STAT 321 Introduction to Statistical Computing for Data Science 3
Concentration electives 4
 Term Hours: 15
Senior year
Fall semester
CMSC 401 Algorithm Analysis with Advanced Data Structures 3
Concentration elective 4
Open electives 8
 Term Hours: 15
Spring semester
BNFO 420 Applications in Bioinformatics 3
Open electives 12
 Term Hours: 15
 Total Hours: 120

The minimum number of credit hours required for this degree is 120.


Accelerated B.S. and M.S.

The accelerated B.S. and M.S. program allows qualified students to earn both the B.S. and M.S. in Bioinformatics in a minimum of five years by completing approved graduate courses during the senior year of their undergraduate program. Students in the program may count up to 12 hours of graduate courses toward both the B.S. and M.S. degrees. Thus, the two degrees may be earned with a minimum of 142 credits rather than the 154 credits necessary if the two degrees are pursued separately.

Students holding these degrees will have a head start for pursuing careers in industry or continuing in an academic setting. The M.S. degree provides two tracks: (1) a thesis track with formal research experience and (2) a nonthesis (professional science master’s) track combining business skills with an externship experience. This degree can lead to expanded job opportunities, greater potential for job advancement and higher starting salaries.

Entrance to the accelerated program

Interested undergraduate students should consult with their adviser as early as possible to receive specific information about the accelerated program, determine academic eligibility and submit (no later than two semesters prior to graduating with a baccalaureate degree, that is, before the end of the spring semester of their junior year) an Accelerated Program Declaration Form to be approved by the graduate program director. Limited spaces may be available in the accelerated program. Academically qualified students may not receive approval if capacity has been reached.

Minimum qualifications for entrance to this accelerated program include completion of 90 undergraduate credit hours; an overall GPA of 3.0; and a GPA of 3.0 in bioinformatics degree course work. Applicants should have completed a substantial amount of course work toward the B.S. degree and maintained a strong academic record. Students who are interested in the accelerated program should consult with the program director to the M.S. in Bioinformatics program during their junior year after they have completed 75 credits and before they have completed 90 credits toward the B.S. degree. Applicants to this accelerated program must have junior or senior status in VCU’s B.S. in Bioinformatics program. Successful applicants would enter the accelerated program in the first semester of their senior year.

Once enrolled in the accelerated program, students must meet the standards of performance applicable to graduate students as described in the “Satisfactory academic progress” section of the Graduate Bulletin, including maintaining a 3.0 GPA. Guidance to students admitted to the accelerated program is provided by both the undergraduate bioinformatics adviser and the program director of the bioinformatics graduate program.

Admission to the graduate program

Entrance to the accelerated program enables the student to take the approved shared courses that will apply to the undergraduate and graduate degrees. However, entry into an accelerated program via an approved Accelerated Program Declaration Form does not constitute application or admission into the graduate program. Admission to the graduate program requires a separate step that occurs through a formal application to the master’s program, which is submitted through Graduate Admissions no later than a semester prior to graduation with the baccalaureate degree, that is, before the end of the first semester of the senior year. In order to continue pursuing the master’s degree after the baccalaureate degree is conferred, accelerated students must follow the admission to graduate study requirements outlined in the VCU Bulletin. Two reference letters (at least one from a bioinformatics faculty member) must accompany the application.

Degree requirements

The Bachelor of Science in Bioinformatics degree will be awarded upon completion of a minimum of 120 credits and the satisfactory completion of all undergraduate degree requirements as stated in the Undergraduate Bulletin.

A maximum of 12 graduate credits may be taken prior to completion of the baccalaureate degree. These graduate credits may substitute for bioinformatics requirements for the undergraduate degree, and are planned in consultation with the undergraduate academic adviser and the graduate program director. These courses are shared credits with the graduate program, meaning that they will be applied to both undergraduate and graduate degree requirements. For best alignment of these credits, students must plan ahead.

Examples of bioinformatics degree courses that may be taken as an undergraduate, once a student is admitted to the program, are:

Course Title Hours
BIOS 543Graduate Research Methods I3
BNFO 540Fundamentals of Molecular Genetics3
BNFO 541Laboratory in Molecular Genetics2
BNFO 592Independent Study1-9
BNFO 620Bioinformatics Practicum3
BNFO 621Business and Entrepreneurship Essentials for Life Scientists3
BNFO 653Advanced Molecular Genetics: Bioinformatics3
BNFO 692Independent Study1-9
CMSC 508Database Theory3

Recommended course sequence/plan of study

What follows is the recommended plan of study for students interested in the accelerated program beginning in the fall of the junior year prior to admission to the accelerated program in the senior year.

Course Title Hours
Junior year
Fall semester
BIOL 300Cellular and Molecular Biology3
BNFO 411Ethical Issues in Life Sciences 2
Required B.S. course work10
Term Hours: 15
Spring semester
BNFO 541Laboratory in Molecular Genetics2
PHYS 207University Physics I5
STAT 321Introduction to Statistical Computing for Data Science3
Required B.S. course work5
Term Hours:15
Senior year
Fall semester
BNFO 540Fundamentals of Molecular Genetics3
CMSC 256Introduction to Data Structures4
Required B.S. course work8
Term Hours: 15
Spring semester
Required B.S. course work5
BNFO 601Integrated Bioinformatics4
BNFO 620Bioinformatics Practicum3
BNFO 621Business and Entrepreneurship Essentials for Life Scientists3
Term Hours: 15
Fifth year
Fall semester
BNFO 531Quantitative Methods in Bioinformatics3
BNFO 690Seminars in Bioinformatics1
OVPR 601Scientific Integrity1
Graduate electives (500 and 600 level) 15
Term Hours:11
Spring semester
BNFO 653Advanced Molecular Genetics: Bioinformatics3
BNFO 700Externship in Bioinformatics2
Graduate electives (500 and 600 level) 16
Term Hours:11

For example: 500-level (or higher) BIOL, BIOC, BIOS, BNFO, CMSC, ENVS, HGEN, LFSC, STAT courses

Students interested in the accelerated B.S. and M.S. program can contact the individuals listed below who will explain the program and coordinate the curriculum.

Undergraduate adviser
Lian Currie
Grace E. Harris Hall, Room 3116a

Graduate program director
Allison Johnson
Grace E. Harris Hall, Room 3115