This is the preliminary (or launch) version of the 2025-2026 VCU Bulletin. Courses that expose students to cutting-edge content and transformative learning may be added and notification of additional program approvals may be received prior to finalization. General education program content is also subject to change. The final edition and full PDF version will include these updates and will be available in August prior to the beginning of the fall semester.
The four-year curriculum in biology prepares students for graduate study in biology, for employment in laboratory or field programs in private industry or government agencies and for teaching in secondary schools. This curriculum also prepares students for admission into schools of medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine, and into allied health programs.
Student learning outcomes
Upon completing this program, students will know and know how to do the following:
Knowledge base
Students will demonstrate knowledge of evolutionary processes and the functions and interactions of cells, organisms and species.
Communication skills
Students will demonstrate oral and written communication skills needed for professional careers in the field of biology.
Critical-thinking skills
Students will demonstrate critical thinking, problem-solving and analytical skills.
Method and inquiry
Students will demonstrate knowledge in the methods of inquiry and research in biology.
Transfer students
Transfer students intending to major in biology must satisfy all biology major course requirements and complete a minimum of 15 credits of VCU biology courses at the 300-, 400- or 500-level.
Extended Teacher Preparation Program
Biology majors interested in teaching careers in secondary education can enroll in the Extended Teacher Preparation Program, which simultaneously awards a bachelor’s degree in biology and a master’s degree in teaching. For more information about this program, jointly administered by the College of Humanities and Sciences and the School of Education, contact the School of Educations Student Services Center.
Honors in biology
Biology majors may graduate with honors in biology. To qualify, students must have overall and biology GPAs of at least 3.5 and must complete the following courses in this sequence: BIOL 392, at least four credits of BIOL 495 and BIOL 490. Grades of A or B must be earned in each of the listed courses. Students who qualify will have the notation “Honors in Biology” placed on their transcript. Students must meet all Department of Biology requirements for graduation. Students should consult with their academic advisers to create a program suitable to their particular needs and interests.
Special requirements
Degree requirements: The curriculum for a Bachelor of Science in Biology requires a minimum of 120 credits, with at least 40 of those credits in biology or other approved courses. A cumulative GPA of 2.0 for biology courses is required.
Laboratory requirement: Biology majors will take BIOZ 151 and BIOZ 152 and then select at least three additional approved laboratory experiences; up to two laboratory experiences can be selected from BIOL 451, BIOL 453, BIOL 492, BIOL 494, BIOL 495, BIOZ 391, BIOZ 395, BIOZ 399 or BIOZ 493. Registration in BIOL 492, BIOL 494, BIOL 495, BIOZ 395 or BIOZ 493, must be for a minimum of two credit hours to count as a laboratory experience.
Transformative learning requirement: Students will take at least one REAL level 3 or 4 approved biology course.
Research and internship limits: A maximum total of six credits for all undergraduate research and internships in biology (BIOL 395, BIOL 451, BIOL 453, BIOL 492, BIOL 493, BIOL 494, BIOL 495, BIOZ 395 and BIOZ 493) may be applied to the 40 credits of biology courses required for the major. Additional credits from these courses may be applied to upper-level and open elective credits toward the degree.
Preceptorship limits: A maximum of four combined credits from BIOL 496 and BIOL 499 may be applied to degree requirements. While BIOL 496 may be repeated for credit toward degree requirements when serving as a preceptorship for different courses, it may not be repeated with the same course for credit toward the degree.
A minimum grade of C in the following courses is required for enrollment in all courses for which they are prerequisites and to successfully complete the B.S. in Biology.
Course | Title | Hours |
BIOL 151 | Introduction to Biological Sciences I | 3 |
BIOZ 151 | Introduction to Biological Science Laboratory I | 1 |
BIOL 152 | Introduction to Biological Sciences II | 3 |
BIOZ 152 | Introduction to Biological Science Laboratory II | 1 |
BIOL 200 | Quantitative Biology | 3 |
BIOL 300 | Cellular and Molecular Biology | 3 |
BIOL 310 | Genetics | 3 |
BIOL 317 | Ecology | 3 |
BIOL 318 | Evolution | 3 |
Degree requirements for Biology, Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
Course | Title | Hours |
General education | ||
Select 30 credits of general education courses in consultation with an adviser. | 30 | |
Major requirements | ||
• Major core requirements | ||
BIOL 152 | Introduction to Biological Sciences II | 3 |
BIOL 200 | Quantitative Biology | 3 |
BIOL 300 | Cellular and Molecular Biology | 3 |
BIOL 310 | Genetics | 3 |
BIOL 317 | Ecology | 3 |
BIOL 318 | Evolution | 3 |
BIOZ 151 | Introduction to Biological Science Laboratory I 1 | 1 |
BIOZ 152 | Introduction to Biological Science Laboratory II 2 | 1 |
• Additional major requirements | 20 | |
Biology transformative learning requirement | ||
Select at least one from all biology (BIOL and BIOZ) courses that are approved as REAL level 3 or 4 transformative learning experiences | ||
Major electives | ||
Select from all biology electives listed in the table below to satisfy the 40 biology credits required for the major. All majors must complete at minimum three additional upper-level biology lab courses. The laboratory experiences may be fulfilled by a separate laboratory section (BIOZ) or by laboratory hours included in a lecture-based (BIOL) course. Not all courses are offered each semester. BIOL courses at the 500 level are available to seniors and graduate students only. | ||
Ancillary requirements | ||
BIOL 151 | Introduction to Biological Sciences I (satisfies general education BOK for natural science and AOI for scientific and logical reasoning) | 3 |
CHEM 101 & CHEZ 101 | General Chemistry I and General Chemistry Laboratory I (CHEM 101 satisfies general education BOK for natural science and AOI for scientific and logical reasoning) | 4 |
CHEM 102 & CHEZ 102 | General Chemistry II and General Chemistry Laboratory II | 4 |
CHEM 301 & CHEZ 301 | Organic Chemistry and Organic Chemistry Laboratory I | 5 |
CHEM 302 & CHEZ 302 | Organic Chemistry and Organic Chemistry Laboratory II | 5 |
PHYS 201 | General Physics I (satisfies general education AOI for scientific and logical reasoning) | 4 |
PHYS 202 | General Physics II | 4 |
STAT 210 | Basic Practice of Statistics | 3 |
Quantitative requirement: Select from MATH or STAT options (four credits satisfy general education quantitative foundations) 3 | 4-8 | |
Open electives | ||
Select any course. | 21-25 | |
Total Hours | 120 |
The minimum number of credit hours required for this degree is 120.
Biology Electives
Course | Title | Hours |
BIOL 291 | Topics in Biology | 1-4 |
BIOL 303 | Microbiology | 3 |
BIOL 304 | Biology Skills 1 | 3 |
BIOL 307 | Aquatic Ecology | 3 |
BIOL 308 | Vertebrate Histology 1 | 4 |
BIOL 309 | Entomology 1 | 4 |
BIOL 312 | Invertebrate Zoology | 3 |
BIOL 313 | Vertebrate Natural History | 3 |
BIOL 314 | Animal Reproduction | 3 |
BIOL 320 | Biology of the Seed Plant 1 | 4 |
BIOL 321 | Plant Development | 3 |
BIOL 322 | Plants, People and Culture | 3 |
BIOL 324 | Medicinal Botany | 3 |
BIOL 325 | Fungal Biology 1 | 3 |
BIOL 330 | Community Science: ____ 1 | 3 |
BIOL 333 | Evolution of the Angiosperms | 3 |
BIOL 335 | Global Change Biology | 3 |
BIOL 340 | Development and Stem Cells | 3 |
BIOL 341/ANTH 301 | Human Evolution 1 | 4 |
BIOL 391 | Topics in Biology (as approved) | 1-4 |
BIOL 392 | Introduction to Research | 2 |
BIOL 395 | Directed Study | 1-2 |
BIOL 401 | Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 3 |
BIOL 402 | Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy 1 | 5 |
BIOL/ANTH 403 | Primatology 1 | 4 |
BIOL 411 | Physiology | 3 |
BIOL 413 | Parasitology | 3 |
BIOL 415 | Mangrove Avian Field Ecology 1 | 4 |
BIOL 416 | Ornithology | 3 |
BIOL 417 | Mammalogy 1 | 4 |
BIOL 420 | Yeast and Fermentation 1 | 3 |
BIOL 422 | Forest Ecology 1 | 4 |
BIOL 423 | Plant Physiology | 3 |
BIOL 425 ![]() | Field Botany 1 | 3 |
BIOL 430 | Invasion Biology | 3 |
BIOL 431 | Introduction to Marine Biology | 3 |
BIOL 435 | Herpetology | 3 |
BIOL/FRSC 438 | Forensic Molecular Biology | 3 |
BIOL 440 | Developmental Biology | 3 |
BIOL 445 | Neurobiology and Behavior 1 | 4 |
BIOL 448 | Neuroscience | 3 |
BIOL 449 | Stem Cells in Disease and Therapy | 3 |
BIOL 450 | Biology of Cancer I | 3 |
BIOL 451 | Biology of Cancer II 1 | 4 |
BIOL 452 | Biology of Drugs | 3 |
BIOL 453 | Cancer Biology Thesis 1 | 4 |
BIOL 454 | Biology of Aging and Diseases | 3 |
BIOL 455 | Immunology | 3 |
BIOL 456 | Virology | 3 |
BIOL 459 | Infectious Disease Ecology | 3 |
BIOL 460 | Human Evolutionary Genetics | 3 |
BIOL 480 | Animal-Plant Interactions | 3 |
BIOL 489 | Research Writing | 1 |
BIOL 490 | Presenting Research | 1 |
BIOL 491 | Topics in Biology | 1-4 |
BIOL 492 | Undergraduate Research 1 | 1-4 |
BIOL 493 | Biology Internship | 1-3 |
BIOL 494 | Research and Thesis I 1 | 1-4 |
BIOL 495 | Research and Thesis II 1 | 1-4 |
BIOL 496 | Biology Preceptorship: ____ | 2 |
BIOL 497 | Ecological Service Learning | 1 |
BIOL 498 | Insects and Plants Service-learning | 2 |
BIOL 499 | Biology Lead Preceptorship | 2 |
BIOL 502 | Microbial Biotechnology | 3 |
BIOL 503 | Fish Biology 1 | 4 |
BIOL 507 | Aquatic Microbiology | 4 |
BIOL 508 | Barrier Island Ecology | 3 |
BIOL 509 | Microbial Ecology | 3 |
BIOL 510 | Conservation Biology | 3 |
BIOL 514 | Stream Ecology | 4 |
BIOL 516 | Population Genetics | 3 |
BIOL 518 | Plant Ecology | 4 |
BIOL 519 | Forest Ecology 1 | 4 |
BIOL 520 | Population Ecology | 3 |
BIOL 521 | Community Ecology | 3 |
BIOL 522 | Evolution and Speciation | 3 |
BIOL 524 | Endocrinology | 3 |
BIOL 530/HGEN 501 | Introduction to Human Genetics | 3 |
BIOL 535 | Wetlands Ecology 1 | 4 |
BIOL/BNFO 540 | Fundamentals of Molecular Genetics | 3 |
BIOL 541 | Laboratory in Molecular Genetics 1 | 2 |
BIOL 545/LFSC 510 | Biological Complexity | 3 |
BIOL 548/LFSC 520 | Bioinformatic Technologies | 2 |
BIOL 550 | Ecological Genetics | 3 |
BIOL 560 | Conservation Medicine | 3 |
BIOL 565 | Advances in Cell Signaling | 3 |
BIOL 580 | Eukaryotic Biotechnology | 3 |
BIOL 591 | Special Topics in Biology | 1-4 |
BIOZ 303 | Microbiology Laboratory | 2 |
BIOZ 307 | Aquatic Ecology Laboratory | 1 |
BIOZ 310 | Laboratory in Genetics | 2 |
BIOZ 312 | Invertebrate Zoology Laboratory | 1 |
BIOZ 313 | Vertebrate Natural History Laboratory | 1 |
BIOZ 317 | Ecology Laboratory | 2 |
BIOZ 321 | Plant Development Laboratory | 2 |
BIOZ 324 | Medicinal Botany Laboratory | 1 |
BIOZ 367 | Explorations in Cellular Organization | 3 |
BIOZ 391 | Topics in Biology Laboratory (as approved) | 1-4 |
BIOZ 395 | Directed Study Laboratory | 1-2 |
BIOZ 399 | Experiential and Applied Topics: ____ | 0-4 |
BIOZ 401 | Applied and Environmental Microbiology Laboratory | 2 |
BIOZ 405 | Gross Anatomy Laboratory | 2 |
BIOZ 416 | Ornithology Laboratory | 2 |
BIOZ 418 | Integrative Physiology Laboratory | 3 |
BIOZ/FRSZ 438 | Forensic Molecular Biology Laboratory | 2 |
BIOZ 491 | Topics in Biology Laboratory | 1-4 |
BIOZ 493 | Biology Internship Laboratory | 0-4 |
BNFO 301 | Introduction to Bioinformatics | 3 |
CHEM 403 | Biochemistry I | 3 |
ENVS 330 | Environmental Pollution | 3 |
LFSC 301 | Integrative Life Sciences Research | 3 |
MATH/BNFO 380 | Introduction to Mathematical Biology | 4 |
PHYS 381 | Life in the Universe | 3 |
This course includes laboratory hours and may be used to satisfy laboratory requirements.
What follows is a sample plan that meets the prescribed requirements within a four-year course of study at VCU. Please contact your adviser before beginning course work toward a degree.
Recommended course sequence/plan of study
Freshman year | ||
Fall semester | Hours | |
BIOL 151 | Introduction to Biological Sciences I (satisfies general education BOK for natural science and AOI for scientific and logical reasoning) | 3 |
BIOZ 151 | Introduction to Biological Science Laboratory I | 1 |
CHEM 101 & CHEZ 101 | General Chemistry I and General Chemistry Laboratory I (CHEM 101 satisfies general education AOI for scientific and logical reasoning) | 4 |
MATH 151 | Precalculus Mathematics (satisfies general education quantitative foundations) | 4 |
UNIV 101 | Introduction to the University | 1 |
UNIV 111 ![]() | Introduction to Focused Inquiry: Investigation and Communication (satisfies general education UNIV foundations) | 3 |
Term Hours: | 16 | |
Spring semester | ||
BIOL 152 & BIOZ 152 | Introduction to Biological Sciences II and Introduction to Biological Science Laboratory II | 4 |
BIOL 200 | Quantitative Biology | 3 |
CHEM 102 & CHEZ 102 | General Chemistry II and General Chemistry Laboratory II | 4 |
UNIV 112 ![]() | Focused Inquiry II (satisfies general education UNIV foundations) | 3 |
Term Hours: | 14 | |
Sophomore year | ||
Fall semester | ||
BIOL 300 | Cellular and Molecular Biology | 3 |
CHEM 301 & CHEZ 301 | Organic Chemistry and Organic Chemistry Laboratory I | 5 |
STAT 210 | Basic Practice of Statistics | 3 |
UNIV 200 | Advanced Focused Inquiry: Literacies, Research and Communication (satisfies general education UNIV foundations) | 3 |
Open electives | 1 | |
Term Hours: | 15 | |
Spring semester | ||
BIOL 310 | Genetics or Ecology or Evolution | 3 |
CHEM 302 & CHEZ 302 | Organic Chemistry and Organic Chemistry Laboratory II | 5 |
MATH 200 or STAT 314 | Calculus with Analytic Geometry I or Applications of Statistics | 4 |
General education course | 3 | |
Term Hours: | 15 | |
Junior year | ||
Fall semester | ||
PHYS 201 | General Physics I (satisfies general education BOK for natural sciences and AOI for scientific and logical reasoning) | 4 |
Select the two courses not previously taken from BIOL 310, BIOL 317 and BIOL 318. | 6 | |
Open elective | 2 | |
General education course | 3 | |
Term Hours: | 15 | |
Spring semester | ||
PHYS 202 | General Physics II | 4 |
Biology elective | 3 | |
Biology laboratory elective | 2 | |
Open elective | 3 | |
General education course | 3 | |
Term Hours: | 15 | |
Senior year | ||
Fall semester | ||
Biology electives | 6 | |
Biology laboratory elective | 1 | |
Open electives | 8 | |
Term Hours: | 15 | |
Spring semester | ||
Biology electives | 6 | |
Biology laboratory elective | 2 | |
Open electives | 7 | |
Term Hours: | 15 | |
Total Hours: | 120 |
The minimum number of credit hours required for this degree is 120.
Accelerated B.S. and M.S.
The accelerated B.S. and M.S. program allows academically talented students to earn both the B.S. and M.S. in Biology in a minimum of five years by completing approved graduate courses during the senior year of their undergraduate program. Students in the program may count up to 12 hours of graduate courses toward both the B.S. and M.S. degrees. Thus, the two degrees may be earned with a minimum of 138 credits rather than the 150 credits necessary if the two degrees are pursued separately.
Students holding these degrees will be more broadly trained and will have significantly more experience and exposure to specific disciplines within biology. They will also receive a considerable amount of training in professional communication. Thus, they will be more competitive for private sector positions, professional programs and graduate studies at the doctoral level. In addition, the financial cost of the accelerated program provides a significant cost savings when compared to earning the B.S. followed by the M.S. in Biology.
Entrance to the accelerated program
Interested undergraduate students should consult with their adviser as early as possible to receive specific information about the accelerated program, determine academic eligibility and submit (no later than two semesters prior to graduating with a baccalaureate degree, that is, before the end of the spring semester of their junior year) an Accelerated Program Declaration Form to be approved by the graduate program director. Limited spaces may be available in the accelerated program. Academically qualified students may not receive approval if capacity has been reached.
Minimum qualifications for entrance to this accelerated program include completion of 90 undergraduate credit hours including the biology core courses of BIOL 152, BIOL 200, BIOL 300, BIOL 310, BIOL 317 and BIOL 318; BIOZ 151 and BIOZ 152; CHEM 101, CHEM 102, CHEM 301 and CHEM 302; CHEZ 101, CHEZ 102, CHEZ 301 and CHEZ 302; an overall GPA of 3.0; and a biology major GPA of 3.0.
Once enrolled in the accelerated program, students must meet the standards of performance applicable to graduate students as described in the “Satisfactory academic progress” section of Bulletin, including maintaining a 3.0 GPA. Guidance to students in an accelerated program is provided by both the undergraduate biology adviser and the forensic science graduate program director.
Admission to the graduate program
Entrance to the accelerated program enables the student to take the approved shared courses that will apply to the undergraduate and graduate degrees. However, entry into an accelerated program via an approved Accelerated Program Declaration Form does not constitute application or admission into the graduate program. Admission to the graduate program requires a separate step that occurs through a formal application. In order to continue pursuing the master’s degree after the baccalaureate degree is conferred, accelerated students must follow the admission to graduate study requirements outlined in the VCU Bulletin.
Degree requirements
The Bachelor of Science in Biology degree will be awarded upon completion of a minimum of 120 credits and the satisfactory completion of all undergraduate degree requirements as stated in the Undergraduate Bulletin.
A maximum of 12 graduate credits may be taken prior to completion of the baccalaureate degree. These graduate credits will satisfy biology major electives for the undergraduate degree. These courses are shared credits with the graduate program, meaning that they will be applied to both undergraduate and graduate degree requirements.
The graduate biology courses that may be taken as an undergraduate, once a student is admitted to the program, are:
Course | Title | Hours |
BIOL 604 | Research Integrity | 1 |
BIOL 607 | Science Communication: Fundamentals | 2 |
BIOL 608 | Science Communication: Research Proposals | 2 |
BIOL 690 | Biology Seminar | 1 |
Graduate biology electives or other core courses | 6 | |
Total Hours | 12 |
Recommended course sequence/plan of study
What follows is the recommended plan of study for students interested in the accelerated program beginning in the fall of the junior year prior to admission to the accelerated program in the senior year.
Course | Title | Hours |
Junior year | ||
Fall semester | ||
PHYS 201 | General Physics I | 4-5 |
or PHYS 207 | University Physics I | |
Select the two courses not previously taken from BIOL 310, BIOL 317 and BIOL 318 | 6 | |
Foreign language 101 | 3 | |
General education course | 3 | |
Term Hours: | 16-17 | |
Spring semester | ||
PHYS 202 | General Physics II | 4-5 |
or PHYS 208 | University Physics II | |
Biology elective | 3 | |
Biology lab elective | 1-2 | |
Foreign language 102 | 3 | |
General education course | 3 | |
Term Hours: | 14-16 | |
Senior year | ||
Fall semester | ||
BIOL 604 | Research Integrity | 1 |
BIOL 607 | Science Communication: Fundamentals | 2 |
Biology lab elective | 1-2 | |
Graduate biology elective or other core course | 3 | |
Open electives | 9 | |
Term Hours: | 16-17 | |
Spring semester | ||
Select one of the following (capstone): | 0-3 | |
Biology Capstone Seminar: ____ | ||
Biology Capstone Experience | ||
Molecular Biology Laboratory | ||
BIOL 608 | Science Communication: Research Proposals | 2 |
BIOL 690 | Biology Seminar | 1 |
Biology lab elective | 1-2 | |
Graduate biology elective or other core course | 3 | |
Open electives | 7 | |
Term Hours: | 14-18 | |
Fifth year | ||
Fall semester | ||
BIOL 606 | Quantitative Ecology | 3 |
or BIOS 543 | Graduate Research Methods I | |
or STAT 543 | Statistical Methods I | |
BIOL 631 | Biology Integration: From Molecules to Organisms | 3 |
BIOL 693 | Current Topics in Biology | 1 |
BIOL 698 | Thesis | 2 |
or BIOL 692 | Independent Study | |
Term Hours: | 9 | |
Spring semester | ||
BIOL 632 | Biology Integration: From Organisms to Landscapes | 3 |
BIOL 690 | Biology Seminar | 1 |
BIOL 693 | Current Topics in Biology | 1 |
BIOL 698 | Thesis | 1 |
or BIOL 692 | Independent Study | |
Graduate biology elective or additional credits of thesis (BIOL 698) | 3 | |
Term Hours: | 9 |
Accelerated B.S. and M.S.
The accelerated B.S. and M.S. program allows academically talented students to earn both the B.S. in Biology and M.S. in Forensic Science with a concentration in forensic biology in a minimum of five and a half years by completing approved graduate courses during the senior year of their undergraduate program. Students in the program may count up to 12 hours of graduate courses toward both the B.S. and M.S. degrees. Thus, the two degrees may be earned with a minimum of 150 credits rather than the 162 credits necessary if the two degrees are pursued separately.
Students holding these degrees will have foundational work in biology, followed by advanced training in forensic science through a combination of laboratory and classroom work and will gain important professional development skills. The goal of the accelerated program is to significantly enhance the student’s qualifications to pursue a career in the forensic science field. Alternatively, students who distinguish themselves may be able to pursue advanced study in doctoral or professional programs on an accelerated timetable.
Entrance to the accelerated program
Interested undergraduate students should consult with their adviser as early as possible to receive specific information about the accelerated program, determine academic eligibility and submit (no later than two semesters prior to graduating with a baccalaureate degree, that is, before the end of the spring semester of their junior year) an Accelerated Program Declaration Form to be approved by the graduate program director. Limited spaces may be available in the accelerated program. Academically qualified students may not receive approval if capacity has been reached.
Minimum qualifications for entrance to this accelerated program include completion of 60 undergraduate credit hours including CHEM 301, CHEZ 301, CHEM 302, CHEZ 302, CHEM 403 and BIOL 310; an overall GPA of 3.3; and a GPA of 3.0 in biology course work. Two reference letters (at least one from a biology or forensic science faculty member) must accompany the Accelerated Program Declaration Form.
Once enrolled in the accelerated program, students must meet the standards of performance applicable to graduate students as described in the “Satisfactory academic progress” section of Bulletin, including maintaining a 3.0 GPA. Guidance to students in an accelerated program is provided by both the undergraduate biology adviser and the forensic science graduate program director.
Admission to the graduate program
Entrance to the accelerated program enables the student to take the approved shared courses that will apply to the undergraduate and graduate degrees. However, entry into an accelerated program via an approved Accelerated Program Declaration Form does not constitute application or admission into the graduate program. Admission to the graduate program requires a separate step that occurs through a formal application. In order to continue pursuing the master’s degree after the baccalaureate degree is conferred, accelerated students must follow the admission to graduate study requirements outlined in the VCU Bulletin.
Degree requirements
The Bachelor of Science in Biology degree will be awarded upon completion of a minimum of 120 credits and the satisfactory completion of all undergraduate degree requirements as stated in the Undergraduate Bulletin.
A maximum of 12 graduate credits may be taken prior to completion of the baccalaureate degree. These graduate credits satisfy required major electives for the undergraduate degree. These courses are shared credits with the graduate program, meaning that they will be applied to both undergraduate and graduate degree requirements.
The graduate forensic science courses that may be taken as an undergraduate, once a student is admitted to the program, are:
Course | Title | Hours |
BIOL 540 | Fundamentals of Molecular Genetics (satisfies undergraduate biology elective) | 3 |
BIOS 543 | Graduate Research Methods I (satisfies elective (upper-level)) | 3 |
or STAT 543 | Statistical Methods I | |
FRSC 673 & FRSZ 673 | Forensic Microscopy and Forensic Microscopy Laboratory (satisfies undergraduate biology elective and biology laboratory elective) | 3 |
FRSC 675 & FRSZ 675 | Forensic Serology and DNA Analysis and Forensic Serology and DNA Analysis Laboratory (satisfies undergraduate biology elective and biology laboratory elective) | 3 |
Total Hours | 12 |
Recommended course sequence/plan of study
What follows is the recommended plan of study for students interested in the accelerated program beginning in the fall of the junior year prior to admission to the accelerated program in the senior year.
Course | Title | Hours |
Junior year | ||
Fall semester | ||
BIOL 317 | Ecology | 3 |
or BIOL 318 | Evolution | |
CHEM 403 | Biochemistry I | 3 |
PHYS 201 | General Physics I | 4-5 |
or PHYS 207 | University Physics I | |
Foreign language 101 | 3 | |
General education course | 3 | |
Term Hours: | 16-17 | |
Spring semester | ||
BIOL 317 | Ecology | 3 |
or BIOL 318 | Evolution | |
PHYS 202 | General Physics II | 4-5 |
or PHYS 208 | University Physics II | |
Biology elective | 3 | |
Foreign language 102 | 3 | |
Open elective | 2 | |
Term Hours: | 15-16 | |
Senior year | ||
Fall semester | ||
FRSC 673 & FRSZ 673 | Forensic Microscopy and Forensic Microscopy Laboratory | 3 |
FRSC 675 & FRSZ 675 | Forensic Serology and DNA Analysis and Forensic Serology and DNA Analysis Laboratory | 3 |
Biology elective | 3 | |
Open electives | 5 | |
Term Hours: | 14 | |
Spring semester | ||
BIOS 543 | Graduate Research Methods I | 3 |
or STAT 543 | Statistical Methods I | |
BIOL 540 | Fundamentals of Molecular Genetics | 3 |
BIOZ 476 | Molecular Biology Laboratory | 2 |
General education course | 3 | |
Open elective | 3 | |
Term Hours: | 14 | |
Fifth year | ||
Fall semester | ||
FRSC 565 | Scientific Crime Scene Investigation | 3 |
FRSC 570 | Forensic Science Seminar | 1 |
FRSC 670 | Forensic Evidence and Criminal Procedure | 3 |
FRSC 671 | Instrumentation in Forensic Chemistry | 2 |
Term Hours: | 9 | |
Spring semester | ||
BIOL 516 | Population Genetics | 3 |
FRSC 570 | Forensic Science Seminar | 1 |
FRSC 676 | Advanced Forensic DNA Analysis | 3 |
FRSC 677 | Professional Practices and Expert Testimony | 3 |
FRSC 793 | Directed Research in Forensic Science | 1 |
Term Hours: | 11 | |
Sixth year | ||
Fall semester | ||
FRSC 570 | Forensic Science Seminar | 1 |
FRSC 660 | Toolmark Examinations | 3 |
or FRSC 661 | Analysis of Pattern Evidence | |
or FRSC 662 | Firearm Identification | |
FRSC 686 | Emerging Molecular Applications for Forensic Biology | 3 |
FRSC 793 | Directed Research in Forensic Science | 2 |
FRSC elective | 1 | |
Term Hours: | 10 |
Accelerated B.S. and M.S.
The accelerated B.S. and M.S. program allows qualified students to earn both the B.S. in Biology and M.S. in Health and Movement Science with a concentration in exercise science in a minimum of five years by completing approved graduate courses during the senior year of their undergraduate program. Students in the program may count up to 12 hours of graduate courses toward both the degrees. Thus, the two degrees may be earned with a minimum of 144 credits rather than the 156 credits necessary if the two degrees are pursued separately.
Students holding these degrees will have completed advanced course work focused on biology and the application of health and movement science principles to exercise science, preparing graduates for a wide range of career options that promote physical well-being in healthy children and adults, athletes, and clinical populations. These career opportunities exist in health and fitness centers, sports programs, clinical settings, academic institutions, rehabilitation facilities and public health agencies, where graduates can pursue employment in community, corporate and university exercise programs, cardiac rehabilitation, or advanced study and research in the field of exercise physiology.
Entrance to the accelerated program
Interested undergraduate students should consult with their adviser as early as possible to receive specific information about the accelerated program, determine academic eligibility and submit (no later than two semesters prior to graduating with a baccalaureate degree, that is, before the end of the spring semester of their junior year) an Accelerated Program Declaration Form to be approved by the graduate program director. Limited spaces may be available in the accelerated program. Academically qualified students may not receive approval if capacity has been reached.
Minimum qualifications for entrance to this accelerated program include completion of 84 undergraduate credit hours including an overall minimum GPA of 3.0; and a GPA of 3.0 in ancillary requirements and biology core course work. Students who do not meet the minimum GPA requirements may submit GRE scores to receive further consideration. Students who are interested in the accelerated program should consult with the graduate program director of the M.S. program before they have completed 84 credits. Successful applicants would enter the program in the fall semester of their senior year.
Once enrolled in the accelerated program, students must meet the standards of performance applicable to graduate students as described in the “Satisfactory academic progress” section of the Graduate Bulletin, including maintaining a minimum 3.0 GPA. Guidance to students admitted to the accelerated program is provided by both the undergraduate adviser for the biology program and the faculty adviser to the graduate program.
Admission to the graduate program
Entrance to the accelerated program enables the student to take the approved shared courses that will apply to the undergraduate and graduate degrees. However, entry into an accelerated program via an approved Accelerated Program Declaration Form does not constitute application or admission into the graduate program. Admission to the graduate program requires a separate step that occurs through a formal application to the master’s program, which is submitted through Graduate Admissions no later than a semester prior to graduation with the baccalaureate degree, that is, before the end of the fall semester of the senior year. In order to continue pursuing the master’s degree after the baccalaureate degree is conferred, accelerated students must follow the admission to graduate study requirements outlined in the VCU Bulletin. Three reference letters (at least two from biology faculty members) are required.
Degree requirements
The Bachelor of Science in Biology degree will be awarded upon completion of a minimum of 120 credits and the satisfactory completion of all undergraduate degree requirements as stated in the Undergraduate Bulletin.
A maximum of 12 graduate credits may be taken prior to completion of the baccalaureate degree. These graduate credits will substitute for required major electives for the undergraduate degree. These courses are shared credits with the graduate program, meaning that they will be applied to both undergraduate and graduate degree requirements.
The graduate health and movement science courses that may be taken as an undergraduate, once a student is admitted to the program, are listed below. Students will take four courses (12 credits) from the list.
Course | Title | Hours |
HEMS 600 | Introduction to Research Design in Health and Movement Sciences | 3 |
HEMS 601 | Movement Physiology | 3 |
HEMS 604 | Nutrition for Health and Physical Activity | 3 |
HEMS 610 | Laboratory Techniques in Rehabilitation Science 1 | 3 |
HEMS 675 | Clinical Exercise Physiology | 3 |
HEMS 610 is also approved to fulfill a biology laboratory elective.
Recommended course sequence/plan of study
What follows is the recommended plan of study for students interested in the accelerated program beginning in the fall of the junior year prior to admission to the accelerated program in the senior year.
Course | Title | Hours |
Junior year | ||
Fall semester | ||
PHYS 201 | General Physics I | 4-5 |
or PHYS 207 | University Physics I | |
Foreign language 101 | 3 | |
General education course | 3 | |
Select two courses not taken from BIOL 310, BIOL 317 and BIOL 318 | 6 | |
Term Hours: | 16-17 | |
Spring semester | ||
PHYS 202 | General Physics II | 4-5 |
or PHYS 208 | University Physics II | |
Biology elective | 3 | |
Biology laboratory elective | 1-2 | |
Foreign language 102 | 3 | |
General education course | 3 | |
Term Hours: | 14-16 | |
Senior year | ||
Fall semester | ||
HEMS 600 | Introduction to Research Design in Health and Movement Sciences | 3 |
or HEMS 601 | Movement Physiology | |
HEMS 604 | Nutrition for Health and Physical Activity | 3 |
or HEMS 610 | Laboratory Techniques in Rehabilitation Science | |
or HEMS 675 | Clinical Exercise Physiology | |
Biology laboratory electives | 1-2 | |
Open electives | 9 | |
Term Hours: | 16-17 | |
Spring semester | ||
HEMS 601 | Movement Physiology | 3 |
or HEMS 600 | Introduction to Research Design in Health and Movement Sciences | |
HEMS 604 | Nutrition for Health and Physical Activity | 3 |
or HEMS 610 | Laboratory Techniques in Rehabilitation Science | |
or HEMS 675 | Clinical Exercise Physiology | |
Biology capstone: BIOL 475, BIOZ 476 or BIOL 477 | 0-3 | |
Biology laboratory elective | 1-2 | |
Open electives | 7 | |
Term Hours: | 14-18 | |
Fifth year | ||
Fall semester | ||
BIOS 543 | Graduate Research Methods I | 3 |
or STAT 543 | Statistical Methods I | |
HEMS 604 | Nutrition for Health and Physical Activity | 3 |
or HEMS 605 | Psychology of Physical Activity | |
or HEMS 610 | Laboratory Techniques in Rehabilitation Science | |
or HEMS 675 | Clinical Exercise Physiology | |
HEMS 692 | Independent Study | 3 |
General elective | 3 | |
Term Hours: | 12 | |
Spring semester | ||
HEMS 604 | Nutrition for Health and Physical Activity | 3 |
or HEMS 605 | Psychology of Physical Activity | |
or HEMS 610 | Laboratory Techniques in Rehabilitation Science | |
or HEMS 675 | Clinical Exercise Physiology | |
HEMS 692 | Independent Study | 3 |
or HEMS 695 | Externship | |
or HEMS 797 | Directed Research Study | |
General elective | 3 | |
Specified elective | 3 | |
Term Hours: | 12 |
Accelerated B.S. and M.S.
The accelerated B.S. and M.S. program allows academically talented students to earn both the B.S. in Biology and M.S. in Medical Laboratory Sciences with a categorical concentration in a minimum of five years by completing approved graduate courses during the senior year of their undergraduate program. This accelerated program provides specialized study, including a clinical practicum, and will allow students to pursue the categorical concentration of the master’s program in one of the following areas: hematology, microbiology or immunohematology. Students in the program may count up to 10 hours of graduate courses toward both the B.S. and M.S. degrees. Thus, the two degrees may be earned with a minimum of 144 credits rather than the 154 credits necessary if the two degrees are pursued separately.
Students holding these degrees will have a head start for career advancement in medical laboratory sciences. The M.S. degree provides students with advanced theoretical and technical education and prepares them to assume roles as laboratory supervisors, educators and researchers. VCU will provide students with a superior, yet flexible, course of advanced study in medical laboratory sciences.
Entrance to the accelerated program
Interested undergraduate students should consult with their adviser as early as possible to receive specific information about the accelerated program, determine academic eligibility and submit (no later than two semesters prior to graduating with a baccalaureate degree, that is, before the end of the spring semester of their junior year) an Accelerated Program Declaration Form to be approved by the graduate program director. Limited spaces may be available in the accelerated program. Academically qualified students may not receive approval if capacity has been reached.
Minimum qualifications for entrance to this accelerated program requires completion of 90 undergraduate credit hours including the biology core courses of BIOL 152, BIOL 200, BIOL 300, BIOL 310, BIOL 317 and BIOL 318; BIOZ 151 and BIOZ 152; CHEM 101, CHEM 102, CHEM 301 and CHEM 302; CHEZ 101, CHEZ 102, CHEZ 301 and CHEZ 302; an overall GPA of 3.0; a biology major GPA of 3.0; eight to 10 credit hours of discipline-specific undergraduate course work in medical laboratory sciences based on the student’s choice of specialty (see curriculum requirements for the M.S. degree program in medical laboratory sciences, categorical concentration in the Graduate Bulletin for a list of the undergraduate discipline-specific courses, also included in the plan of study below). The credits for the discipline-specific undergraduate courses in medical laboratory sciences will substitute for required major electives in the undergraduate degree.
Once enrolled in the accelerated program, students must meet the standards of performance applicable to graduate students as described in the “Satisfactory academic progress” section of the Graduate Bulletin, including maintaining a 3.0 GPA. Guidance to students admitted to the accelerated program is provided by both the undergraduate adviser for the biology program and the faculty adviser to the graduate program.
Admission to the graduate program
Entrance to the accelerated program enables the student to take the approved shared courses that will apply to the undergraduate and graduate degrees. However, entry into an accelerated program via an approved Accelerated Program Declaration Form does not constitute application or admission into the graduate program. Admission to the graduate program requires a separate step that occurs through a formal application. In order to continue pursuing the master’s degree after the baccalaureate degree is conferred, accelerated students must follow the admission to graduate study requirements outlined in the VCU Bulletin.
Degree requirements
The Bachelor of Science in Biology degree will be awarded upon completion of a minimum of 120 credits and the satisfactory completion of all undergraduate degree requirements as stated in the Undergraduate Bulletin.
A maximum of 10 graduate credits may be taken prior to completion of the baccalaureate degree selected from the list below in consultation with an advisor. These graduate credits will substitute for required major electives for the undergraduate degree. These courses are shared credits with the graduate program, meaning that they will be applied to both undergraduate and graduate degree requirements.
The graduate courses that may be taken as an undergraduate, once a student is admitted to the program, and may be counted toward both B.S. and M.S. degrees are:
Course | Title | Hours |
CLLS 500 | Concepts and Techniques in Clinical Laboratory Science 1 | 3 |
CLLS 595 | Clinical Practicum | 3 |
CLLS 661 | Research Methodology in Medical Laboratory Sciences | 3 |
CLLS 690 | Clinical Laboratory Sciences Seminar | 1 |
HGEN 501 | Introduction to Human Genetics 2 | 3 |
CLLS 500 is approved to fulfill a biology laboratory elective.
HGEN 501 is a discipline-specific course option for the hematology and immunohematology specialties; it is not a shared course option for the microbiology specialty.
Recommended course sequence/plan of study
What follows is the recommended plan of study for students interested in the accelerated program beginning in the fall of the first year, prior to admission to the accelerated program in the second year. Each of the specialty areas of the categorical concentrations is outlined below.
Hematology specialty
Course | Title | Hours |
Junior year | ||
Fall semester | ||
CLLS 301 | Hematology (satisfies biology laboratory elective) | 3.5 |
CLLS 304 | Urine and Body Fluid Analysis (satisfies biology laboratory elective) | 2 |
PHYS 201 | General Physics I | 4-5 |
or PHYS 207 | University Physics I | |
Foreign language 101 | 3 | |
Select one course not yet taken from: | 3 | |
Genetics | ||
or BIOL 317 | Ecology | |
or BIOL 318 | Evolution | |
Term Hours: | 15.5-16.5 | |
Spring semester | ||
CLLS 302 | Abnormal Hematology (satisfies biology laboratory elective) | 4 |
PHYS 202 | General Physics II | 4-5 |
or PHYS 208 | University Physics II | |
Foreign language 102 | 3 | |
Select one course not yet taken from: | 3 | |
Genetics | ||
or BIOL 317 | Ecology | |
or BIOL 318 | Evolution | |
Term Hours: | 14-15 | |
Senior year | ||
Fall semester | ||
CLLS 500 | Concepts and Techniques in Clinical Laboratory Science (shared graduate requirement; satisfies biology laboratory elective) | 3 |
HGEN 501 | Introduction to Human Genetics (shared graduate requirement; satisfies biology laboratory elective) | 3 |
General education course | 3 | |
Open electives | 5.5 | |
Term Hours: | 14.5 | |
Spring semester | ||
BIOL 475 | Biology Capstone Seminar: ____ (select one for capstone) | 0-3 |
or BIOL 477 | Biology Capstone Experience | |
or BIOZ 476 | Molecular Biology Laboratory | |
CLLS 661 | Research Methodology in Medical Laboratory Sciences (shared graduate credit; satisfies biology elective) | 3 |
CLLS 690 | Clinical Laboratory Sciences Seminar (shared graduate requirement; satisfies biology elective) | 1 |
Biology elective | 1 | |
General education course | 3 | |
Open electives | 7 | |
Term Hours: | 15-18 | |
Fifth year | ||
Summer semester | ||
CLLS 595 | Clinical Practicum | 3 |
Term Hours: | 3 | |
Fall semester | ||
ALHP 594 | Health Education Practicum | 2 |
BIOS 543 | Graduate Research Methods I | 3 |
or STAT 543 | Statistical Methods I | |
CLLS 690 | Clinical Laboratory Sciences Seminar | 1 |
CLLS 790 | Research in Clinical Laboratory Sciences | 1 |
HADM 602 | Health System Organization, Financing and Performance | 3 |
Term Hours: | 10 | |
Spring semester | ||
ALHP 594 | Health Education Practicum | 2 |
CLLS 580 | Principles of Education/Management | 3 |
CLLS 629 | Advanced Concepts in Hematology (specialty course) | 2 |
CLLS 690 | Clinical Laboratory Sciences Seminar | 1 |
CLLS 790 | Research in Clinical Laboratory Sciences | 3 |
Term Hours: | 11 |
Immunohematology specialty1
Course | Title | Hours |
Junior year | ||
Fall semester | ||
CLLS 310 | Clinical Immunology (satisfies biology laboratory elective) | 4.5 |
PHYS 201 | General Physics I | 4-5 |
or PHYS 207 | University Physics I | |
Foreign language 101 | 3 | |
Select two courses not yet taken from: | 6 | |
Genetics | ||
or BIOL 317 | Ecology | |
or BIOL 318 | Evolution | |
Term Hours: | 17.5-18.5 | |
Spring semester | ||
CLLS 306 | Immunohematology (satisfies biology laboratory elective) | 4.5 |
PHYS 202 | General Physics II | 4-5 |
or PHYS 208 | University Physics II | |
Foreign language 102 | 3 | |
General education course | 3 | |
Term Hours: | 14.5-15.5 | |
Senior year | ||
Fall semester | ||
CLLS 500 | Concepts and Techniques in Clinical Laboratory Science (shared graduate requirement; satisfies biology laboratory elective) | 3 |
HGEN 501 | Introduction to Human Genetics (shared graduate requirement; satisfies biology elective) | 3 |
General education course | 3 | |
Open electives | 6 | |
Term Hours: | 15 | |
Spring semester | ||
BIOL 475 | Biology Capstone Seminar: ____ (select one for capstone) | 0-3 |
or BIOL 477 | Biology Capstone Experience | |
or BIOZ 476 | Molecular Biology Laboratory | |
CLLS 661 | Research Methodology in Medical Laboratory Sciences (shared graduate credit; satisfies biology elective) | 3 |
CLLS 690 | Clinical Laboratory Sciences Seminar (shared graduate requirement; satisfies biology elective) | 1 |
Biology elective | 1 | |
Open electives | 7 | |
Term Hours: | 12-15 | |
Fifth year | ||
Summer semester | ||
CLLS 595 | Clinical Practicum | 3 |
Term Hours: | 3 | |
Fall semester | ||
ALHP 594 | Health Education Practicum | 2 |
BIOS 543 | Graduate Research Methods I | 3 |
or STAT 543 | Statistical Methods I | |
CLLS 690 | Clinical Laboratory Sciences Seminar | 1 |
CLLS 790 | Research in Clinical Laboratory Sciences | 1 |
HADM 602 | Health System Organization, Financing and Performance | 3 |
Term Hours: | 10 | |
Spring semester | ||
ALHP 594 | Health Education Practicum | 2 |
CLLS 580 | Principles of Education/Management | 3 |
CLLS 627 | Advanced Concepts in Immunology and Immunohematology (specialty course) | 3 |
CLLS 690 | Clinical Laboratory Sciences Seminar | 1 |
CLLS 790 | Research in Clinical Laboratory Sciences | 3 |
Term Hours: | 12 |
This specialty requires one additional credit of graduate work.
Microbiology specialty
Course | Title | Hours |
Junior year | ||
Fall semester | ||
CLLS 307 | Introduction to Pathogenic Microbiology (satisfies biology elective) | 3 |
PHYS 201 | General Physics I | 4-5 |
or PHYS 207 | University Physics I | |
Foreign language 101 | 3 | |
Select two courses not yet taken from: | 6 | |
Genetics | ||
or BIOL 317 | Ecology | |
or BIOL 318 | Evolution | |
Term Hours: | 16-17 | |
Spring semester | ||
CLLS 308 | Pathogenic Bacteriology (satisfies biology laboratory elective) | 5 |
PHYS 202 | General Physics II | 4-5 |
or PHYS 208 | University Physics II | |
Foreign language 102 | 3 | |
General education course | 3 | |
Term Hours: | 15-16 | |
Senior year | ||
Fall semester | ||
CLLS 500 | Concepts and Techniques in Clinical Laboratory Science (shared graduate requirement; satisfies biology laboratory elective) | 3 |
General education course | 3 | |
Open electives | 7 | |
Term Hours: | 13 | |
Spring semester | ||
BIOL 475 | Biology Capstone Seminar: ____ (select one for capstone) | 0-3 |
or BIOL 477 | Biology Capstone Experience | |
or BIOZ 476 | Molecular Biology Laboratory | |
CLLS 661 | Research Methodology in Medical Laboratory Sciences (shared graduate credit; satisfies biology elective) | 3 |
CLLS 690 | Clinical Laboratory Sciences Seminar (shared graduate requirement; satisfies biology elective) | 1 |
Biology laboratory elective | 2 | |
Open electives | 6 | |
Term Hours: | 12-15 | |
Summer semester | ||
CLLS 595 | Clinical Practicum (shared graduate credit; satisfies biology elective) | 3 |
Term Hours: | 3 | |
Fifth year | ||
Fall semester | ||
ALHP 594 | Health Education Practicum | 2 |
BIOS 543 | Graduate Research Methods I | 3 |
or STAT 543 | Statistical Methods I | |
CLLS 608 | Laboratory Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases (specialty course) | 3 |
CLLS 690 | Clinical Laboratory Sciences Seminar | 1 |
CLLS 790 | Research in Clinical Laboratory Sciences | 1 |
HADM 602 | Health System Organization, Financing and Performance | 3 |
Term Hours: | 13 | |
Spring semester | ||
ALHP 594 | Health Education Practicum | 2 |
CLLS 580 | Principles of Education/Management | 3 |
CLLS 628 | Advanced Concepts in Microbiology (specialty course) | 2 |
CLLS 690 | Clinical Laboratory Sciences Seminar | 1 |
CLLS 790 | Research in Clinical Laboratory Sciences | 3 |
Term Hours: | 11 |