This is the preliminary (or launch) version of the 2025-2026 VCU Bulletin. Courses that expose students to cutting-edge content and transformative learning may be added and notification of additional program approvals may be received prior to finalization. General education program content is also subject to change. The final edition and full PDF version will include these updates and will be available in August prior to the beginning of the fall semester.

It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all required admission documents are forwarded to the Office of Admissions before the deadline. (Refer to the freshman application deadlines or transfer application deadlines.)

Applications and supporting credentials for undergraduate programs offered on both campuses must be submitted to the Office of Admissions.

All applications and supporting documents become the property of the university and are not returned to the applicant. After all required documents have been received, candidates are notified in writing of the decision by the Office of Admissions.

The following must be submitted to the Office of Admissions when applying for an undergraduate degree program:

  1. Official application form. Candidates seeking admission or readmission to the university in an undergraduate degree program must file a Common Application (first-time freshman applicants only) or the VCU online application before the specified deadline. Students planning to complete a second baccalaureate degree also must submit this application. Students will be able to check their application status online to be sure the university has received all required materials (admission decisions are not provided online). Care should be taken to read the admissions guidelines in this bulletin, to follow the directions accompanying the application and to complete all information requested. Incomplete or incorrect applications will result in a processing delay.

  2. Application fees. Application fees are nonrefundable and should be submitted via credit card when applying online. Do not send cash, checks or money orders. For current application fees, see the Office of Admissions website.

    The application fee is nonrefundable. Applications may not be processed if submitted without a fee or the applicant will be billed. Students currently enrolled in programs on the VCU Monroe Park Campus who are applying to undergraduate programs on the MCV Campus are not required to remit the application fee.

  3. Official transcript(s). Freshman applicants are required to submit their official high school transcript(s) showing course work completed to date. The secondary school record should contain courses and grades earned, rank in class and overall GPA. A final transcript also is required showing date of graduation, overall GPA and rank in graduating class if available.

    Transfer candidates must request the registrar of each college attended to send an official transcript of their course work. Transfer candidates who have earned fewer than 30 semester credits/45 quarter credits also must submit their secondary school records. Priority application review will be given to applicants who have completed at least 30 credits at their former institution(s) and who apply and submit all required documentation by the recommended application deadline.

    Applicants to the School of Nursing undergraduate program on the MCV Campus must submit official transcripts from all colleges, universities and hospital schools/programs attended.

    For readmission candidates, the Office of Admissions will obtain the student’s VCU transcript. Applicants who have attended other colleges since leaving VCU must request the registrar of each college to send official transcripts to the Office of Admissions.

  4. Test scores.

    1. First-year applicants (including those seeking scholarships) do not need to submit test scores unless applying to the Honors College guaranteed admissions programs. Those students should contact the Honors College if they are unable to test. Any applicant who has test scores and would like them to be considered may still submit them.

    2. All transfer applicants are eligible for test score optional review, regardless of GPA. Applicants who are able to take a standardized test and would like the scores used in VCU’s application review may still submit scores. All students will receive a holistic application review.

    3. Applicants whose native language is one other than English must sit for a test of English proficiency and arrange for the testing agency to send the results to VCU (code 5570). Please visit the Office of Admissions website for more information and details about required test scores. Some MCV Campus programs also may require Test of Written English or Test of Spoken English scores.

  5. Supplemental application requirements. School of the Arts applicants must submit supplemental materials as described on the school’s website. Applicants to all undergraduate programs on the MCV Campus must submit supplemental application materials as described online on the admissions and aid section of the VCU website.