This is the preliminary (or launch) version of the 2025-2026 VCU Bulletin. Courses that expose students to cutting-edge content and transformative learning may be added and notification of additional program approvals may be received prior to finalization. General education program content is also subject to change. The final edition and full PDF version will include these updates and will be available in August prior to the beginning of the fall semester.

The minor consists of 18 credit hours of course work, at least nine of which must be at the upper-level. An overall GPA of 2.0 in all courses counted toward the minor is required. No course may be used to fulfill both a minor requirement and a university general education requirement.

At least 50 percent of the content of all courses approved for inclusion within the ICS minor will address the relevant NACE competency or competencies. Approved courses will include significant assignments that will require students to develop or demonstrate the appropriate competency or competencies.

In general, a student must complete three credits in each category identified below, with the exception of the professionalism/career management category, selected from a list of approved courses. Courses should be selected in consultation with the minor adviser, who is a member of the University College Interdisciplinary Studies advising team. To complete the requirements of the professionalism/career management category, a student must successfully complete IDST 450 and two additional credits. In some of the minor categories, a student may substitute an internship, co-op, undergraduate research, study abroad or other REAL experience (Level III-IV) for the required three credits, or the experience itself may be assigned 0 credits (e.g., COOP 398). In such a case, the student must complete three additional credits from the remaining categories. Students should discuss such substitutions with the minor adviser prior to enrolling in the substitute course.

Course Title Hours
ICS area
Critical thinking/problem solving3
Digital technology3
Global/intercultural fluency 13
Oral/written communications3
Professionalism/work ethic/career management 12
Teamwork/collaboration/leadership 13
IDST 450Career Readiness Synthesis1
Total Hours18

These areas may be satisfied with an approved experience. If the approved experience is assigned 0 credits (e.g., COOP 398) students must take three additional credits from the remaining categories.

Course Title Hours
Critical thinking/problem solving
INNO 460Product Innovation: da Vinci Project3
MATH 300Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning3
PHIL 201Introduction to Ethics3
PHIL 212Ethics and Applications3
PHIL 221Critical Thinking3
PHIL 222Logic3
PHIL 230Reason, Science and the Self3
PHIL 250Thinking About Thinking3
SEDP 415Action Research in Education and Special Education: Capstone Project3
SLWK 200Building a Just Society3
UNIV 211Food for Thought3
UNIV 213 Play VideoPlay course video for The Truth About LyingThe Truth About Lying3
UNIV 222Pseudoscience3
UNIV 299What's the Big Idea?3
VNTR 300Venture Creation Skills3
VNTR 460Venture Creation Project3
Digital technology
BUSN 160Digital Literacy: Computer Concepts, Internet, Digital Devices1
BUSN 161Digital Literacy: Word Processing Skills1
BUSN 162Digital Literacy: Spreadsheets Skills I1
BUSN 165Digital Literacy: Spreadsheet Skills II1
BUSN 166Digital Literacy: Database Skills1
BUSN 168Digital Literacy: Presentation Skills1
CMSC 101Introduction to Computer Science3
CMSC 210Computers and Programming3
CREA 202Creative Coding3
CREA 330Interdisciplinary Web Design3
INFO 202Introduction to Information Systems Development Technologies3
Global/intercultural fluency
AFAM 200Introduction to African Societies3
ARTH 207Global Art History3
ARTH 245Survey of Asian Art3
ARTH 260Islamic Art Survey3
ARTH 261Islamic Art Survey3
ENGL 201Western World Literature I3
ENGL 202Western World Literature II3
ENGL 363African Literature3
ENGL 365Caribbean Literature3
ENGL 381Multiethnic Literature3
FRLG 493World Languages Internship1-3
GLED 1011
GLED 2021
GLED 3021
GLED 4011
GLED 493Global Leadership Practicum1-3
HIST 101Survey of European History3
HIST 102Survey of European History3
HIST 105Survey of African History3
HIST 106Survey of African History3
HIST 107Survey of East Asian Civilizations3
HIST 108Survey of East Asian Civilizations3
HIST 109Survey of Latin American History3
HIST 110Survey of Latin American History3
IDDS 200Disability History and Culture3
SEDP 202Preparing Diverse Learners From Multicultural and Global Perspectives3
Approved international REAL level 3-4 experience
Oral/written communications
BUSN 225Winning Presentations3
BUSN 325Organizational Communication3
ENGL 304Persuasive Writing3
ENGL 310Professional Writing3
ENGL 388Professional, Scientific and Technical Writing3
INNO 460Product Innovation: da Vinci Project3
SPCH 121Effective Speech3
SPCH 321Speech for Business and the Professions3
UNIV 217Finding Your Voice in Contemporary Society3
VNTR 460Venture Creation Project3
Professionalism/work ethic/career management
ALHP 310Introduction to Health Care Professions3
BUSN 201Foundations of Business3
BUSN 323Legal Environment of Business3
COOP 298Cooperative Education Experience0
CLED 405A Survey of Career Counseling3
CMST 3101.5
CMST 4101.5
CMST 411Advanced Service-learning Teaching Assistant Supervision1
COOP 398Cooperative Education Experience0
CREA 201The Creative Economy3
CREA 350Piloting the Enterprise3
ENGL 367Writing Process and Practice3
ENGR 296Part-time Internship Experience0
ENGR 396Internship Experience0
ENGR 398Cooperative Education Experience0
ENGR 399Cooperative Education Experience II3
FIRE 201Personal Financial Planning3
GVPA 100Making Policy Real: Social Problems and Policy Solutions3
GVPA 423Virginia Capital Semester Seminar3
GVPA 494Virginia Capital Semester Internship3
HCMG 300Health Care Organization and Services3
IDST 303Interdisciplinarity in the Professional World3
LFSC 101Academic and Career Options in Life Sciences1
PSYC 2012
UNIV 103Education and Career Planning1-3
UNIV 250Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Program1
UNIV 251Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Program1
Approved REAL level 3-4 experience
CMST 300The Foundations of Community Engagement3
CREA 450Creative Disruption3
ENVS 260Outdoor Leadership3
ENVS 360Outdoor Programming and Event Management3
HCDN 351Introduction to Human-centered Design1-3
HCDN 353Human-centered Design Through Service Learning2
HONR 170Humans of RVA and VCU1
INNO 460Product Innovation: da Vinci Project3
LDRS 200Profiles in Leadership1
LDRS 201Leadership Identity1
LDRS 202Leadership Context1
LDRS 301Leadership Engagement1
LDRS 302Culminating Leadership Seminar1
LDRS 491Special Topics in Leadership1-3
LFSC 307Community Solutions: Multiple Perspectives3
MGMT 310Managing People in Organizations3
MGMT 319Leadership3
MILS 102Military Science and Leadership: Foundations of Agile and Adaptive Leadership1
MILS 201Military Science and Leadership: Leadership and Decision Making2
PSYC 307Community Solutions: Multiple Perspectives3
SCMA 350Introduction to Project Management3
SEDP 405Collaborative Practices to Support Inclusion for Children and Youth with Disabilities3
SEDP 420Special Education Leadership for Inclusive Schools3
UNIV 350Peer Leadership Program3
VNTR 300Venture Creation Skills3
VNTR 460Venture Creation Project3
Approved REAL level 3-4 experience