This is the preliminary (or launch) version of the 2025-2026 VCU Bulletin. Courses that expose students to cutting-edge content and transformative learning may be added and notification of additional program approvals may be received prior to finalization. General education program content is also subject to change. The final edition and full PDF version will include these updates and will be available in August prior to the beginning of the fall semester.

The Richard T. Robertson School of Communication offers a Bachelor of Science in Mass Communications with concentrations in one of four areas: advertising, journalism, media production or public relations. The media production concentration prepares students for behind-the-scenes careers in film, television, video, online and other media creating compelling stories and messages.

Student learning outcomes

Upon completing this program, students will know how to do the following:

Mass communications core learning outcomes

  • Apply the principles and laws of freedom of speech and press, in a global context, and for the country in which the institution that invite ACEJMC is located
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the multicultural history and role of professionals and institutions in shaping communications
  • Demonstrate culturally proficient communication that empowers those traditionally disenfranchised in society, especially as grounded in race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and ability, domestically and globally, across communication and media contexts
  • Present images and information effectively and creatively, using appropriate tools and technologies
  • Write correctly and clearly in forms and styles appropriate for the communications professions, audiences and purposes they serve
  • Demonstrate an understanding of professional ethical principles and work ethically in pursuit of truth, accuracy, fairness and diversity
  • Apply critical thinking skills in conducting research and evaluating information by methods appropriate to the communications professions in which they work
  • Effectively and correctly apply basic numerical and statistical concepts
  • Critically evaluate their own work and that of others for accuracy and fairness, clarity, appropriate style and grammatical correctness
  • Apply tools and technologies appropriate for the communications professions in which they work

Media production concentration-specific outcome

  • Write correctly and clearly in forms and styles appropriate for media production professions, audiences and purposes they serve

Special requirements

The overview section explains the requirements for students to be admitted to, and remain in, the foundation program or a specific concentration in the school.

Students must earn a total of 45 credits in classes at the 300-level and above, including upper-level mass communications course work. To graduate from the mass communications program, students must have a cumulative and major GPA of 2.5 and must earn a minimum grade of C in their senior-level capstone courses. The mass communications curriculum includes the foundation and specific concentrations.

Foundation course work for media production students

MASC 101MASC 255 and MASC 285, each with a minimum grade of C; and completion of general education courses UNIV 111UNIV 112, POLI 103ECON 203STAT 208 or STAT 210, and a course from the scientific and logical reasoning area of inquiry. Completion of both ECON 210 and ECON 211 may substitute for ECON 203.

To enroll in MASC 285, students must receive departmental permission.

To enroll in a mass communications course, majors must have earned a minimum grade of C in all courses prerequisite for that course.

Degree requirements for Mass Communications, Bachelor of Science (B.S.) with a concentration in media production

Course Title Hours
General education
Select 30 credits of general education courses in consultation with an adviser.30
Major requirements
• Major core requirements
MASC 101Mass Communications3
MASC 274Diversity in the Media3
MASC 300Technical Prowess3
MASC 380Media and Culture3
MASC 390Ethical Problems in Mass Media3
MASC 408Communications Law3
MASC 493Fieldwork/Internship3
MASC 499Career Minded3
• Concentration requirements
MASC 255Media Production Foundation3
MASC 285Scriptwriting3
MASC 367Media Production I3
MASC 410Media Entrepreneurship3
MASC 415Media Production II3
MASC 483The Documentary3
MASC 484Media Foundry3
• Major electives
MASC (300- or 400-level)6
Ancillary requirements
ECON 203Introduction to Economics (satisfies general education BOK for social/behavioral sciences and AOI for global perspectives) 13
ENGL 215Reading Literature (Note: not all options satisfy general education BOK for humanities/fine art and AOI creativity, innovation and aesthetic inquiry)3
or ENGL 201 Western World Literature I
or ENGL 202 Western World Literature II
or ENGL 203 British Literature I
or ENGL 204 British Literature II
or ENGL 205 American Literature I
or ENGL 206 American Literature II
or ENGL 211 Contemporary World Literature
or ENGL 217 Reading New Literature
or ENGL 236 Women in Literature
or ENGL 250 Reading Film
or ENGL 291 Topics in Literature
or ENGL 295 Introduction to Creative Writing
or NEXT 240 Reading Technology, Media and Culture
HUMS 202Choices in a Consumer Society1
PHTO 290Photography for Non-majors (satisfies experiential fine arts requirement)1-3
POLI 103U.S. Government and Politics (satisfies general education BOK for social/behavioral sciences and AOI for diversities in the human experience)3
STAT 208Statistical Thinking (either satisfies general education quantitative foundations)3
or STAT 210 Basic Practice of Statistics
POLI, HIST or URSP (300 level or higher)3
Foreign language through the 102 level (by course or placement)0-6
Literature course (300 level or higher) except ENGL 386/TEDU 386 or TEDU 3873
Open electives
Select any course.20-31
Total Hours120

Completion of both ECON 210 and ECON 211 may substitute for ECON 203; ECON 210 satisfies the same general education categories.

The minimum number of credit hours required for this degree is 120.

Recommended course sequence/plan of study  

Freshman year
Fall semesterHours
MASC 101 Mass Communications 3
MATH 131
Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics (either is a prerequisite for STAT 208; counts as open elective)
or Algebra with Applications
POLI 103 U.S. Government and Politics (satisfies general education AOI for diversities in the human experience) 3
UNIV 111 Play VideoPlay course video for Introduction to Focused Inquiry: Investigation and Communication Introduction to Focused Inquiry: Investigation and Communication (satisfies general education UNIV foundations) 3
General education course 3
 Term Hours: 15
Spring semester
ECON 203 Introduction to Economics (satisfies general education AOI for global perspectives) 3
HUMS 202 Choices in a Consumer Society 1
MASC 255 Media Production Foundation 3
MASC 274 Diversity in the Media 3
UNIV 112 Play VideoPlay course video for Focused Inquiry II Focused Inquiry II (satisfies general education UNIV foundations) 3
General education course (select BOK for natural sciences and AOI for scientific and logical reasoning) 3
 Term Hours: 16
Sophomore year
Fall semester
ENGL 215
Reading Literature (either satisfies general education BOK for humanities/fine art and AOI creativity, innovation and aesthetic inquiry)
or Reading Technology, Media and Culture
MASC 285 Scriptwriting 3
STAT 208
Statistical Thinking (either satisfies general education quantitative foundations)
or Basic Practice of Statistics
UNIV 200 Advanced Focused Inquiry: Literacies, Research and Communication (satisfies general education UNIV foundations) 3
General education course 3
 Term Hours: 15
Spring semester
MASC 300 Technical Prowess 3
MASC 380 Media and Culture 3
PHTO 290 Photography for Non-majors (satisfies experiential fine arts requirement) 2-3
MASC elective (300-400) 3
Open elective 3
 Term Hours: 14-15
Junior year
Fall semester
MASC 367 Media Production I 3
MASC 408 Communications Law 3
Foreign language 101 3
Literature course (300-level or higher) except ENGL 386/TEDU 386 or TEDU 387 3
Open elective 3
 Term Hours: 15
Spring semester
MASC 410 Media Entrepreneurship 3
MASC 415 Media Production II 3
POLI, HIST or URSP course (300-level or higher) 3
Foreign language 102 3
Open elective (300-400 level) 3
 Term Hours: 15
Senior year
Fall semester
MASC 390 Ethical Problems in Mass Media 3
MASC 483 The Documentary 3
MASC 499 Career Minded 3
MASC elective (300- to 400-level) 3
Open elective 3
 Term Hours: 15
Spring semester
MASC 484 Media Foundry 3
MASC 493 Fieldwork/Internship 3
Open electives (300- to 400-level if needed) 9
 Term Hours: 15
 Total Hours: 120-121

The minimum number of credit hours required for this degree is 120.