This is the preliminary (or launch) version of the 2025-2026 VCU Bulletin. Courses that expose students to cutting-edge content and transformative learning may be added and notification of additional program approvals may be received prior to finalization. General education program content is also subject to change. The final edition and full PDF version will include these updates and will be available in August prior to the beginning of the fall semester.

The Bachelor of Science in Anthropology curriculum seeks to ensure that each student develops a solid foundation in the basic principles, theories and techniques of analysis. Since students majoring in anthropology vary in their interests and career goals, the curriculum allows for a great deal of flexibility developing individual courses of study. Students who are interested in pursuing graduate studies in anthropology will usually take more than the minimum number of upper-level courses. The department provides opportunities for involvement in faculty research through its course offerings, which include independent study, internships and honors research.

The Bachelor of Science in Anthropology requires a minimum of 120 credits, with at least 35 of those credits in anthropology averaging a minimum GPA of 2.25. Students must take at least 25 credits in upper-level (300, 400 or 500) ANTH courses. However, a student with a particular anthropological interest that can be best served by courses without the ANTH prefix may suggest a relevant selection of up to six elective credits from such classes to be counted toward the major. Alternatively, in addition to the three experiential credits fulfilling collateral requirements, a maximum of six credits from internships and/or independent studies may be counted toward the elective degree requirements. A plan for such selection must be presented to and approved by the program coordinator in the student's junior year or, for those students entering the program at the junior level, at a time stipulated by the program coordinator.

In order to begin upper-level course work in any foreign language, students must have consecutively completed 101, 102, 201, and 202 or 205 courses in a respective foreign language or prove the equivalent proficiency level through placement testing.

Anthropology majors are strongly encouraged to complete a minor, preferably one offered in World Studies. Students should refer to the listing in the general description of the School of World Studies.

Student learning outcomes

  1. Global knowledge, citizenship and ethics: Anthropology graduates will recognize and describe cultural, economic, informational and social interdependencies that exist among nations and cultures today, including an ethical understanding of the effects of such factors as racial, ethnic and gender differences.
  2. Scientific and anthropological literacy: Students will evaluate and assess scientific findings by employing concepts and methodologies of modern science as applied to anthropological questions. 
  3. Advanced oral and written communication skills: Graduates will effectively communicate ideas about anthropological tenets in both oral and written formats. 
  4. Research methods and design skills: Students will demonstrate the ability to design appropriate anthropological research questions and apply research methodologies to answer those questions. 
  5. Critical-thinking skills: Graduates will critically evaluate their own cultural and biological histories and experiences, as well as those of others. 
  6. Experiential learning: Students will synthesize and apply anthropological tenets in experiential learning opportunities including study abroad, internships, service-learning, independent studies or field schools. 

Upon completing this program, students will know and know how to do the following:

The goal of the anthropology program is to impart to students a global awareness and appreciation of the full range of human biological and cultural diversity across time and space, as well as of the underlying similarities derived from humans’ common evolutionary origins.

Students gain proficiency in the knowledge and application of disciplinary and subdisciplinary research methods and analytic concepts, and are trained to develop a holistic and comparative perspective on the human condition, with regard to the cultural, biological, archaeological and linguistic dimensions of anthropological inquiry.

Experiential learning and study abroad

Each student completing a degree program within the School of World Studies is required to complete a World ePass as part of their experiential learning requirement; students are also encouraged to participate in a study abroad program. For more information on the ePass portfolio and study abroad opportunities, students may visit the overview page for the School of World Studies

Honors in anthropology

Majors in the anthropology program may earn a Bachelor of Science degree with honors in anthropology. Participation in honors thesis research is available to outstanding senior majors and involves the preparation of a senior thesis during the last two semesters of the baccalaureate degree program.

In order to participate in the program, students must meet program entrance requirements, identify a project mentor and receive approval for a project proposal. Honors will be awarded following acceptance of the thesis by the Honors Thesis Committee. The committee will consist of, at a minimum, the project mentor, one other member of the anthropology faculty and one faculty member from outside of the anthropology program.

The project may involve any recognized anthropological topic, theory and/or method that promises to enhance the student's disciplinary perspective, skills and creativity. The project may involve an extension of work initiated in a course, an entirely new project or a collaborative project with the faculty mentor. If the project is an extension of work initiated in a course or developed collaboratively with the mentor, independent, separate, substantial development of the topic in the thesis should be evident in the final product. The thesis should reflect work of high quality for a senior-level course.

Students majoring in anthropology are eligible to participate in the departmental honors program if they have maintained a minimum 3.0 overall GPA and a minimum of 3.3 GPA in the major. Application materials consist of transcripts documenting the required GPAs, a five-to-seven page proposal (including a history and description of the proposed project, an annotated bibliography of relevant sources, a work plan, and a schedule for completion of the project) and a letter of endorsement from the faculty member who has agreed to act as project mentor. Applications must be made and project approval received no later than the first two weeks of classes in the semester in which the project will commence. A departmental committee will review the application materials, meet with the candidate to discuss the project proposal as needed and render an admission decision. Once admitted, program participants will enroll in ANTH 497. The course may be included in the required hours for the major.

Students will complete six credit hours (over two sequential semesters in their senior year) in ANTH 497 and ANTH 498. The student's work will be evaluated by the project mentor and a departmental committee at the end of the first semester (ANTH 497) and a grade will be assigned. If allowed to continue, the student will enroll in ANTH 498 the subsequent semester. At the completion of ANTH 498, the completed senior honors thesis will be submitted to the HTC following its acceptance by the faculty mentor and confirmation that the candidate has maintained the requisite GPAs.

Upon submission of the thesis, the student will make an oral presentation (to be made no later than two weeks before the end of classes) to the HTC and other faculty as deemed appropriate, summarizing the research procedures and findings. The HTC will then evaluate the thesis for the award of honors. In order to receive honors, the thesis must be evaluated as deserving of a grade of A. Whether or not honors are awarded, a final grade will be submitted for ANTH 498. The awarding of honors for the thesis will earn an Honors Certificate from the department and notation of the student's standing as an honors graduate on the final grade transcript. Students must submit a final copy of the thesis to both the department and the VCU Libraries no later than the last day of classes.

Degree requirements for Anthropology, Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

Course Title Hours
General education
Select 30 credits of general education courses in consultation with an adviser.30
Major requirements
• Major core requirements 1
ANTH 301/BIOL 341Human Evolution4
ANTH 302Archaeological Theory3
ANTH 399Junior Seminar1
ANTH 454Theory in Cultural Anthropology3
ANTH 490Anthropology Senior Capstone3
• Additional major requirements
Select two from:6
Biological Anthropology
Cultural Anthropology
Anthropological Linguistics
Methods requirement
Select two from:6
Archaeological Methods and Research Design
Field Methods and Research Design in Cultural Anthropology
Language, Culture and Cognition
• Major electives 2
Select at least two courses from one of the elective groups below.6
Ancillary requirements
ANTH 103Introduction to Anthropology (satisfies general education BOK for social/behavioral sciences and AOI for global perspectives)3
ANTH 105/INTL 104Introduction to Archaeology3
BIOL 101Biological Concepts (satisfies general education BOK for natural sciences and AOI for scientific and logical reasoning)3
HUMS 202Choices in a Consumer Society1
MATH 131Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics (or higher numbered math course with a minimum grade of C; satisfies general education quantitative foundations)3
STAT 210Basic Practice of Statistics3
WRLD 495World ePass Portfolio0
Experiential fine arts 31-3
Experiential learning
Select one of the following:0-3
Major-specific service-learning course
Study abroad program
Foreign language through the 102 level (by course or placement)0-6
Open electives
Select any course.39-50
Total Hours120

Students must attain a minimum grade of C in each of the core anthropology courses.


Students must receive approval through the SWS Advising Office for topics courses counting toward the appropriate elective group.


Course offered by the School of the Arts

The minimum number of credit hours required for this degree is 120.

ANTH electives

Course Title Hours
Select at least two courses from one of the following elective groups.
Biological anthropology
ANTH 307Human Osteology4
ANTH 309Gender and Global Health3
ANTH 310Forensic Anthropology3
ANTH 380Medical Anthropology3
ANTH 383Evolutionary Medicine and Anthropology3
ANTH 391Topics in Anthropology 23
ANTH 398Field Investigations in Anthropology1-8
ANTH 403Primatology4
ANTH 469Human Dentition: ID and Anthropology1-3
ANTH 491Advanced Topics in Anthropology 21-3
ANTH 321Gender and Culture in Africa3
ANTH 355Death and Burial3
ANTH 370Museum Anthropology3
ANTH 375Field Archaeology6
ANTH 387Environmental Archaeology3
ANTH 388African Archaeology3
ANTH 389World Archaeology3
ANTH 391Topics in Anthropology 23
ANTH 394Historical Archaeology3
ANTH 398Field Investigations in Anthropology1-8
ANTH 491Advanced Topics in Anthropology 21-3
Cultural/anthropological linguistics
ANTH 200Introduction to African Societies3
ANTH 309Gender and Global Health3
ANTH 321Gender and Culture in Africa3
ANTH 330Languages of Past Cultures: Historical Linguistics and Anthropology3
ANTH/WRLD 335Language and Society: Sociolinguistics in ____3
ANTH 348South American Ethnography3
ANTH 349Rethinking a Continent: Latin America3
ANTH 355Death and Burial3
ANTH 364Mythology and Folklore3
ANTH 383Evolutionary Medicine and Anthropology3
ANTH 390Introduction to Linguistics3
ANTH 391Topics in Anthropology 23
ANTH 398Field Investigations in Anthropology1-8
ANTH 425Religion, Magic and Witchcraft3
ANTH 450Cross-cultural Communication3
ANTH/INTL 455Anthropology of Development and Globalization3
ANTH 491Advanced Topics in Anthropology 21-3
INTL 350Rethinking a Continent: Europe3

What follows is a sample plan that meets the prescribed requirements within a four-year course of study at VCU. Please contact your adviser before beginning course work toward a degree.

Freshman year
Fall semesterHours
ANTH 103 Introduction to Anthropology (satisfies general education BOK for social/behavioral sciences and AOI for global perspectives) 3
MATH 131 Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics (or higher level MATH course; satisfies general education quantitative foundations) 3
UNIV 101 Introduction to the University 1
UNIV 111 Play VideoPlay course video for Introduction to Focused Inquiry: Investigation and Communication Introduction to Focused Inquiry: Investigation and Communication (satisfies general education UNIV foundations) 3
Foreign language 101 3
Open elective 3
 Term Hours: 16
Spring semester
ANTH 105/INTL 104 Introduction to Archaeology 3
HUMS 202 Choices in a Consumer Society 1
STAT 210 Basic Practice of Statistics 3
UNIV 112 Play VideoPlay course video for Focused Inquiry II Focused Inquiry II (satisfies general education UNIV foundations) 3
Foreign language 102 3
General education course 3
 Term Hours: 16
Sophomore year
Fall semester
ANTH 210
Biological Anthropology
or Cultural Anthropology
or Anthropological Linguistics
BIOL 101 Biological Concepts (satisfies general education BOK for natural sciences and AOI for scientific and logical reasoning) 3
UNIV 200 Advanced Focused Inquiry: Literacies, Research and Communication (satisfies general education UNIV foundations) 3
Foreign language 201 3
General education course 3
 Term Hours: 15
Spring semester
ANTH 210
Biological Anthropology
or Cultural Anthropology
or Anthropological Linguistics
Experiential fine arts 1-3
Foreign language 202 3
General education course 3
General education course 3
 Term Hours: 13-15
Junior year
Fall semester
ANTH 301/BIOL 341 Human Evolution 4
ANTH 302 Archaeological Theory 3
Open electives 9
 Term Hours: 16
Spring semester
On-campus or study abroad semester:  
ANTH 399 Junior Seminar 1
Methods requirement 3
Open electives 12
 Term Hours: 16
Summer semester
Study abroad, recommended; credits completed during study abroad will decrease open electives needed in subsequent semesters 0-6
 Term Hours: 0-6
Senior year
Fall semester
ANTH 454 Theory in Cultural Anthropology 3
ANTH 493
Anthropology Internship (or anthropology elective)
or Field Investigations in Anthropology
Major or open elective 3
Methods requirement 3
Open electives 3
World ePass site creation  
 Term Hours: 13-15
Spring semester
ANTH 490 Anthropology Senior Capstone 3
ANTH 493
Anthropology Internship (or anthropology elective)
or Field Investigations in Anthropology
WRLD 495 World ePass Portfolio 0
Major electives 6
Open electives 5-6
 Term Hours: 15-18
 Total Hours: 120-133

The minimum number of credit hours required for this degree is 120.