This is the preliminary (or launch) version of the 2025-2026 VCU Bulletin. Courses that expose students to cutting-edge content and transformative learning may be added and notification of additional program approvals may be received prior to finalization. General education program content is also subject to change. The final edition and full PDF version will include these updates and will be available in August prior to the beginning of the fall semester.

Advanced study in business administration and decision analytics is available through a dual degree program sponsored by the School of Business.

The dual degree Master of Business Administration and Master of Decision Analytics program allows students to earn two degrees with a minimum of 63 graduate credits rather than the 75 graduate credits necessary if the two degrees were pursued separately. This efficiency lowers the overall cost of tuition while also reducing time to earning both degrees.

Prerequisite and/or foundation courses may effectively increase the number of credits needed to earn the degrees.

Program goals

The objectives of this dual degree program are to:

  • Prepare individuals to be effective leaders and managers in today’s data-driven world
  • Equip individuals with tools and techniques that optimize managerial decisions
  • Provide the ability to organize and analyze data for decision-making as it relates to achieving strategic organizational goals and data-driven decision analytics systems for decision-making and effective governance throughout the organization
  • Development of interpersonal and professional skills critical to business, including communication and presentation skills, leadership and management, and situational awareness, among others  

Among the many benefits offered by participation in the dual degree program are the following:

  • Complementing the general management skills obtained in the M.B.A. with a solid specialization in data analytics for managerial decision-making
  • Acquiring a high degree of competency with specialized knowledge unique to data management and decision analytics
  • Enhanced ability to effectively compete for managerial positions across a wide spectrum of levels in today’s organizations where increasing emphasis is on data-driven decisions
  • Enhanced job prospects — particularly for candidates intending to switch careers or striving to move up within their organizations
  • The ability to effectively complete both degrees within a shorter time frame with considerable time and tuition savings through the 12 shared credits

The diplomas for this dual degree program may be awarded sequentially or simultaneously. Students are not required to begin both programs in the same semester, but must be enrolled in both degrees for at least one semester prior to graduation from either program for credits to be shared across programs.

Student learning outcomes

See each degree program page for student learning outcomes.

Other information


A program manager will serve as an adviser and administrative liaison for students. The assigned program manager will assist in developing a plan of study to meet the curriculum requirements of both programs. A faculty adviser from the Department of Supply Chain Management and Analytics will help students consider electives that will best serve their professional goals.

Admission requirements

Students must officially apply and be admitted to each degree program separately before the pursuit of the dual degree program may begin. It is not required to begin both programs in the same semester. View the application requirements for each program for additional details.

Degree requirements

Students must complete a minimum of 63 total credits to earn the Master of Business Administration and Master of Decision Analytics. Students without sufficient background in analytics may be required to first complete prerequisite course work.

A total of 12 credits may be counted toward both programs:

Course Title Hours
INFO 601Database Management (core requirement for M.D.A.; satisfies M.B.A. elective)3
SCMA 632Statistical Analysis and Modeling (core requirement for M.D.A.; satisfies M.B.A. elective)3
SCMA 642Decision and Risk Analytics (core requirement for M.D.A.; satisfies M.B.A. elective)3
SCMA 675Operations Management (core requirement for M.B.A.; satisfies M.D.A. elective)3

The diplomas for this dual degree program may be awarded sequentially or simultaneously. 

Curriculum requirements for the dual degree

Course Title Hours
M.B.A. requirements
• Required courses
ACCT 507Fundamentals of Accounting3
ACCT 608Managerial Accounting Concepts3
ECON 610Managerial Economics3
FIRE 520Financial Concepts of Management3
FIRE 623Financial Management3
INFO 661Information Systems for Managers3
INFO 664Information Systems for Business Intelligence3
MGMT 641Leading People and Organizations3
MGMT 642Business Policy and Strategy3
MKTG 671Marketing Management3
SCMA 524Statistical Fundamentals for Business Management3
SCMA 675Operations Management (satisfies M.D.A. elective)3
• Electives
Satisfied by INFO 601, SCMA 632 and SCMA 6429
M.D.A. requirements
• Required courses
INFO 601Database Management3
INFO 645Prescriptive Analytics3
INFO 648Business Data Analytics3
SCMA 632Statistical Analysis and Modeling3
SCMA 642Decision and Risk Analytics (satisfies M.B.A. elective)3
• Approved electives15
(SCMA 675 satisfies three credits)
Select an additional 12 credits from the following:
Mathematical Economics
Financial Markets
Econometric Time-series Analysis
Panel and Nonlinear Methods in Econometrics
Financial Analytics
Financial Modeling and Analysis
Cases in Real Estate
Investments and Security Analysis
Data Reengineering
Business Process Reengineering
Data-centric Analysis/Planning
Information Systems for Business Intelligence
Business Policy and Strategy
Marketing Research
Marketing Analytics
Global Supply Chain Management
SAP ERP and Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Innovation
Quality Management and Six Sigma
Topics in Supply Chain Management and Analytics
Guided Study in Supply Chain Management
Design and Analysis of Experiments I
Applied Linear Regression
Design and Analysis of Response Surface Experiments
Total Hours63

The minimum number of graduate credit hours required for this dual degree is 63.

Sample plan of study

What follows is an example plan that meets the prescribed requirements. Students may work with their adviser to consider an individual enrollment plan that best meets their goals. Part-time enrollment and summer courses may be considered.

Year one
Fall semesterHours
ACCT 507 Fundamentals of Accounting 3
FIRE 520 Financial Concepts of Management 3
INFO 664 Information Systems for Business Intelligence 3
SCMA 524 Statistical Fundamentals for Business Management 3
 Term Hours: 12
Spring semester
ECON 610 Managerial Economics 3
INFO 661 Information Systems for Managers 3
MGMT 641 Leading People and Organizations 3
SCMA 675 Operations Management (satisfies M.D.A. elective) 3
 Term Hours: 12
Year two
Fall semester
ACCT 608 Managerial Accounting Concepts 3
FIRE 623 Financial Management 3
MGMT 642 Business Policy and Strategy 3
MKTG 671 Marketing Management 3
 Term Hours: 12
Spring semester
INFO 645 Prescriptive Analytics 3
SCMA 642 Decision and Risk Analytics (satisfies M.B.A. elective) 3
M.D.A. elective 3
M.D.A. elective 3
 Term Hours: 12
Year three
Fall semester
INFO 601 Database Management (satisfies M.B.A. elective) 3
INFO 648 Business Data Analytics 3
SCMA 632 Statistical Analysis and Modeling (satisfies M.B.A. elective) 3
M.D.A. elective 3
 Term Hours: 12
Spring semester
M.D.A. elective 3
 Term Hours: 3
 Total Hours: 63

The minimum number of graduate credit hours required for this dual degree is 63.

Austen Gouldman
(804) 828-4622

Additional contact
Graduate Studies in Business
(804) 828-4622

Program website: