This is the preliminary (or launch) version of the 2025-2026 VCU Bulletin. Courses that expose students to cutting-edge content and transformative learning may be added and notification of additional program approvals may be received prior to finalization. General education program content is also subject to change. The final edition and full PDF version will include these updates and will be available in August prior to the beginning of the fall semester.

The VCU School of Pharmacy offers a Pharm.D./Ph.D. dual degree program for outstanding Pharm.D. students to obtain both a Pharm.D. and a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences. The dual degree program provides curricular efficiencies in both the Pharm.D. and Ph.D. programs, opportunities for summer research and elective advanced pharmacy practice experiences, which allow dual degree students to graduate with their Pharm.D. after four years and with efficiencies to complete the Ph.D. degree after approximately two to three additional years.

Student learning outcomes

The student learning outcomes described on the individual Ph.D. concentration pages also apply to Pharm.D.-Ph.D. students.

The educational outcomes of the Pharm.D. program can be viewed on the School of Pharmacy website.

Admission requirements

The program is designed for VCU School of Pharmacy Pharm.D. students to apply during their P-2 year, but applications from P-3 students will be considered. Applicants will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Pharm.D. GPA: >/= 3.0 (required)
  • Personal statement/essay
  • Personal interview by two Pharm.D.-Ph.D subcommittee members
  • Research experience (Summer Research Fellowship or equivalent)
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Research experience/interests compatible with research of SOP graduate faculty

Degree requirements

Students will take 148.5 credit hours of courses required for the Pharm.D. (which includes six didactic credits and 10 APPE/directed research credits that may also be applied toward the Ph.D. degree) and a minimum of 30 didactic credit hours and 30 directed research credit hours to be eligible for the Ph.D. 

Curriculum requirements for the dual degree

Course Title Hours
Pharm.D. requirements
IPEC 501Foundations of Interprofessional Practice1
IPEC 502Interprofessional Quality Improvement and Patient Safety1
IPEC 560Interprofessional Collaborative Care for Older Adults1
MEDC 527Basic Pharmaceutical Principles for the Practicing Pharmacist3
MEDC 533Pharmacognosy1
MEDC 542Biotechnology-derived Therapeutic Agents1
MEDC 553Concepts in the Medicinal Chemistry of Therapeutics Agents1
PCEU 507Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics I2.5
PCEU 508Pharmacokinetics3
PCEU 509Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics II3
PCEU 601Applied Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacogenomics2.5
PHAR 501Pharmaceutical Calculations1
PHAR 502Introduction to Pharmacoeconomics1
PHAR 503Ethics and Equity1.5
PHAR 505Pathophysiology and Patient Assessment Skills3
PHAR 506Nonprescription Medications and Self-care2
PHAR 507Introduction to Health Informatics1
PHAR 508Evidence-based Pharmacy I2
PHAR 511Evidence-based Pharmacy II2
PHAR 515Continuous Professional Development I1
PHAR 523Foundations I2
PHAR 524Foundations II1.5
PHAR 530Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience: Community Practice4
PHAR 532Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience: Hospital Practice3
PHAR 533Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience: Patient Care.5
PHAR 534Foundations III1.5
PHAR 535Foundations IV1.5
PHAR 544Clinical Therapeutics Module: Cardiovascular4.5
PHAR 545The U.S. Health Care System1.5
PHAR 546Pharmacy-based Immunization Delivery1.5
PHAR 551Pharmacy-based Point of Care Testing1.5
PHAR 555Clinical Therapeutics Module: Endocrinology2.5
PHAR 556Clinical Therapeutics Module: Neurology3.5
PHAR 602Clinical Therapeutics Module: Psychiatry3
PHAR 603Clinical Therapeutics Module: Respiratory/Immunology2.5
PHAR 604Clinical Therapeutics Module: Infectious Diseases4
PHAR 605Clinical Therapeutics Module: Hematology/Oncology2.5
PHAR 606Clinical Therapeutics Module: Nephrology/Urology2
PHAR 609Clinical Therapeutics Module: Reproductive Health, Dermatology, EENT, Bone and Joint3.5
PHAR 615Continuous Professional Development II1
PHAR 618Clinical Therapeutics Module: Gastrointestinal/Nutrition2.5
PHAR 640Foundations V1.5
PHAR 645Foundations VI1.5
PHAR 652Health Promotion and Communication in Pharmacy Practice2
PHAR 702Pharmacy Practice Management2.5
PHAR 703Clinical Therapeutics Module: Complex Patient Cases and Critical Care3.5
PHAR 715Continuous Professional Development III1
PHAR 724Pharmacy Law2.5
PHAR 730Continuous Professional Development IV.5
PHAR 760Acute Care Pharmacy Practice I5
PHAR 761Advanced Hospital Pharmacy Practice5
PHAR 763Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Practice5
PHAR 765Elective I (satisfies directed research in Ph.D.)5
PHAR 766Elective II (satisfies directed research in Ph.D.)5
PHAR 767Clinical Selective I5
PHAR 768Advanced Community Pharmacy Practice5
PHAR 773Acute Care Pharmacy Practice II5
PHTX 606Introduction to Pharmacology of Therapeutic Agents1
Electives (satisfies six credits of Ph.D. electives)8
Ph.D. requirements
• Ph.D. core requirements
OVPR 601Scientific Integrity1
or OVPR 602 Responsible Scientific Conduct
or OVPR 603 Responsible Conduct of Research
PSCI 607Introduction to Pharmaceutical Sciences From Bench to Shelf2
PSCI 614Research Techniques1
PSCI 690Seminars in the Pharmaceutical Sciences (one credit per semester)4
• Concentration and electives requirements (select one concentration)22
Medicinal chemistry concentration (13 credits)
Advanced Organic Chemistry I
Laboratory Safety
Fundamentals of Drug Discovery I
Fundamentals of Drug Discovery II
Survey of Molecular Modeling Methods
Advanced Medicinal Chemistry I
Concentration electives (six of nine credits satisfied by Pharm.D. electives) 1
Pharmaceutics concentration (14 credits)
Graduate Research Methods I
Statistical Methods I
Advanced Physical Pharmacy and Biopharmaceutics
Pharmaceutical Analysis
Pharmaceutics Research Seminar (one credit per semester)
Concentration electives (six of eight credits satisfied by Pharm.D. electives 1
Pharmacoeconomics and health outcomes concentration (12 credits)
Graduate Research Methods II
Statistical Methods II
Introduction to Research Methods in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Pharmaceutical Benefit Management
Applied Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research
Concentration electives (six of 10 credits satisfied by Pharm.D. electives 1
Pharmacotherapy concentration (nine credits)
Graduate Research Methods II
Statistical Methods II
Advanced Pharmacotherapy Research Methods
Introduction to Research Methods in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Concentration electives (six of 13 credits satisfied by Pharm.D. electives 1
• Directed research (minimum) 230
Select directed research course appropriate to concentration; 10 credits satisfied by PHAR 765 and PHAR 766 in Pharm.D.
Total Hours192.5

The minimum number of credit hours required for this dual degree is 192.5.


The elective courses taken will generally be selected from a list identified by the major adviser and will be agreed upon by the major adviser and student. These electives may include courses outside the department.


Students will select MEDC 697, PCEU 697 or PHAR 697, as appropriate for the concentration.

Plan of study

Students in the dual degree program spend the first two years (P1-P2) in the professional Pharm.D. curriculum. Years three and four (P3/G1-P4/G2) students continue in the Pharm.D. professional curriculum and begin graduate course work by taking core or elective graduate courses as Pharm.D. electives (applied toward six credits of didactic Ph.D. credits) and two elective APPEs (applied toward 10 credits of their Ph.D. research credits). The Pharm.D. degree is conferred in year four when Pharm.D. requirements are completed. Years five and beyond (G3-G5), students engage in graduate course work and Ph.D. research to complete the Ph.D. degree requirements.

Geri Youngblood, Ph.D.
Pharmaceutical sciences graduate program coordinator
School of Pharmacy graduate programs admissions coordinator
Current students:
Prospective students:

Program website: