This is the preliminary (or launch) version of the 2025-2026 VCU Bulletin. Courses that expose students to cutting-edge content and transformative learning may be added and notification of additional program approvals may be received prior to finalization. General education program content is also subject to change. The final edition and full PDF version will include these updates and will be available in August prior to the beginning of the fall semester.


In today’s world, language learning is more important than ever. The ability to navigate across diverse language, ethnic, racial and cultural​ ​borders allows connection with others, helping create a more inclusive and mutually respectful society. Additionally, employers the world over value the communication skills, cultural competence and practical experiences language students acquire through course work, internships, service learning and study abroad. Proficiency in a second language offers special practical benefits: VCU graduates with language skills are among the more qualified candidates for jobs in international businesses, nonprofits and government agencies. They also qualify for jobs as language teachers in schools, where they often serve as role models, mentors and leaders.

VCU’s B.A. in Foreign Language curriculum allows students to focus on either one or two languages, including the option to combine their major with other disciplines as they work with advisers to plan for their future careers. VCU course work leads majors to explore cultural traditions and historical developments in various parts of the world, and to pursue applied vocabulary and practices that they can use in real-world situations locally, nationally, globally and virtually. Special effort is made to develop intercultural communication competence. 

Becoming a language major is one of the best decisions a student can make! Most will find a seamless transition to VCU from high school or community college programs. Placement testing and the transfer of Advanced Placement, IB and other college-level courses from high school or from a community college can shorten time to degree completion and make it easier for students to pursue dual or double majors and build on minors or certificate programs from across VCU.

Student learning outcomes

Upon completing this program, students will know how to do the following:

Foreign language program core outcomes

  • Demonstrate oral and aural communication skills in context
  • Demonstrate written communication skills
  • Demonstrate critical and analytical reading skills
  • Demonstrate literary and cultural competency​

Spanish concentration-specific outcomes

  • Demonstrate proficiency in speaking, listening, reading and writing in Spanish
  • Demonstrate historical, literary and cultural competency in the Spanish-speaking world

Experiential learning and study abroad

Each student completing a degree program within the School of World Studies is required to complete a World ePass as part of their experiential learning requirement; students are also encouraged to participate in a study abroad program. For more information on the ePass portfolio and study abroad opportunities, students may visit the overview page for the School of World Studies.

Special requirements

To earn a Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Language, students must complete at least 39 credits within the major, 33 credits of which must be upper-level (300-level or above), with a minimum major GPA of 2.25.

All foreign language majors, students transferring credits from study abroad and transfer students who major in a foreign language must include in their target-language course work a minimum of 12 VCU credits. Both credit and distribution requirements (minimum of 11 courses in target language) for the concentration must be satisfied.

Foreign language majors who plan on becoming language teachers in the K-12 school system are required to complete a total of 30 credits of upper level (300- and 400-level) course work in one target language to meet certification requirements.

Degree requirements for Foreign Language, Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) with a concentration in Spanish

Course Title Hours
General education
Select 30 credits of general education courses in consultation with an adviser.30
Major requirements
• Major core requirements
WRLD 302Communicating Across Cultures3
WRLD 490Seminar in World Cultures and Languages3
• Additional major requirements
SPAN 201Intermediate Spanish I 13
SPAN 202Intermediate Spanish II 13
SPAN 300Communication and Composition3
SPAN 301Self and Society: Effective Writing3
SPAN 320Civilization of Spain I3
or SPAN 321 Latin American Civilization I
SPAN 331Survey of Latin American Literature3
or SPAN 330 Survey of Spanish Literature
Choose one of the following oral communication-based courses:3
Oral Communication
Spanish Conversation and Film
Spanish Through the Media
Choose six credits of 300-level SPAN electives from the list below, or 400-level SPAN electives.6
• Major electives
Select SPAN courses (400 level) from list below. May include up to three credits of FRLG 493, SETI 400, SETI 410 or SETI 420.6
Ancillary requirements
HUMS 202Choices in a Consumer Society1
WRLD 495World ePass Portfolio0
Experiential fine arts (course offered by the School of the Arts)1-3
• Experiential learning0-3
Select one of the following:
Major-specific service-learning course
Study abroad program
Internship (FRLG 493, INTL 493, WRLD 493 or other preapproved internship opportunities)
Foreign language through the 102 level (by course or placement) 20-6
Open electives
Select any course38-49
Total Hours120

Higher level placement score for these 200-level courses determines the starting point of the degree. Students who test above the course level fulfill the surpassed course credits with 300- or 400-level electives.  


In order to begin upper-level course work in any foreign language, students must have consecutively completed these courses or must prove the equivalent proficiency level through placement testing.

The minimum number of credit hours required for this degree is 120.

SPAN electives

Course Title Hours
300-level courses
SPAN 302Literary Readings and Composition3
SPAN 320Civilization of Spain I3
SPAN 321Latin American Civilization I3
SPAN 322Hispanic Immigrants in the U.S.3
SPAN 330Survey of Spanish Literature3
SPAN 331Survey of Latin American Literature3
SPAN 332Latino Writers in the U.S.3
400-level courses
FRLG 493World Languages Internship1-3
SETI 400Spanish-English Comparative Grammar3
SETI 410Introduction to Spanish-English Translation3
SETI 420Introduction to Spanish-English Interpretation3
SPAN 402Language Issues in the Spanish-speaking World3
SPAN 403History of the Spanish Language1-3
SPAN 414Commercial Spanish1-3
SPAN 420Civilization of Spain II1-3
SPAN 421Civilization of Latin America II1-3
SPAN 422Spanish and Latin American Cinema1-3
SPAN 430Literary Genres1-3
SPAN 431Literary Periods1-3
SPAN 432Hispanic Culture Through Literature3
SPAN 433Don Quixote3
SPAN 485Spanish Study Abroad1-12
SPAN 491Topics in Spanish1-3
SPAN 492Independent Study1-3

What follows is a sample plan that meets the prescribed requirements within a four-year course of study at VCU. Please contact your adviser before beginning course work toward a degree.

Freshman year
Fall semesterHours
SPAN 101 Beginning Spanish I 3
UNIV 111 Play VideoPlay course video for Introduction to Focused Inquiry: Investigation and Communication Introduction to Focused Inquiry: Investigation and Communication (satisfies general education UNIV foundations) 3
General education course (select quantitative foundations) 3-4
General education course 3
General education course 3
 Term Hours: 15-16
Spring semester
SPAN 102 Beginning Spanish II 3
UNIV 112 Play VideoPlay course video for Focused Inquiry II Focused Inquiry II (satisfies general education UNIV foundations) 3
General education course 3
General education course 3
General education course 3
 Term Hours: 15
Sophomore year
Fall semester
SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I 3
UNIV 200 Advanced Focused Inquiry: Literacies, Research and Communication (satisfies general education UNIV foundations) 3
General education course 3
Open electives 6
 Term Hours: 15
Spring semester
HUMS 202 Choices in a Consumer Society 1
SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II 3
WRLD 302 Communicating Across Cultures 3
Experiential fine arts (course offered by the School of the Arts) 1-3
Open electives 5-7
 Term Hours: 15
Junior year
Fall semester
SPAN 300 Communication and Composition 3
SPAN 305
Oral Communication
or Spanish Conversation and Film
or Spanish Through the Media
Open electives 9
 Term Hours: 15
Spring semester
On-campus or study abroad semester  
SPAN 301 Self and Society: Effective Writing 3
SPAN 320
Civilization of Spain I
or Latin American Civilization I
SPAN 330
Survey of Spanish Literature
or Survey of Latin American Literature
300-level SPAN elective 3
Open electives 3
 Term Hours: 15
Summer semester
Study abroad (recommended):  
Upper-level SPAN courses that meet concentration, elective or experiential learning requirements 0-6
(Note that credits completed during study abroad will decrease open electives needed in subsequent semesters.)  
 Term Hours: 0-6
Senior year
Fall semester
300-level SPAN elective 3
400-level SPAN electives 6
Open electives 6
World ePass site creation  
 Term Hours: 15
Spring semester
FRLG 493 World Languages Internship (or SPAN elective at 400 level or above) 3
WRLD 490 Seminar in World Cultures and Languages (capstone) 3
WRLD 495 World ePass Portfolio 0
Open electives 9
 Term Hours: 15
 Total Hours: 120-127

The minimum number of credit hours required for this degree is 120.

Accelerated B.A. and M.S.

The accelerated B.A. and M.S. program allows qualified students to earn both the B.A. in Foreign Language with a concentration in Spanish and M.S. in Business with a concentration in marketing management in a minimum of five years by completing up to 12 credit hours of approved graduate courses during the senior year of their undergraduate program. Students in the program may count up to three credit hours of graduate courses toward both the B.A. and M.S. degrees. Thus, the two degrees may be earned with a minimum of 147 credits rather than the 150 credits necessary if the two degrees are pursued separately.

In their senior year students would also take up to nine credit hours of graduate-level foundations courses, which are prerequisites for the graduate program.

Students holding these degrees will be very competitive due to the combined knowledge and skills in language, culture and business and will be well prepared for success in an increasingly global marketplace.

Entrance to the accelerated program

Interested undergraduate students should consult with their adviser as early as possible to receive specific information about the accelerated program, determine academic eligibility and submit (no later than two semesters prior to graduating with a baccalaureate degree, that is, before the end of the spring semester of their junior year) an Accelerated Program Declaration Form to be approved by the graduate program director. Limited spaces may be available in the accelerated program. Academically qualified students may not receive approval if capacity has been reached.

Minimum qualifications for entrance to this accelerated program include completion of 90 undergraduate credit hours including WRLD 302 and 21 credits earned at the 300-level in SPAN; an overall GPA of 3.25; and a GPA of 3.0 in the major course work. Students who do not meet the minimum GPA requirements may submit GRE scores to receive further consideration. Students who are interested in the accelerated program should consult with the faculty adviser to the M.S. in Business with a concentration in marketing management program before they have completed 90 credits. Successful applicants would enter the program in the fall semester of their senior year.

Once enrolled in the accelerated program, students must meet the standards of performance applicable to graduate students as described in the “Satisfactory academic progress” section of the Graduate Bulletin, including maintaining a 3.0 GPA. Guidance to students admitted to the accelerated program is provided by both the undergraduate School of World Studies adviser and the faculty adviser to the graduate program.

Admission to the graduate program

Entrance to the accelerated program enables the student to take the approved shared courses that will apply to the undergraduate and graduate degrees. However, entry into an accelerated program via an approved Accelerated Program Declaration Form does not constitute application or admission into the graduate program. Admission to the graduate program requires a separate step that occurs through a formal application to the master’s program, which is submitted through Graduate Admissions no later than a semester prior to graduation with the baccalaureate degree, that is, before the end of the fall semester of the senior year. In order to continue pursuing the master’s degree after the baccalaureate degree is conferred, accelerated students must follow the admission to graduate study requirements outlined in the VCU Bulletin. Three reference letters (at least one from a School of World Studies faculty member) must accompany the application.

Degree requirements

The Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Language degree will be awarded upon completion of a minimum of 120 credits and the satisfactory completion of all undergraduate degree requirements as stated in the Undergraduate Bulletin.

A maximum of 12 graduate credits may be taken prior to completion of the baccalaureate degree. These graduate credits will apply toward open elective credits for the undergraduate degree. Three of these credits, MKTG 672, are shared with the graduate program, meaning that they will be applied to both undergraduate and graduate degree requirements. Nine credits are foundation courses for the graduate program and apply to the undergraduate degree only.

The graduate business courses that may be taken as an undergraduate once a student is admitted to the program — and how they apply — are shown in the table below.

Course Title Hours
ACCT 507Fundamentals of Accounting (graduate foundation; satisfies open elective in undergraduate program)3
MKTG 672Influencing Consumer Behavior (shared between undergraduate and graduate programs)3
FIRE 520Financial Concepts of Management (graduate foundation; satisfies open elective in undergraduate program)3
SCMA 524Statistical Fundamentals for Business Management (graduate foundation; satisfies open elective in undergraduate program)3

Recommended course sequence/plan of study

What follows is the recommended plan of study for students interested in the accelerated program beginning in the fall of the junior year prior to admission to the accelerated program in the senior year.

Course Title Hours
Junior year
Fall semester
SPAN 300Communication and Composition3
SPAN 305Oral Communication3
or SPAN 307 Spanish Conversation and Film
or SPAN 311 Spanish Through the Media
ECON 300Contemporary Economic Issues3
ECON 301Microeconomic Theory3
Open electives3
Term Hours:15
Spring semester (on-campus or study abroad semester)
SPAN 301Self and Society: Effective Writing3
SPAN 320Civilization of Spain I3
or SPAN 321 Latin American Civilization I
SPAN 330Survey of Spanish Literature3
or SPAN 331 Survey of Latin American Literature
SPAN elective (300-level)3
ECON 302Macroeconomic Theory3
Term Hours:15
Senior year
Fall semester
SPAN elective (300-level or higher)3
SPAN electives at 400-level or higher6
World ePass completion0
ACCT 507Fundamentals of Accounting3
SCMA 524Statistical Fundamentals for Business Management3
Term Hours:15
Spring semester
FRLG 493World Languages Internship (or SPAN elective at 400 level or higher)3
WRLD 490Seminar in World Cultures and Languages (capstone)3
FIRE 520Financial Concepts of Management3
MKTG 672Influencing Consumer Behavior3
Open electives3
Term Hours:15
Fifth year
Fall semester
MKTG 671Marketing Management3
MKTG 675Digital Marketing3
MKTG 679Brand Strategy3
Term Hours:15
Spring semester
MKTG 657Market Planning Project3
Term Hours:12